International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 4
December 2011
Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System realizing
fusion of data received from shore based station of
the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and pulse
and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave
(FMCW) radars and presenting information on Elec-
tronic Navigational Chart issued by the Polish Na-
tional Hydrographical Service Hydrographical Of-
fice of the Polish Navy is described in other paper
presented on this conference. Described system was
designed, built and tested in the scope of research
work financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and
Higher Education as developmental project No
OR00002606 from the means for science in 2008-
2010 years.
This paper described results of the exploitation
test of the constructed system conducted in real sea
conditions using hydrographical vessels “Tukana”
and “Zodiak” owned by the Maritime Office in
Measurements were conducted on 30
of September
and 24
of November 2010 using:
Installed on shore in the radar laboratory of the
Gdynia Maritime University:
Pulse radar Raytheon NSC 34;
FM-CW radar built by the Przemysłowy Insty-
tut Telekomunikacji S.A.; and
Class A ship borne AIS type R4 produced by
Hydrographical vessel “Zodiak” equipped with:
Receiver GPS RTK Trimble R7 L1L2 using
during the tests GPS reference station ID 745
situated in Gdynia; and
Ship borne AIS R4 produced by SAAB.
Hydrographical vessel “Tucana” equipped with:
Receiver GPS RTK R7 using during the tests
the same GPS reference station; and
Ship borne AIS R4 produced by SAAB too.
Basic parameters of utilized ships and radars are
described in Tables 1-3. Vessels are presented in
Figures 1 & 2.
Table 1. Basic parameters of the hydrographical vessels “Zo-
diak” and “Tucana”
Ship’s parameter Value
Zodiak Tukana
Displacement 751 71
Length 61.3 m 23.0 m
Breadth 10.8 m 5.8 m
Mean draught 3.3 m 2.2 m
Power 2 x 706 kW 2 x 280 kW
Maximum speed 14.0 knots 12.0 knots
Height of the radar scanner 16 m 6.5 m
above sea level
Fusion of Data Received from AIS and FMCW
and Pulse Radar - Results of Performance Tests
Conducted Using Hydrographical Vessels
“Tukana” and “Zodiak”
A. Krol, T. Stupak & R. Wawruch
Gdynia MaritimeUniversity, Gdynia, Poland
M. Kwiatkowski, P. Paprocki & J. Popik
Telecommunication Research Institute Ltd., Gdansk Division, Poland
ABSTRACT: Paper presents results of performance tests of the Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System re-
alizing fusion of data received from shore based station of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and
pulse and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radars and presenting information on Electronic
Navigational Chart issued by the Polish National Hydrographical Service Hydrographical Office of the
Polish Navy. Tests were conducted in real sea conditions using hydrographical vessels “Tucana” and “Zodi-
ak” owned by the Maritime Office in Gdynia.
During the measurements were good weather
conditions without rainfalls. There were sea waves
0.5-1m high.
The main goal of the test was assessment of the
accuracy of information about ship’s position,
course over ground (COG) and speed over ground
(SOG) received from both shore based radars and
AIS before and after their fusion in comparison with
values of these parameters indicated by ship borne
DGPS receiver. Due to that there were automatically
registered positions, COG and SOG of the vessel in-
dicated by:
Table 2. Basic parameters of the radar Raytheon NSC 34
Parameter Value
Output power 25 kW
Carrier frequency 9410±30 MHz
Range 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.5; 3; 6; 12;
24; 48; 96 NM
Pulse length 0.06 μs, 0.25 μs, 0.5 μs, 1.0 μs,
Pulse repetition freq. 3600 Hz, 1800 Hz, 900 Hz
IF bandwidth 20 MHz, 6 MHz
Antenna length 2.1336 m
Beam width horizontal/vertical 1.0°/23° dB
Polarisation Horizontal
Gain 29 dB
Rotation speed min/max. 22/26 rpm
Display size 28 inch
Resolution 1600 × 1200 pixels
Acquisition automatic up to 40 targets
Tracking automatic of all acquired target
Range accuracy 0.3% of selected range or 6.4 m
(whichever is greater)
Angle resolution 0.3°
Bearing accuracy 1.0°
Table 3. Basic parameters of the FM-CW radar
Parameter Value
Output power 1mW-2W (switched)
Carrier frequency 9.3 9.5 GHz
Frequency deviation 54 MHz at 6 NM
switched according to 27 MHz at 12 NM
the required scale range: 13.5 MHz at 24 NM
Range scales 0.25 NM 48 NM
Modulation DDS based linear FMCW
Sweep repetition period 1 ms
IF bandwidth 4 MHz
Frequency curve slope of 6 dB/oct; 12 dB/oct; 18 dB/oct
IF amplifier
Antenna length 3.6 m
Beam width 0.70°/22° dB
Polarisation Horizontal
Gain 32 dB
Rotation speed min/max 12/30 rpm
FFT signal processing 8192-points FFT
Sampling frequency 8 MHz
Display size 22 inch
Resolution 1280 × 1024 pixels
Acquisition automatic up to 100 targets
Tracking automatic of all acquired targets
Range accuracy 1% of selected range or 50 m
(whichever is greater)
Angle resolution 0.1°
Bearing accuracy 0.7°
Figure 1. Hydrographical vessel “Zodiak”
Figure 2. Hydrographical vessel “Tucana”
GPS RTK receivers onboard ships;
AIS and radars Raytheon NSC 34 and FM-CW
installed onshore in radar laboratory; and
Display unit of the integrated system after fusion
of data from above mentioned sensors.
Figure 3 presents complete track of the ship “Zo-
diak”. Dots indicate positions in ten minutes time in-
Figure 3. Complete track of the ship “Zodiak” during the
measurements showing its positions received from onboard
DGPS MX 420 receiver.
In figure 11 is presented part of the “Zodiak”
track utilised for analysis presented in further part of
this paper.
Figure 4 shows track of the vessel “Tukana” dur-
ing the measurements received from onboard GPS
RTK receiver and from shore based radar Raytheon.
3.1 Accuracies of the data available on shore from
AIS and radars
Tested integrated system performs fusion of data re-
ceived from two connected radars and AIS. Due to
that one of the main goals of the described tests were
measurements of the accuracies of data available
from shore based AIS station and radars and compu-
tation of their errors by comparison with data regis-
tered in onboard GPS receiver for the same moments
of time.
Figure 4. Track of the vessel “Tucana” during the measure-
ments received from onboard GPS RTK receiver and from
shore based radar Raytheon.
Figure 5 presents differences during the test be-
tween ship’s positions, course over ground (COG)
and speed over ground (SOG) available for the same
moments of time onshore from AIS station and
onboard “Zodiak” from DGPS receiver. They were
accounted as differences between data: last received
from onshore AIS and presented by onboard DGPS
receiver. Errors arise due to the time differences be-
tween receiving by AIS data from ship’s GPS re-
ceiver and its transmission according to the
SOTDMA time schedule mainly. Additionally not
all ship’s transmissions were received by the shore
AIS station. For ship’s speed during the test (approx-
imately 4.6 m/s) vessel’s way between two consecu-
tive AIS transmission was equal to 45 m (for pas-
sages with steady courses) or approximately 15 m
(for course and/or speed alteration). Any fault in re-
ceiving AIS message causes errors directly propor-
tional to this way.
Received results are compliant to conclusions
done on the base of measurements of the AIS data
accuracies conducted on the ship “Dar Młodzieży
and described in [1].
Radars begun to track echo of Zodiak” after
leaving by this ship port in Gdańsk and lost vessel at
the entrance to the port in Gdynia when they con-
nected its target with echo from coastline. Tracking
was resumed after leaving the port and continued
during ship’s passage back to the Gdańsk.
Figure 6 presents differences between values of
courses speeds and positions indicated onshore by
ARPA Raytheon NSC 34 and by onboard DGPS re-
Figure 7 shows accuracies of ship’s positions re-
ceived from FM-CW radar during the test conducted
with vessel “Zodiak” and calculated in relation to its
AIS positions. Errors distribution of these positions
indicated incompatibility of cartographical coordi-
nate systems used for calculation of ship’s positions
transmitted by AIS and received on the base of radar
measurements. It was eliminated by corrections in-
troduced to the radar coordinates (0.0049’ to the
North and 0.0016’ to the West). Corrected radar data
was used for its fusion with information received
through AIS system.
Figure 5. Differences between values of courses, speeds and positions available from onshore AIS and DGPS receiver onboard the
Figure 6. Differences between values of courses speeds and positions available from onshore radar Raytheon and DGPS receiver
onboard the ship
Figure 7. Accuracy of positions of vessel “Zodiak” received from FMCW radar
3.2 Data fusion
Data after its fusion is presented in Figures 8-11.
Figure 8. Distances between ship’s positions indicated by particular radars and display unit of the integrated system (after data fu-
sion) and AIS or GPS receiver
Figure 9. Information about ship’s course over ground (COG) indicated by onboard DGPS receiver (RTK) shore based FMCW
(FMCW) and pulse (RAY) radars and integrated system (after data fusion - Fuzja)
Figure 10. Information about ship’s speed over ground (SOG) indicated by onboard DGPS receiver (RTK) shore based FMCW
(FMCW) and pulse (RAY) radars and integrated system (after data fusion Fuzja)
Figure 11.Track of the vessel “Zodiak” during tests plotted on the base of data available from onboard DGPS receiver (RTK) and
shore based FMCW (FMCW) and pulse (RAY) radars and display unit of the integrated system after data fusion (Fuzja)
According to recommendation of the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) integrated navigation-
al system (INS) shall, after checking that infor-
mation received from AIS and radar tracking facili-
ties concerns the same object, present for this object
AIS data only. Conducted tests proved that AIS data
may present inexact information about present vec-
tor of object’s movement. Main reasons of this fault
are problems with receiving AIS messages without
time delay. Fusion of AIS and radar data as present-
ed in this paper may be helpful in solving indicated
problem. Additionally fusion of radar data increase
reliability of radar data and its accuracy.
[1] Król A., Stupak T: Dokładność rejestracji danych pozycyj-
nych statków w systemie nawigacji zintegrowanej. XIV In-
ternational Conference Transcomp 2010, Logistyka 6/2010
str. 1675 1681.