The accurate estimation of a given ship's position
is very important for optimal ship routing
. Such
estimations can be obtained when the hydrodynamic
model, which is widely used to describe a ship's ma-
neuvering motion, is adopted in order to estimate a
ship’s position. As a first step toward this final ob-
jective of optimum routing, the effects of winds,
waves, and tidal currents on a ship's maneuverability
were examined through numerical simulations.
The simulation of winds was carried out by WRF-
ARW3.1.1, a mesoscale meteorological model de-
veloped principally among the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the National Oce-
anic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
(NCEP), the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), the
Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), the Naval Re-
search Laboratory, the University of Oklahoma, and
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The equation set for WRF-ARW is fully com-
pressible, Eulerian, and nonhydrostatic, with a run-
time hydrostatic option. The time integration scheme
in the model uses the third-order Runge-Kutta
scheme, and the spatial discretization employs se-
cond- to sixth-order schemes.
GFS-FNL data were used as boundary data
The Global Forecast System (GFS) is operationally
run four times a day in near-real time at NCEP.
GFS-FNL (Final) Operational Global Analysis data
are set on 1.0 x 1.0 degree grids every 6 hours.
The simulated term was 96 hours from 5 Septem-
ber, 2004, 00:00 UTC to 9 September, 2004, 00:00
UTC. Figure 1 shows the weather charts of the sim-
ulated term. In this figure, (b) shows the typhoon lo-
cated over the southwest of Japan on 7 September
00:00 UTC, and (c) shows the area after the typhoon
had passed on 8 September 00:00 UTC.
Two areas for nesting were calculated in order to
simulate winds accurately. While the typhoon was
passing over Japan, a strong south wind blew on the
Japanese Pacific side. Figure 2 shows the two areas,
d01 and d02. The center point of d01 is E135.52
The numerical simulation of wind was carried out
in the area around Japan. The grid numbers are 44 x
35 x 28 in the x-y-z axis in d01 and 41 x 36 x 28 in
the x-y-z axis in d02. The horizon grid intervals of
Δx and Δy are 10 km in d01 and 2 km in d02. In
both areas, the vertical grid is 20 from top pressure
(500 Pa) to ground pressure. The condition calculat-
ed by WRF is shown in Table 1.
At the points shown in Figure 3, the calculated
wind data were verified by the wind observed with
the AmeDAS, the system of the Japan Meteorologi-
cal Agency. The results of wind simulation at these
points are shown in Figure 4. The horizontal axis
shows the time from the start time of calculation in
hours. The vertical axis shows the wind velocity and
wind direction.
(a) 6 Sept. 2004 00:00 UTC (b) 7 Sept. 2004 00:00 UTC
(c) 8 Sept. 2004 00:00UTC
Figure 1. Chart of calculation term
Figure 2. Two calculation areas
Table 1. Condition of calculations by WRF
d01 d02
Dimension 44 x 35 x 28 41 x 36 x 28
Mesh size 10 (km) 2 (km)
Time step 60 (s) 12 (s)
Start time 2004-09-05-00:00:00 UTC
End ti
me 2004-09-09-00:00:00 UTC