experimental results the coefficients of hydrody-
namic forces were calculated. Similarly, on the basis
of the CFD calculations the results of a second set
of hydrodynamic forces coefficients was deter-
mined. For both sets of coefficients the simulation of
standard manoeuvres was performed.
The manoeuvre results were obtained from the
author's program to simulate the motion of the ship.
The following figures show the comparison of the
results obtained from experimental tests and com-
puter simulation. The figures 8,9,10 illustrate the
characteristic charts for the turning circle manoeu-
vre, evasive action and spiral test.
Figure 8. Comparison of trajectory for turning circle manoeu-
vre, rudder δ = 35 °.
Figure 9. The comparison of characteristic chart of the eva-
sive action.
Figure 10. The comparison of characteristic chart of the spi-
ral test.
The paper presents a numerical method for evaluat-
ing manoeuvring characteristics. Research on a
model of the inland vessel showed good agreement
between numerical calculations and experimental re-
Due to problems with the stability of the CFD
code only the mono-fluid calculations were per-
formed. Further studies will be carried out to calcu-
late the free surface effects, and taking into account
phenomena such as sinkage and trim.
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