due to the limited number of collision cases availa-
ble, lack of transparency and unsatisfactory report-
ing standards.
It is very likely that the statistical models are
grossly underestimating the effect of encounter
speed for both vessels in the area concerned in this
case study. This leads to the conclusion that the un-
derstanding of the conditions of ship collision in a
risk modeling framework is very limited at present.
The proposed models for impact scenarios are
moreover burdened with some inherent conceptual
limitations. The most significant limitation is the un-
satisfactory modeling of evasive maneuvering,
which links the initial encounter situation to the im-
pact scenario. The results clearly indicates that espe-
cially the parameters which navigators have a possi-
bility to affect in evasive maneuvering, i.e. vessel
speed and collision angle, play a determining role in
the evaluation of the consequences. Further research
on this matter is needed.
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