The annual sea level maxima in Gdańsk varied
from 570 cm (as in the definition - for Gdańsk the
alarm level was 570 cm, although the lowest value
of the annual sea level maxima is 557 cm) to 644 cm
and the most frequent were values ranging between
590 and 600 cm in 1955-2008 (intervals are left-
closed). In 1955-1981 period the most frequent were
the peak values of the annual sea level maxima rang-
ing between 600 and 610 cm (22%), then followed
the values between 560 and 600 cm (the same val-
ues). The maximal values of the sea level ranged be-
tween 630 and 640 cm. In 1982-2008 the frequen-
cies of the annual sea level maxima have been
shifted to the higher values. However, the most fre-
quent were the peak values between 590 and 600
cm, but the maximal annual sea level was in the
higher range of 640-650 cm.
The frequency distribution of the annual sea level
maxima (for 10 cm intervals) in Świnoujście within
two periods - of 1955-1981 and of 1982-2008 is
shown in the Figures 3. The distribution of the sea
level maxima in Świnoujście differs from that of
Gdańsk, but the frequencies of the annual sea level
maxima in 1982-2008 haves been shifted also to the
higher values.
Figure 3. Frequency distribution of annual sea level maxima
(for 10 cm intervals, e.g. 550-559 ect.), Świnoujście, 1955-
1981 and 1982-2008
In Świnoujście the annual sea level maxima var-
ied from 580 cm (as in the definition - for
Świnoujście the alarm level was 580 cm) to 669 cm,
and in 1955-2008, maximum was between 580-590
cm (intervals are left-closed). Thus the maximal an-
nual values of sea level were shifted from a range of
630-640 cm to 660-670 cm. Distribution of the an-
nual mean sea level (frequencies) indicates also an
increase in their amount in a last period and trend of
changes is also growing.
On base these of results one can ascertain, that in
nearest period threat of storm surges on sea-coast
will grow, what will influence on necessity of more
precise forecasts and of information on theme of
storm surges, flooding and coastal erosion hazard.
2.1 Storm surges indicator for the Polish coast
Proper classification is in terms of conditions of
storm surges occurrence, gives the opportunity to
compare and assess the risks of different and often
separated areas. The storm surges indicator ”W” in-
dicator has been worked out to satisfy researches on
climate, weather forecasting, navigation and sea
ports operation planning. General aim is the devel-
opment of innovative methods for mitigation of haz-
ard in the context of increasing storminess and sea
level rise. In addition, the research works were
aimed at assessment of the storm surges threat to
various water areas of the Polish Baltic coastal zone
and correlativeness of the regional indicators and
climate variability. The appropriate classification of
regions in respect of surge occurrence conditions of-
fers a possibility of comparison and assessment of
the threat to differential, located often at quite a dis-
tance apart water areas and in future, a possibility of
seasonal storm surges forecasting.
There has been preformed identification of fac-
tors, conditioning and determining storm surges oc-
currence at the Polish sea coast. The meteorological
and hydrological factors have been indicated, analy-
sis of the selected parameters carried out. There has
been examined correlativeness of the maximal surge
height and other parameters and magnitudes: atmos-
pheric circulation, atmospheric pressure, wind veloc-
ity and direction, differences in water and air tem-
peratures, also the mean monthly temperature of air
within the specific years of the period in question in
Świnoujście. The obtained considerable values of
the correlation coefficients were used to select the
parameters conditioning a storm surge size. On such
a basis the concept of the storm surges indicator
“W” has been worked out.
2.1.1 Storm surges indicator “W”
The indicator “W” is related to the number of storm
surges observed at stations in the particular region
and the maximal wind velocity and the maximal sea
level occurring in a time of the same storm surge.
The storm surges indicator “W” comprises the pa-
rameters specified below; thus:
where i = number of observing storm surges in
month, year or season; V = maximal wind velocity
[m/s] observed within a time of a singular surge; H =
maximal high of sea level [m] within a time of a sin-
gular surge; and 0.1 = numerical coefficient [m/s
Thus; the storm surges indicator ”W” is used to
compare a threat with storm to different areas. It also
displays a potential risk which may occur in circum-
stances of changing the meteorological conditions –