Weather types from Group B can be observed
as early as in the second decade of October and in
the first of November but continuously only from
the third decade of November till the second dec-
ade of April, reaching 20% frequency only in two
decades, i.e. in the third decade of December and
second decade of February. The weather types
from Group C never reach frequency of 50%.
Weather types from the last group reach maxi-
mum exceeding 90% frequency in a few decades-
the third decade of April, May, July and August
and the first decade of May and second decade in
June. None of these decades are marked by fre-
quency lower than 40%.
The analysis of climatograms drawn for Polish sea
ports indicates that each of them has its own clear-
ly defined structure of weather. In all of them both
frequency as well as distribution in time of weather
which is unfavorable for their operation is unique.
The weather types from Group A are most fre-
quently noted in the port of Ustka and Gdańsk and
least frequently in Elblag and Hel. In a case of
Gdansk the weather of this group was observed in
12 and in Ustka in 11 decades, in Elbląg in two
decades in Kołobrzeg in four decades, and in
Świnoujście in five. Weather types from this group
in none of these ports and in none of the decades
reached frequency exceeding 10% which means
that they are not observed every year – so they are
weather types occurring from time to time only.
The weather types from Group A for the first time
in an annual cycle appear as early as second dec-
ade of November (Łeba, Kołobrzeg) and the latest
in the third decade of December (Hel). For the last
time these types of weather are noted in the first
decade of April (such a situation takes place in five
out of seven analyzed ports). Thus, it may be stated
that the most unfavorable weather types are ob-
served, not surprisingly, only during autumn, win-
ter and spring seasons. In the analyzed ports it is
only Gdansk were the weather is noted in a contin-
uous way from the second decade of December un-
til the first decade of April. In the other ports dec-
ades with weather types from Group A are
separated by decades during which such weather
type is not observed.
Weather types which do not have direct influ-
ence on the efficiency of port operation, i.e. weath-
er types characterized by positive air temperatures
during the whole day, without clouds, without pre-
cipitation and calm are most frequently observed
from April till September. The 80% frequency is
observed in the decades starting from the first dec-
ade of April in Świnoujście, second decade in
April in Hel, the third decade in April in Gdansk,
Ustka and in Kołobrzeg, and in Łeba in the third
decade in May. For the last time such high fre-
quency is noted in the third decade of September
(Elblag, Gdańsk, Hel, Świnoujście), in the third
decade of August (Ustka) and in the third decade
of July (Kołobrzeg). Thus, the periods covering
summer, late spring and early autumn turn to be
most favorable for carrying out port operations in
Polish ports.
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