of Resolution A.1001(25) dated 29.11.2007 on Cri-
teria for the Provision of Mobile Satellite Communi-
cation Systems in the GMDSS and revision of Chap-
ter IV of IMO SOLAS Convention extends the
International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO)
oversight to GMDSS Services provided by any sat-
ellite operator which fits criteria.
ITU modifications are mainly concerning to the
amendments to Radio Regulations. These amend-
ments were adopted by two Word Radiocommunica-
tion Conferences (WRC).
The first World Radiocommunication Conference
took place in 2003 (WRC-03) and in the field of
maritime radiocommunication it took up following
main issues:
− to consider Appendix 13 and Resolution 331
(Rev.WRC-97) with a view to their deletion and,
if appropriate, to consider related changes to
Chapter VII and other provisions of the Radio
Regulations, as necessary, taking into account the
continued transition to an introduction of the
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) (Agenda Item 1.9);
− to consider the results of studies, and take neces-
sary actions, relating to exhaustion of the mari-
time mobile service identity numbering resource
(Resolution 344 (WRC-97)) (Agenda Item
− to consider the results of studies, and take neces-
sary actions, relating to shore-to-ship distress
communication priorities (Resolution 348
(WRC-97)) (Agenda Item 1.10.2);
− to consider measures to address harmful interfer-
ence in the bands allocated to the maritime mo-
bile and aeronautical mobile (R) services, taking
into account Resolutions 207 (Rev.WRC-2000)
and 350 (WRC-2000), and to review the frequen-
cy and channel arrangements in the maritime MF
and HF bands concerning the use of new digital
technology, also taking into account Resolution
347 (WRC-97) (Agenda Item 1.14).
The second Word Radiocommunication Confer-
ence took place in 2007 (WRC-07) and the main
maritime radiocommunication items were as follows
(ITU, 2008):
− taking into account Resolutions 729 (WRC-97),
351 (WRC-03) and 544 (WRC-03), to review the
allocations to all services in the HF bands be-
tween 4 MHz and 10 MHz, excluding those allo-
cations to services in the frequency range 7 000-
7 200 kHz and those bands whose allotment plans
are in Appendices 25, 26 and 27 and whose chan-
nelling arrangements are in Appendix 17, taking
account the impact of new modulation tech-
niques, adaptive control techniques and the spec-
trum requirements for HF broadcasting (Agenda
Item 1.13);
− to review the operational procedures and re-
quirements of the Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System (GMDSS) and other related provi-
sions of the Radio Regulations, taking into ac-
count Resolutions 331 (Rev.WRC-03) and 342
(Rev.WRC-2000) and the continued transition to
the GMDSS, the experience since its introduc-
tion, and the needs of all classes of ships (Agenda
Item 1.14);
− to consider the regulatory and operational provi-
sions for Maritime Mobile Service Identities
(MMSIs) for equipment other than shipborne
mobile equipment, taking into account Resolu-
tions 344 (Rev.WRC-03) and 353 (WRC-03)
(Agenda Item 1.16).
In Author’s opinion, the future of the GMDSS is
closely connected with the development of the e-
navigation project and with a role of the GMDSS in
this process.
For realizing the full potential of e-navigation, the
following three fundamental elements should be in
place (Korcz, 2009):
1 Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) coverage of
all navigational areas;
2 a robust electronic position-fixing system (with
redundancy); and
3 an agreed infrastructure of communications to
link ship and shore.
It is envisaged that a data communication net-
work will be one of the most important parts of the
e-navigation strategy plan.
In order to realize efficient and effective process
of data communication for e-navigation system, the
existing radio communication equipment on board
(GMDSS), as well as new radio communication sys-
tems should be recognized.
The above mentioned GMDSS MF, HF and VHF
equipment and systems (Fig. 1) can be also used as a
way of data communication for the e-navigation sys-
tem, provided that this equipment will be technically
improved by means of:
− digitization of the analogue communication MF,
HF and VHF channels;
− application of high-speed channel to GMDSS;
− utilization of SDR (Software Defined Radio)
− adaptation of IP (Internet Protocol) technology to
− integration of user interface of GMDSS equip-
ment; and
− any other proper technology for GMDSS im-