The discussed theories should help to understand
the factors that determine the solution of profession
choosing process. Summarizing scheme of factors,
influencing choosing of profession is shown on fig-
ure 1.
Tasks of presented investigation are:
− Investigate the motives determining the choice of
seafarer’s profession.
− Diagnose the individual characteristics of stu-
dents, their approach to learning that determines
the efficiency of studies.
Determine the relations between the motives and
approaches to learning.
2.1 The sample size
Sample of research was made of full-time students
of maritime specialties’ studying at Lithuanian Mari-
time Academy. Making the samples of research the
voluntary principle was followed – all the students
that were present on query days at school and who
expressed their wish were included. Such way of
sampling is considered reliable.
In December 2010 – January 2011 233 students
from all courses were interrogated (95 % of all mari-
time specialties’ students): first year students – 39,1
percent, second year students – 33,0 percent, third
year students – 19,3 percent and fourth year students
– 8,6 percent. The sample consisted of 145 students
from Marine Navigation study program (62,2 per-
cent) and 88 – Marine Engineering study program
students (37,8 percent).
2.2 The research instrument
The questionnaire survey was used to collect data in
order to examine and verify theoretical and explora-
tory insights about relationship between motives of
choosing maritime professions and students’ ap-
proaches to learning. The originally developed ques-
tionnaire consisted out of 117 questions. The Re-
vised-Two Factor-Study Process Questionnaire
(Biggs, Kember, Leung, 2001) translated into the
Lithuanian language, adapted, and validated was
used as a part of the originally developed question-
The validity of the R-2F-SPQ questionnaire was
checked by confirmatory factor analysis, using
VARIMAX method of co-ordinate turning. High
KMO ratio (0, 838) and the meaning of Bartlett test
(p=0,000) confirmed the suitability of data for factor
analysis. During factor analysis four factors were
pointed out corresponding subscales of Biggs ques-
tionnaire, where the factor weights (L) of compo-
nents are rather high: from 0,543 to 0,817. Four
pointed out factors explained 52,23 percent of vari-
ance – such percentage is satisfactory in social sci-
ences (Pett, Lackey, Sullivan, 2003).
2.3 The data analysis
The data acquired during the research were analysed
using statistical analysis methods (using SPSS for
Windows program, 13
version). Analysing quanti-
tative data methods of descriptive statistics (data dis-
tribution percents were calculated), non-parametric
tests (Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests), fac-
tor analysis, correlation tests using Spearman's rho
were applied. For reliability analysis Cronbach’s Al-
pha and Corrected Item-Total Correlation coeffi-
cients were used.
3.1 Analysis of motives of seafarer’s profession
In order to clear out the motives of those young peo-
ple who chose seafarer’s profession the 47 motives
were investigated. Having made the analysis it was
determined that there were the following important
and very much important motives for profession
choosing: the seafarer’s work is responsible very
much (89,7 percent); seafarer’s profession is per-
spective (85 percent); seafarer’s profession is mas-
culine (84,2 percent); it is possible to earn well (81,6
percent); seafarers can make career (79 percent);
seafarer’s work is rather interesting (76,8 percent);
seafarers can easily maintain their families (76 per-
cent);74,4 percent wished to get higher education;
74,3 percent of respondents dream to become a cap-
tain/navigator or chief mechanic; Seafarers are con-
sidered as good specialists (73, 3 percent); seafarer’s
life is full of adventures (72,9 percent); seafarer’s
profession is very attractive (70,8 percent); seafar-
er’s profession is one of the most perspective for
those who live in seaside region (60,9 percent). 52,6
percent of students who participated in the research
considered that when choosing profession an im-
portant or very much important motive was the uni-
versality of this profession, that after acquisition of
seafarer’s profession it was possible to work at sea
or on shore.
The fact that the respondents purposefully chose
seafarer’s profession assessing different aspects can
be seen in their answers to the statements but only a
small part of respondents managed to answer: „I
wish to acquire speciality which I am studying but I
do not connect my life with the sea“ (only 29,2 per-
cent completely or partially agreed to it) and „I
wished to study other speciality but I did not manage