International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
Although the situation has improved somewhat re-
cently, a series of collisions have occurred in some
Japanese sea routes between hydrofoil-type super
high-speed vessels (hereafter HF vessels”; Fig. 1)
and large marine life and continue to concern
transport officials and other relevant peoples to this
issue. These collisions are often the target of marine
accident inquiries that examine the responsible fac-
tors, and it would be accurate to state that in most
instances, the collisions involve cetaceans (Fig. 2).
Thus, such collisions not only negatively impact safe
navigation, but also represent a risk to the survival
of cetaceans.
Figure 1. Hydrofoil type of high-speed vessel, which are used
for important high-speed sea routes linking remote islands with
the Japanese mainland. (Photograph by H. Kato)
Figure 2. Sperm whale, a whale species with a high collision
risk with hydrofoil-type super high-speed vessels. Their popu-
lation in the waters around Japan has increased in recent years.
(Photograph by H. Kato)
Towards Safer Navigation of Hydrofoils:
Avoiding Sudden Collisions with Cetaceans
H. Kato, H. Yamada, K. Shakata, A. Odagawa, R. Kagami & Y. Yonehara
Tokyo University of Marin Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Tokyo, Japan
M. Terada & K. Sakuma
KHI JPS Co., Ltd., Kobe, Japan
H. Mori & I. Tanaka
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Kobe, Japan
H. Sugioka & M. Kyo
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan
ABSTRACT: Recently, sudden collisions between large cetaceans and high-speed hydrofoils have become
problematic to Japanese sea transport in some localities. We therefore initiated a project to investigate ap-
proaches for minimizing risk to both ships and cetaceans. Under the present project, the following three sub-
projects are underway: clarifying which whale species are found near sea routes and determining their season-
al variations; identifying whale species that have a high collision risk; and determining the unique acoustic
characteristics of high-collision-risk cetaceans for the improvement of underwater speakers (UWS). By con-
ducting acoustic surveys using novel methods, including an anatomical approach based on characteristics of
the inner ear, the aim of this project is to accurately estimate the audible range of species with a high collision
risk and improve the sounds generated by the UWS. Thus far, we have identified the cetacean species at high-
risk in two major sea routes. In the next phase of the study we plan to develop an imaging system that recog-
nizes a cetacean's unique blow using an infrared camera, in an attempt to warn of the approach of high-
collision-risk whale species at an early stage by sounding an alarm.
Beginning around the year 2000 in Europe, the
Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the
Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlan-
tic Area (ACCOBAMS), which is based on the Bonn
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Spe-
cies of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS), was formed in
response to increased concerns about collisions be-
tween large cetaceans and ships. In tandem, discus-
sions were also initiated at the International Whaling
Commission (IWC), which is the main organization
for the management of cetacean stocks and whaling
issues. In 2008, at the 60th IWC Annual Meeting
held in Santiago, Chile, cooperation with the Inter-
national Maritime Organization (IMO) was strength-
ened, as proposed by the Netherlands, and this coop-
eration was also promoted at the 61st IWC Annual
Meeting held in June 2009 in Madeira, Portugal.
Under this cooperative effort, both international or-
ganizations organized the Joint IWC-ACCOBAMS
Workshop on Reducing Risk of Collisions between
Vessels and Cetaceans (Anon, 2010).
Against this background, this paper outlines our
research project aimed at reducing risks to both
ships and cetaceans against sudden collisions, par-
ticularly for large cetaceans, and discusses future di-
rections in this field. The main sections of this paper
have been taken from selected sections presented in
a previous paper by Kato (2009).
The IWC, ACCOBAMS, and IMO regard collisions
between large cetaceans and super high-speed ves-
sels as one of significant threats to the survival of
cetaceans. Their main strategies for deterring such
collisions are clear and simple, and involve requiring
HF vessels to settle on the surface and reduce speed
whenever whales appear, and establishing protection
areas for whales. However, as these approaches will
not always prevent collisions, additional research
projects to identify more effective strategies are nec-
Japan, which is completely surrounded by sea,
has a population of approximately 130 million peo-
ple. The Japanese population is predominantly con-
centrated in urban areas, whereas in rural and moun-
tainous areas, extreme depopulation is occurring.
The numerous islands surrounding Japan are no ex-
ception; the depopulation of the once well-
developed islands will devastate them, leading to
environmental damage and disturbances to the coast-
line, which will eventually penetrate the offshore ar-
eas. HF vessel services help limit the depopulation
of the islands, as they drastically shorten the travel
time between them and the mainland, making fre-
quent travel more feasible. However, increases in the
number and frequency of HF vessels on sea routes
poses increased risk for collisions between vessels
and cetaceans. . The main goal of our research pro-
ject is to identify effective approaches for limiting
the risks associated with collisions between large ce-
taceans and HF vessels.
In April 2006, the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry
of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism es-
tablished a committee for considering safety
measures for HF vessels. The Laboratory for Ceta-
cean Biology at Tokyo University of Marine Science
and Technology, based on the working group estab-
lished by the above-mentioned committee, began
conducting research on collision avoidance by seek-
ing the cooperation of Kawasaki Shipbuilding Cor-
poration, a maker of Jetfoils (JF) which are the main
type of hydrofoil-type HF vessels, KHI JPS Co.,
Ltd., which is in charge of HF vessel maintenance,
and several additional companies, such as Sado
Kisen Co., Ltd., and Tokai Kisen Co., Ltd., which
operate JF services.
A number of HF vessels are equipped with un-
derwater speakers (UWS) that emit sound waves
with the aim of repelling cetaceans. However,
whales (86 species in total; 14 species within the
suborder Mysticeti and 72 species within the subor-
der Odontoceti, as recognized by the Scientific
Committee of the IWC in 2010) differ markedly in
their acoustic characteristics depending on the spe-
cies, particularly between baleen whales, which are
highly adapted to the ocean, and toothed whales,
which have retained numerous traits from their ter-
restrial mammal ancestors (Fig. 3).
Figure. 3 Differences in the sonar frequency bands of cetacean
species grouped at the sub-order level of taxon. Cited literature
for sonar frequencies: Mysticeti (baleen whales), Au, 2000;
Odontoceti (toothed whales), Backus and Schevill, 1966.
Due to the large variations in sonar frequency
bands among cetaceans, questions remain concern-
ing the efficacy of the currently used UWS. It is also
not clear what type of sound each whale species can
hear, particularly by large cetacean species, which
are difficult to keep in captivity. However, working
on the assumption that cetaceans are capable of
hearing calls of their fellow whales, we propose
identifying the hearing range of high-collision-risk
cetacean species using a novel method.
To this end, the following two sub-projects have
been established:
1 Clarify which whale species are found near ship-
ping routes and determine their seasonal varia-
tions to identify whale species that have a high
collision risk, and then reflect their unique acous-
tic characteristics in UWS. To achieve this goal,
we have initiated the following sub-projects.
Analysis of visual data typically collected by
ship crews in service
Visual surveys to determine whale species by
whale specialists
Improvement in the accuracy of typical visual
data collection by visual training of ship crews
to identify whale species
Improvement in the identification accuracy of
cetacean species and detection ability through
the introduction of high-definition video cam-
eras. Identify whale species with a high colli-
sion risk based on surveys of whale body size
and the above research results, and then modify
the sounds generated by UWS for each route
and season
2 Conduct acoustic surveys using novel approach-
es, with the aim of estimating the audible range of
whale species with a high collision risk.
Estimations using an anatomical approach of
the inner ear
Estimations from correlations with vocal char-
Further improvement of the sounds generated
by UWS based on the above findings
With regards to sub-project (1), significant pro-
gress has been made, and the results have been com-
piled in two Master’s theses submitted to Graduate
School, Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology (Odagawa, 2007; Shakata, 2008).
In addition to the analyses presented in these two
theses, we collected further survey data until 2010.
Through analyses of visual data typically collected
and data from specialized cetacean sightings on the
major HF vessel sea routes from Tokyo to Okada on
Izu-Ohsima Island and from Niigata to Ryotsu on
Sado Island (Fig. 4), we were able to identify the
high-risk species and their peak season for predict-
ing the most probable months for collisions (Table
Table 1. High-risk cetacean species involved in collisions with
HF vessels and their peak season associated with selected sea
Sea route Critical species Season
Tokyo Okada
Sperm whale Year round with
(Izu-Ohshima Island)
(Physeter peak in Oct.-Dec
Baird’s beaked whale May-Aug.
(Berardius bairdii)
Niigata R
yotsu Minke whale Year round with
(Sado Island)
(Balaenoptera peak in Apr.-May
Table 2. Estimated vocal frequencies for sperm and Brydes
whales based on vocalizations collected from field surveys us-
ing a hydrophone (from Yamada et al., 2011).
Survey location Species Vocal
frequency (kHz)
Tosa Bay Bryde's whale 0.15-0.40
(Balaenoptera edeni),
Mysticeti (baleen whales)
Bonin Island Sperm whale 1.90-4.80
(Physeter macrocephalus)
Odontoceti (toothed whales)
With respect to sub-project (2), we have been
conducting field surveys for the collection of natural
vocalizations of several large cetaceans. The results
of this work are described in the report by Yamada
et al. (2011), submitted to the same volume as the
separate dedicated paper.
Figure 4. Map showing the two major HF vessel sea routes for
Tokyo - Izu Ohshima Island (bottom right) and Niigata - Sado
Island (top right).
Due to logistical limitations to access large ceta-
ceans, we prioritized two field sites to collect vocali-
zations from Brydes whales (Balaenoptera edeni)
and sperm whales, which were located in the neritic
waters off Kochi (Tosa Bay; approx. 33N–133E)
and in the waters off the southern coast of Chichi-
jima Island (Bonin Islands; 27N-142.2E), respective-
ly, which are promising locations to access these ce-
tacean species. As reported in Yamada et al. (2011),
the observed ranges of vocal frequencies were 1.90-
4.80 kHz and 0.15-0.40 kHz for sperm and Brydes
whales, respectively (Table 2). As both upper values
for the vocal frequencies of the two species are
higher than the reported values presented in Fig. 1,
this finding may allow the signals emitted by UWS
to be modified for increased efficacy.
Although vocal frequencies provide indirect evi-
dence of the audible (frequency) range, more direct
measurements clearly represent a more suitable ap-
proach in the context of UWS. Yamada et al. (2011)
also reported the predicted audible range for several
large cetaceans determined using an anatomical ap-
proach of the inner ear: 0.12-15.00 kHz and 0.11-
31.10 kHz for the common minke and Bairds
beaked whale, respectively (Table 3). Due to differ-
ences in the species examined, the values estimated
using this approach cannot be directly compared to
those of the vocal frequency estimated in the field
surveys. However, as similarities in vocal character-
istics are generally expected among related taxon
groups (Fig. 1), comparisons among Balaenoptera
species (common minke whale - Bryde’s whales)
would appear to be valid.
Table 3. Predicted audible ranges for the common minke and
Bairds beaked whales based on anatomical approaches using
the inner ear (from Yamada et al., 2011).
Sampling location Species Predicted
frequency (kHz)
Off Ishinomaki, Common minke whale 0.12 - 15.93
Miyagi, Japan
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
(Pacific coast) Mysticeti (baleen whales)
Off Wadaura Baird's beaked whale 0.27 - 33.09
Chiba, Japan
(Berardius bairdii),
(Pacific coast) Odontoceti (toothed whales)
From the reported literature, it was confirmed that
the audible range is wider than that of the vocal fre-
quency range, indicating that cetaceans can hear
sounds of higher frequency than of their own vocali-
zations, at least among Balaenoptera cetaceans and
also likely among Mysticeti cetaceans. Although the
obtained evidence is not strong enough to reach a
firm conclusion, this nature of cetaceans (i.e, audible
range > vocal frequency range) is likely also true
among Odontoceti species, as determined from the
comparison between the vocal frequency of sperm
whales and the audible range of Bairds beaked
whale. As a further step for reducing risk of colli-
sions between HF and cetaceans, this rationale can
be implied for the improvement of UWS.
To minimize risks for both HF vessels and ceta-
ceans, we are presently preparing interim proposals
for improving specifications of UWS by taking into
account the results of the present project; these im-
provements are ongoing and are halfway complete.
First, it is necessary to adjust the sounds generat-
ed by UWS using appropriate acoustic specifications
of the high-risk cetacean species for which sudden
collisions are to be avoided. We have already identi-
fied the critical cetacean species to be sperm whales
and Brides whales in the Tokyo-Izu-Ohshima sea
route, and common minke whales in the Niigata-
Ryotsu sea route. For the seas routes in other locali-
ties, identification of the critical species through ce-
tacean sighting surveys is an essential first step.
For the improvement of UWS, it is of critical im-
portance to identify the most effective sound fre-
quency to repel the critical cetaceans. In this regard,
Yamada et al. (2011) suggested that existing UWS
(operating at 6-20 kHz) should be modified to pro-
duce frequencies less than 15 kHz for common min-
ke whales, less than 0.4 kHz for Brydes whales, and
less than 4.8 kHz for middle to large-toothed whales,
such as sperm whales. However, it is unknown
whether such modification is technically feasible, or
if installation of the necessary hardware is realistic.
Therefore, more investigations are needed to better
estimate the audible range for critical cetacean spe-
cies, and to determine the required technical and
mechanical improvements of UWS. Particularly, an
increased number of anatomical inner ear samples is
expected to help clarify the audible range and effec-
tive frequency for deterring high-collision-risk ceta-
cean species.
In the course of our investigations and research for
the improvement of UWS, specific challenges for
future research have been identified. We previously
attempted to introduce high-definition cameras to
improve the accuracy of identifying whale species,
but a new technique for obtaining high-quality im-
ages has emerged that might contribute to the early
detection of whales, as well as allow the more accu-
rate identification of cetacean species.
In a potential application utilizing this imaging
technique, we are considering constructing a system
that recognizes a whale's unique blow in an image to
warn of the approach of high-collision-risk cetacean
species at an early stage by sounding an alarm by
UWS. We have already initiated the implementation
of such a system, as outlined in a pilot study by
Yonehara et al. (2011). Although some collisions are
inevitable, considering the user friendliness of cur-
rent HF vessels and the high ability of crew mem-
bers to steer and maneuver ships, we believe that if
an approaching cetacean is detected in advance, the
frequency of collisions with large cetaceans can be
drastically reduced.
The positions of the HF vessel manufacturers and
operating companies regarding this issue have been
very positive, and further efforts are being made in
the pursuit of greater safety for both passengers and
Our sincerely thanks are due to cooperation with the
managers, officers, and ship crew of the HF vessel
operating companies, Sado Kisen Co., Ltd. and To-
kai Kisen Co., Ltd. We also thank the many officers
of the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Land, In-
frastructure, Transport and Tourism for their initial
Anonymous. 2010. Report of the joint IWC-ACCOBAMS
workshop on reducing risk of collisions between vessels
and cetaceans. Report of the joint IWC-ACCOBAMS work-
shop on ship strikes :1-42.
Au, W.W.L. 2000. Hearing in whales and dolphins; An over-
view. In W. W. L. Au, A. N. Popper & R. R. Fay (eds.)
Hearing by whales and dolphins: 1-42. New York: Spring-
Backus, R. and W.E. Schevill. 1966. "Physeter clicks," in
Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins. In K. S. Norris (ed.)
Whales, dolphins, and porpoises. : 510-528. California:
Kato, H. 2009. Towards Avoiding Collisions between Super
High-speed Vessels and Whales. The Ship & Ocean News-
Odagawa, A. 2007. Fundamental research of collision avoid-
ance between cetaceans and super high-speed vessels. Mas-
ter Thesis, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Tech-
nology :1-105.
Shakata, K. 2009. Fundamental research of collision avoidance
between cetaceans and super high speed vessels - Analysis
for the occurrence of cetaceans on the sea routes and in-
crease in precision of cetacean identification by the intro-
duction of video camera research-. Master thesis, Tokyo
University of Marine Science and Technology :1-90.
Yamada, H., L. Kagami, Y. Yonehara, H. Matsunaga, M. Te-
rada, K. Okanoya, T. Kawamoto & H. Kato. 2011. Estimat-
ed audible range of large cetacean for improvement of the
Under Water Speaker. The TransNav2011 monographs.
Yonehara, Y., L. Kagami, H. Yamada, H. Kato, M. Terada &
S. Okada. 2011. Feasibility study for infrared detecting of
large cetaceans to avoid sudden collision. The Trans-
Nav2011 monographs.