on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 4
Navigation on the surface of the Earth is possible in
two ways: by orthodrome and loxodrome. Ortho-
drome is a minor arc of the great circle bounded by
two positions, and corresponds to their distance on a
surface of the Earth, representing also the shortest
distance between these positions on the Earth as a
sphere. The ship, travelling in orthodromic oceanic
navigation, has her bow directed towards the port of
arrival all the time. The orthodorme is the curve of a
variable course – it intersects meridians at different
angles. When navigating by the orthodrome, course
should be constantly changed, which is unacceptable
from the navigational point of view. On the other
hand, loxodrome (rhumb line) intersects all meridi-
ans at the same angle, and it is more suitable in
maintaining the course. However, loxodromic path
is longer that the orthodromic one. Sailing by loxo-
drome, the bow of the ship will be directed toward
the final destination just before arrival. Due to the
mentioned facts, it is necessary to use the advantages
of both curves – the shorter path of the orthodrome
and the rhumb line conformity.
Orthodrome navigation is, as mentioned, incon-
venient. Therefore, only approximation of ortho-
drome navigation can be taken into account, reduc-
ing the number of course changes to an acceptable
number – always bearing in mind that if the number
of course alteration is greater, the navigation is clos-
er to the great circle. After defining elements for
course and distance determination on an orthodrome
curve, navigation between the derived points is car-
ried out in loxodromic courses.
Applying spherical trigonometry, the proposed
paper elaborates models of approximation for the or-
thodrome navigation with the secant method and the
tangent method. The secant method provides two
models of navigation. In the first model, the ortho-
drome is divided into desired waypoints – interposi-
tions between which the ship sails in loxodromic
courses. The second model of the method implies
the path between two positions divided into specific
intervals of unit distances, which then define other
elements of navigation (interposition coordinates
and loxodromic courses). In these two models, navi-
gation has been approximated with the secants of the
orthodrome curve on which the vessel sails. The
tangent method gives an approximation model by
determining the unit changes of orthodromic cours-
es, and defining the tangent on a curve, after which
other navigational elements needed for navigation
are performed.
As described above, the rhumb line, i.e. loxodrome,
represents a constant course, spiral-shaped curve,
asymptotically approaching the Pole. The ortho-
drome represents a variable course curve, the minor
arc of the great circle between two positions. For the
Earth as a sphere, between positions P
and P
, these
two distances are equal in two situations only (Fig-
ure 1):
1 if the positions are placed on the same meridian,
then Δλ=0, Δφ≠0,
Approximation Models of Orthodromic
S. Kos & D. Brcic
University of Rijeka – Faculty of Maritime Studies, Croatia
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with two different approaches to orthodromic navigation approximation, the
secant method and the tangent method. Two ways of determination of orthodromic interposition coordinates
will be presented with the secant method. In the second, tangent method unit change of orthodromic course
(ΔK) will be used.