International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
In comparison with other modes, shipping is the
most economical means of transportation and over
90% of world’s trade is being routed through ships.
Ships use various oils in their machineries and also
transport oils. This gives scope for oil pollution of
the oceans. Controlling pollution lies in the compe-
tency of the professionals operating the ships. Train-
ing provides the skills and knowledge to carry out
the ship operations efficiently.
The STCW regulates the maritime training in
substance as also in conduct of pre-sea training,
post-sea training and assessment of competencies.
The aspects of environmental pollution by oil, chem-
icals, garbage, sewage, emissions et al., are ad-
dressed in these standards. MARPOL (Marpol
73/78) lays down regulations for constructional and
operational aspects with regards to environmental
protection. Various bodies like Port State Control
etc. ensure compliance of the regulations. Non com-
pliance will result in various control measures. To-
wards the later half of the last century, regulations
and control measures have become stricter, especial-
ly on the environmental front.
Because of these stern measures, oil spills have
reduced significantly as shown in Table 1. In the re-
cent years, violations on these types of oil pollutions
have resulted in heavy monetary fines and incarcera-
tion punishments, often leading to criminalisation of
Human Factors as Causes for Shipboard Oil
Pollution Violations
A.H. Saharuddin & A. Osnin
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
R. Balaji
Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM)
ABSTRACT: Shipping is a crucial transportation mode for world trade. Operation of ships has become a spe-
cialisation. Maritime training addresses the needs and in doing so is heavily regulated. STCW lays down the
requirements for such training and all training patterns in the world follow these. An important aspect of the
training is the environmental factor. Ships use and carry large quantities of oils. This increases the potential
for pollution. The laws and penalties on this front have increased and become stricter. This has decreased the
operational pollution yet, there are violations occurring. The natures of violations are not only physical but al-
so in documentation such as falsification of Oil Record Book entries etc.
A study was undertaken to understand the effect of factors such as training, experience, attitude and fatigue on
the oil pollution violations. The adequacy and effectiveness of current maritime training has been verified
with reference to STCW and the recommended Lesson Plans of the IMO. Training apart, hypotheses on other
human factors have been framed and tested by statistical methods. In this paper the human factors of experi-
ence, attitude and fatigue are projected and the results are discussed. The various statistical methods such as
ANOVA, Chi-square and correlation analyses have been applied as appropriate to the nature of the data ob-
tained from the survey results. The survey conducted amongst seafaring officers formed the basis for the hy-
potheses and the tests.
Whereas training is found to be adequate, attitude and fatigue are shown to be the primary factors affecting oil
pollution violations. Negligent attitude appears to diminish with increased experience but good attitude to-
wards pollution prevention practices remain irrespective of the variation in experience or training. The factor
of fatigue has a mention in many studies and the study validates the same. The concerns on this front are
highlighted and recommendations for further probing into attitude-behaviour and fatigue are suggested.
Mind-set behaviour training at management levels and pro-activeness of companies in overcoming some rea-
sons for fatigue such as long working hours etc. are suggested. It is observed that attitude and fatigue could be
the main causal factors which are resulting in pollution violations.
the seafarer. Defences to liability are limited, as
proof of the offence does not require evidence of in-
tent or negligence (Hebden, 1995). A trend of crimi-
nalising pollution violations can be seen from the in-
crease in the number of environmental laws like the
recent European Union directive on pollution viola-
Table 1: Reduction in Oil spills (Global Scenario)
(Source: International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
Ltd., 2006)
In spite of these measures, pollution violations
continue to occur. BIMCO (Baltic International
Maritime Council) conducted a study (2006) and
Table 2 displays the number of analysed cases where
sanctions were taken against the seafarers for pollu-
tion violations, after a deliberate act or negligence
had been admitted or proven in court. The noticeable
feature of the report is that all of them were oil pol-
lution related offences.
Table 2: Pollution related violations; Findings in cases
(Source: BIMCO Report, March 2006)
Pre-2000 2000 2001 02 03 04 05
Malta 1
France (1)
Greece 1
Singapore 1
USA (25) 1 2 4 5 5 8
Total (29) 1 3 4 6 5 10
Note: In the French case, though the Master was fined, “it is
unclear whether or not there was an intent to break the law or if
negligence was involved”
Training of the officers imparts the knowledge of
regulations and the serious consequences of viola-
tions. In a grosser sense, the shipboard officer is giv-
en the responsibility of shipboard functions having
an environmental impact. He is termed as a “public
interest” officer (Hendrik, 2006) and therefore it is
recognised as a social responsibility not to violate.
Yet the incidence of violations indicates that there
could be other reasons for pollution violations being
committed by the officer. The Paper has highlighted
the results of a study undertaken under this perspec-
The classic Theory of reasoned action (Fishbein &
Ajzen, 1975) is based on the premise that intention
of a person predicts and influences the attitude of a
person. Attitude towards behaviour and subjective
norms are what could influence the intention itself.
Attitude towards behaviour is based on what people
think about the outcomes of their decision. Subjec-
tive norms are what people believe as acceptable be-
haviour or otherwise.
Oil pollution acts and falsification may be as-
sumed as the intended actions (attitude-behaviour).
A serious outcome will be the penalisation. With re-
gard to norms, it is unacceptable. Based on the theo-
ry, the outcome and the norms have to be considered
before any action. The action would constitute the
attitude-behaviour. The most important aspect is that
the seafarer must be aware of this. Awareness comes
from the knowledge. Knowledge in a profession is
gained from training and experience.
A traditional assumption in this regard is that in-
creases in knowledge (knowledge quantum) are as-
sociated with greater influence of attitudes on behav-
iour (Fabrigar et al, 2006). A study, using an open-
ended knowledge listing task, assessed attitudes to-
ward protecting the environment. The study found
that attitudes based on high amounts of knowledge
were more predictive of environment-related behav-
iour than were attitudes based on low amounts of
knowledge. It was also established with their exper-
iments that attitudes predicted behaviour, regardless
of complexity. Simply put, it may be assumed that
knowledge affected the attitude of a person’s profes-
sion related actions.
In an argumentative sense, with better knowledge
it can be expected that a person will exhibit a better
attitude while discharging his duties. Traditional
knowledge dissemination formats are curriculum
based training and on-the-job training. Development
of operational practices is the outcome of such train-
ing. For example, if it is known that oil pollution
causes harm to environment and also the person, it
will lead to a concerned attitude and the work prac-
tices will follow suit. On the other hand, a person
may still commit the violation being fully aware of
the knowledge. This may be presumed to be the neg-
ligent attitude. In reference to context, it may be said
that attitude-behaviour towards pollution prevention,
therefore, might have a relationship with knowledge
(training and experience). The comparative approach
of the study is then justified.
Additionally, some deliberations on maritime ed-
ucation and training are also reviewed to substantiate
the orientation of the study and its composition.
Feelings and beliefs of the learner are two compo-
nents of attitude identified in discussing concepts of
learning. It is observed that the learner feels anxious
about things he cannot do and confident about things
which are achieved (Baillie, 1997). It is further ob-
served that attitudes are closely associated with per-
sonal experiences. Knowledge, attitude and experi-
ence have a determining effect on behaviour of a
person in an ambience where professional skills are
put into use.
Further, a P&I Club report (UK P & I Club,
2005) on manning clearly identifies the human fac-
tors affecting the performance of the ship’s staff. An
analysis of the claims in Figure 1 indicates that hu-
man errors have been the causes for almost 42% of
the claims.
Figure 1: Main Causes of Major P&I Claims
The Report also identifies the factors which are
listed in Table 3. Morale, motivation, loyalty, condi-
tions of service and management policies can affect
the attitude. It is perceived that fatigue, training and
experience will have a greater influence on attitude-
behaviour resulting in violations. Training may be
assumed to be equal to all the officers but the inten-
sity and effect will require verification. On the other
hand, training itself can affect attitude.
Table 3: Human Factors Affecting Performance of Ship’s Staff
Factors Remarks
Fatigue Long working hours etc.,
Training Adequacy or intensity of training
Language Multinational crew
Conditions of service
Experience Lack of work exposure
Standards of Certification STCW
Environment Multi-cultural ambience
Management Policies Companies’ pro-activeness
The factor of motivation could affect the attitude
towards work practices. In an analysis of human fac-
tors affecting the performance of OWS (Oily Water
Separators), Hendrik (2006) makes some relevant
observations. It is observed that OWS and associated
systems exist for the benefit of the public rather than
for the owners and the crew. From the human factors
point of view, these systems are not automatically
functional and additional motivational procedures
are required. Two motivational procedures are men-
tioned, one, the threat of random and severe penal-
ties and secondly, the incentives for whistle blowers
(Hendrik, 2006). In analysing the root causes for
non-compliance with pollution procedures, it is ob-
served that behavioural causes contribute (Kumar &
Loney, 2008). The most significant predictor was the
‘expectation’ that a procedure or a regulation must
be violated because of the combined reasons of time
pressure, no alternative methods and poorly con-
structed procedures. The other predictors are a feel-
ing of control, opportunity for short cut and faulty
planning. The study focussed with the assumption
that these factors of training, attitude, experience and
fatigue have affecting relationships with oil pollu-
tion violations.
The factor of training was given an exclusive
treatment in the study such that the other factors
were tested with relevance to training. This paper
focuses on these factors alone with temporal shifts
on the factor of training.
The conceptual framework was shaped with two ap-
proaches as shown in Figure 2. The next step was to
find if any relationship exists between training, the
other human factors and oil pollution violations. Ad-
equacy of training was checked first and then the ex-
amination of relationships between the human fac-
tors followed. The study relied on data obtained
from a survey conducted amongst shipboard offic-
ers. The composition of the sample population was
largely Malaysian but a section of Indian officers
were included for better representation of the global
officers. While a miniscule percentage comprised of
other nationalities, in total, 522 officers were sur-
veyed. The officer sample contained engineers pre-
dominantly as the scope for oil pollution was greater
with the engineers.
Figure 2: Skeletal Framework of the Study
Table 4. Training: Measurement Methodology
Independent Variable Measurement Methodology Criteria Tested Hypotheses Decision adequate
1.Learning content: Syllabus. Content analysis of STCW’95, Content & training Adequacy of Training
IMO Lesson Plans & STCW’95 IMO Lesson Plans, training hours = or > prescribed Training
requirements hours & Syllabi
2. Analyses based on test scores ANOVA If Sig.F < 0.05 H
& H
for groups with varying amount then Reject H
Sig.F > 0.05
of training exposure (Awareness) then Accept H
3. Analyses based on acceptance ANOVA If Sig.F < 0.05 H
& H
and non- acceptance to violations then Reject H
Sig.F > 0.05
for groups with varying amount of then Accept H
training exposure (Attitude)
4. Analyses based on acceptance CHI SQUARE If Sig.Ψ
< 0.05 H
& H
to involvements in pollution then Reject H
> 0.05
violations for groups with varying then Accept H
amount of training exposure
Table 5: Human Factors: Measurement Methodology
Independent Variable Measurement Methodology Criteria Tested Hypotheses Decision adequate
1. Analyses based on test scores ANOVA If Sig.F < 0.05 H
& H
for groups with varying amount then Reject H
Sig.F > 0.05
of experience (Awareness) then Accept H
2. Analysis based on acceptance ANOVA If Sig.F < 0.05 H
& H
and non-acceptance to violations then Reject H
Sig.F > 0.05
for groups with varying amount then Accept H
of experience (Attitude)
3. Analyses based on correlation Correlation Analysis If Spearmans H
& H
between citing fatigue as a reason Coefficient, Spearman’s
to acceptance and non-acceptance ρ < 0.05, Coefficient ρ>0.05
for violations then Reject H
then Accept H
Table 6: Summary of Results-Hypotheses
Hypotheses Result
Training could be inadequate Training is adequate
: There is no significant difference in levels of oil pollution prevention awareness between officers Accept H
with varied hours of training
: There is significant difference in levels of oil pollution prevention awareness between officers with
varied hours of training
: There is no significant difference in attitude towards pollution prevention practices between officers Reject H
with varied hours of training
: There is significant difference in attitude towards pollution prevention practices between officers with
varied hours of training
: There is no significant relationship between number of hours of training and involvement in oil pollution Accept H
violation incidents
: There is significant relationship between number of hours of training and involvement in oil pollution
violation incidents
: There is no significant difference in levels of oil pollution prevention awareness between officers Reject H
with varied years of experience
: There is significant difference in levels of oil pollution prevention awareness between officers with
varied years of experience
: There is no significant difference in attitude towards pollution prevention practices between officers with Reject H
varied years of experience
: There is significant difference in attitude towards pollution prevention practices between officers with
varied years of experience
: There is no significant relationship between fatigue and pollution prevention practices Reject H
: There is significant relationship between fatigue and pollution prevention practices
Six hypotheses were framed of which, 5 were
based on the human factors of attitude, experience
and fatigue. The adequacy of training was checked
by content analysis of maritime training (engineer-
ing stream) syllabi with reference to STCW (Stand-
ards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping)
and IMO Lesson Plans. The statistical tests were
chosen according to the nature of the data and the
type of hypothesis. Appropriate criteria were estab-
lished for acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses.
The tests and criteria for validating the assumptions
of the study are projected in Table 4 and Table 5.
Further inputs were obtained from trainers attached
to maritime institutes.
The content analysis of the training syllabi and IMO
Lesson Plans showed no apparent lack of training.
The quantitative training appears to be sufficient
with 17 hours, which is well above the 15 hours in-
dicated in the IMO Lesson Plans in the post-sea sce-
nario. The hours of exposure to training on pollution
get enhanced if pre-sea quantum and the modular
courses were also considered. The other hypotheses
were verified by statistical tests, the results of which
are summarised in Table 6.
Tests of bad (negligent) attitude and good attitude
were conducted. While a deviation from normal, le-
gal oil pollution prevention practice was considered
as a bad attitude, conformance to rules was consid-
ered as good attitude. The sample population was
divided into 5 groups based on the levels of training
exposure and it was assumed that attitude differed
with the training exposure. Based on the ANOVA,
the next hypothesis, H
is rejected with Sig. levels
being equal (0.05). Also, the post-hoc tests indicate a
decline of test scores for bad attitude with an in-
crease in number of training hours. However, tests
on good attitude showed no difference
(Sig.0.611>0.05) and post-hoc tests showed no vari-
ation in average scores. It may be well assumed that
existent good attitude does not enhance or diminish
with increase in training hours. Good attitude is
prevalent irrespective of the amount of training,
while bad attitude reduces with increased amount of
training. A parallel may be drawn with the attitude-
behaviour patterns being affected by knowledge
(Fabrigar et al, 2006). Increase in knowledge (train-
ing) does influence the attitude-behaviour.
The next hypothesis to be tested was to see if
training made a difference to the officers’ involve-
ment in pollution incidents. A similar test was done
for the human factor of experience assuming that in-
creased experience will reduce involvement. Assum-
ing increased training would mean increased experi-
ence, the involvements were tested with groups with
varying experience. With Sig. Ψ
= 1.00 > 0.05, it is
seen that increase in experience does not affect
(bring down) pollution violations. Though this vali-
dates the acceptance of H
where training was the
factor, the relationship with experience was not test-
ed by framing a hypothesis. It was seen that a hy-
pothesis relating experience and involvements might
fall into Type I error (Rejection of the Null when
True). This is because an inference showing that in-
creased experience increases number of violations
might not be true, as the scope for pollution viola-
tion increases with increase in experience (work pe-
The next test was on experience and awareness.
Training on pollution matters is enhanced even after
the shipboard officer reaches high ranks. An in-
crease in experience exposes the officer to increased
training hours and hence the knowledge. Officer
sample was grouped into 7 varying levels of experi-
ence and it was assumed that experience would in-
crease knowledge of pollution awareness. Results of
confirm this. With Sig. 0.576 > 0.05 but HOV
Sig. 0.013 < 0.05, H
is rejected, leading to the in-
ference that increase in experience increases aware-
ness. This outcome is not similar to that of H
where groups of varying training hours were tested
for awareness. This syllogism leads to a conclusion
that quantitative training has the same intensity to all
the officers who undergo training, whereas, with
gain in experience the quality of the training gained
(knowledge) improves.
Experience and attitude measures were tested
next. Proceeding to next hypothesis, with Sig. 0.187
> 0.05, but HOV 0.037 < 0.05, H
is rejected. The
scores for bad attitude tests show a decline with in-
crease in years of experience. Increase in experience
is seen to diminish bad attitude towards pollution
practices. Further tests of experience with good atti-
tude test scores showed no relationship (Sig.0.157 >
0.05) between them.
This is similar to the outcome of H
where in-
creased training diminished bad attitude but did not
affect good attitude. It may be inferred that increased
experience and training hours lessens the bad (negli-
gent) attitude towards pollution prevention practices
though existent good attitude does not enhance or
diminish with increased training and experience.
The last of the hypothesis, H
was tested and the
factor of fatigue showed significant relationship to-
wards pollution prevention practices at α = 0.01 it-
self. With this, H
is rejected. Here, it was assumed
that fatigue affected the shipboard operational prac-
tices particularly those pertaining to oil pollution
prevention. This is further supported by the survey
opinion shown in Figure 3, where a maximum num-
ber of respondents have identified fatigue as the ma-
jor factor causing difficulties in MARPOL (pollution
prevention) practices. Also, fatigue is the primary
factor affecting performance of shipboard staff as
identified in the P&I Report on manning (2005). The
IMO guidelines on fatigue (2001) and measures for
mitigation prevail with the assumption that fatigue is
a major factor affecting performance. The results of
the study validate the same.
Figure 3: Reasons for Facing Difficulties in MARPOL Practic-
Other tests of correlationship between experience,
awareness test scores and attitude test scores showed no
significant relationship. Amongst these tests, good atti-
tude test scores comparatively showed a higher relation-
ship with experience. But ANOVA scores were given
more credibility as ANOVA tests are statistically more
reliable for data being scalar.
The study recommended realistic approaches to en-
hance training by development of simulator exercis-
es, increasing case studies, upgradation of the train-
ers’ knowledge, treatment of environmental
protection as an independent subject etc. Focussing
on the other human factors, the study highlights few
issues of concern. The recommendations are appar-
ently based on the over-all results summarised in
Figure 4.
The basic factor of training may be assumed to
have been imparted effectively. Experience, on the
other hand is a factor where strategic control is not
possible. Attitude-behaviour is a major causal factor
as much is fatigue considering the oil pollution vio-
lations. In the first place, further studies in these are-
as must be undertaken. Many factors may be cited
which could be affecting attitude-behaviour and fa-
tigue. Multi-cultural ambience, long working hours,
absence of mate, extended shipboard stays, pressure
from superiors and principals etc. are a few worth a
mention. With projected shortages in ship manning,
these issues will adversely contribute to the deviant
behaviour causing pollution violations.
Figure 4: Effect of Training and Human Factors on Oil Pollu-
tion Violations
As a paradigm approach, training on mindset-
behaviour at early stages of an officer’s career (less
experience) may be included in the training formats.
Many maritime training programmes around the
globe follow regimentation systems. The systems
apart from preparing the officers for the hardships of
sea life also aim to inculcate ethical behaviour.
With regards to fatigue, the industry must find
some creative solutions. It is observed that because
of fatigue, reaction times when faced with a problem
are greater and since concentration is also affected,
the probability of an accident increases (Gonzales,
2000). Rearrangement of watch hours ensuring
proper rest periods are being tried out which differ
from the traditional four on-eight off patterns. A
Finnish study in fatigue (2008) identifies specific
factors such as sleep apnea, lack of fresh air and
time of the day in the watch-keeping schemes as
some of the factors influencing fatigue. Timely re-
lief and healthy work ambience are other issues for
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
No of Responses
Marpol Difficulties-Reasons
Lack of Training
Ignorant of Laws
Ignorant of Penalties
Machinery Design
Lack of Experience
Other Reasons
shipping companies to be pro-active about. In the
broader scheme of things, attitude of the shipboard
officer and the overbearing effect of fatigue might
remain as ever present issues for the industry to con-
tend with.
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