on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 4
The main objectives of the paper are: to see how the
experimental and numerical calculations of a hydro-
dynamic profile match, to identify the reasons for
which data are not concurring and to also see wheth-
er we can use numerical methods for designing or
pre-designing purposes.
Calculation of hydrodynamic profile belongs to
the engineering field, where we can use three main
directions of investigation: an experimental method,
a numerical method and an analytical method. In our
case, it is very difficult to use the analytical method
because the fluid flow as described by Navier-Stokes
equations has not been yet solved analytically.
Therefore calculating the forces acting on a
hydrodynamic profile can be solved using one of the
two methods mentioned above: the experimental and
the numerical method. The results in this case are
not very precise because in problem statement some
simplifying assumptions, specific to our domain,
have been considered by default. (OANŢĂ, 2009)
Numerical methods most generally used by com-
putational software are: the finite element method,
the finite difference method, the boundary element
method and the finite volume method. ANSYS 13
uses finite element and finite volume method.
Since software using numerical methods for
solving engineering problems of varying difficulty
and providing satisfactory results, have emerged in
the past 15 years, most problems have been solved
by the experimental method. Therefore the approach
proposed in this paper by comparing the two meth-
ods try to present more clearly the physical phenom-
enon investigated and the differences between the
two methods.
To study the coefficients
(drag coefficient) and
(lift coefficient), we must remark at first that in
the phenomenon of fluid flow around a wing, one of
physical quantities, i.e. the force (lift force or drag
force), is a variable size depending on the incidence
. Therefore, it can be said that the process
under study is a nonlinear one. The
theorem ap-
plies both to linear phenomena and nonlinear phe-
Let’s analyze the similarity of the simple nonline-
ar process (one size variable), described by the im-
plicit function (DINU, 1994):
where the force R, is a function of α :
In relation (1):
ρ - fluid density;
v - fluid velocity;
Γ - velocity circulation,
p - fluid pressure;
Experimental and Numerical Methods for
Hydrodynamic Profiles Calculation
A. Scupi & D. Dinu
Constanta Maritime University
ABSTRACT: The calculation of a hydrodynamic profile for a fluid that flows around mainly consists in de-
termining the variation of drag force and lift force. Thus, for NACA 6412 profile, we will calculate and com-
pare the changes of values of the coefficient forces mentioned above. The calculation will be done both exper-
imentally in a naval wind tunnel and with a computational fluid dynamics - CFD (ANSYS 13). These
experimental and numerical approaches can be used to study finite scale naval profiles such as the rudder.