In the course of the analysis presented in this pa-
per three different charts representing three types of
collision zones were obtained. The statistical analy-
sis shows that the dimension of a collision zone de-
pends mostly on a maneuvering pattern. In case
where both ships perform collision evasive actions,
one chart describes all types of ships analyzed.
However in case where only one ship performs a
collision evasive maneuver, two charts are obtained,
where one considers tankers and another the remain-
ing ship types.
The experiment leading to MDTC chart estima-
tion is based on a ship planar motion model, and the
assumptions concerning deep water and lack of ex-
ternal forces and hydromechanical ship-ship interac-
tions are made. However the size of the vessels un-
der consideration allows the statement, that the sea
conditions prevailing in the Baltic Sea, and especial-
ly in the Gulf of Finland do not affect the results
Another important factor affecting the actual
number of modelled accidents is a causation factor.
This topic is not addressed by research presented in
this paper.
The authors appreciate the financial contributions of
the following entities: the EU, Baltic Sea Region
(this research was founded by the EfficienSea pro-
ject), the Merenkulun säätiö from Helsinki, the city
of Kotka and the Finnish Ministry of Employment
and the Economy.
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