polarization is not purely horizontal or purely ver-
tical. For example, a circularly polarized incident
wave becomes elliptically polarized after reflec-
2 Specular Reflection from a Smooth Spherical
Earth – Here, the incident grazing angle is equal
to the angle of reflection. The amplitude of the re-
flected signal is equal to the amplitude of the in-
cident signal multiplied by the modules of the re-
flection coefficient.
3 Divergence Factor – When rays are secularly re-
flected from a spherical surface, there is an effec-
tive reduction in the reflection coefficient, which
is a geometrical effect arising from the diver-
gence of the rays.
4 Reflection from Rough Surface – In many practi-
cal cases, the surface of the Earth is not smooth.
Namely, when the surface is rough, the reflected
signal has two components: one is a specular
component, which is coherent with the incident
signal, while the other is a diffuse component,
which fluctuates in amplitude and phase with a
Rayleigh distribution.
5 Total Reflected Field – The total field above a re-
flecting surface is a result of the direct field, the
coherent specular component and the random dif-
fuse component.
6 Reflection Multipath – Owing to the existence of
surface reflection phenomena signals may arrive
at a receiver from multiple apparent sources.
Thus, the combination of the direct signal (line-
of-sight) with specular and diffusely reflected
waves causes signal fading at the receiver. The
resultant multipath fading, in combination with
varying levels of shadowing and blockage of the
line-of-sight components, can cause the received
signal power to fade severely and rapidly for
MES and is really the dominant impairment in the
Global Mobile Satellite Communications
(GMSC) service.
Multipath fading due to sea reflection is caused by
interference between direct and reflected radio-
waves. The reflected radiowaves are composed of
coherent and incoherent components, namely specu-
lar and diffuse reflections, respectively, that fluctu-
ate with time due to the motion of sea waves. The
coherent component is predominant under calm sea
conditions and at low elevation angles, whereas the
incoherent becomes significant in rough sea condi-
tions. If the intensity of the coherent component and
the variance of the incoherent component are both
known, the cumulative time distribution of the signal
intensity can be determined by statistical considera-
In any event, a prediction model for multipath
fading due to sea reflection, however, was first de-
veloped for MMSC systems at a frequency near 1.5
GHz. Although the mechanism of sea reflection is
common for MMSC and AMSC systems, only with
the difference that fading characteristics for AMSC
are expected to differ from those for MMSC, this is
because the speed and altitude of aircraft so much
greater than those of ships. At this point, the effects
of refractions and scattering by the sea surface be-
come quite severe in case of MMSC and AMSC,
particularly where antennas with wide beam widths
are used.
The most common parameter used to describe sea
condition is the significant wave height (H), defined
as the average value of the peak-to-trough heights of
the highest one-third of all waves. Empirically, H is
related to the r.m.s. height (h
) by:
H = 4h
Hence, at 1.5 GHz the smaller-scale waves can be
neglected and the r.m.s. value of the sea surface
slopes appear to fall between 0.04 to 0.07 in the case
of wave heights less than 4 m.
Thus, with diminishing satellite elevation angle,
the propagation path increases, causing a decrease of
signal power at the Rx side. The noise level is ini-
tially constant; however, upon reaching some critical
value of the elevation angle, sea-reflection signals
appear at the Rx input, which begins to affect the
C/N value. To include the effect of multipath inter-
ference caused by sea-refracted signals, the recep-
tion quality would be more properly described by
the C/N plus M, where M is an interfering sea-
reflected signal acting as a disturbance. Thus, sea-
reflected signals differ in structure and can be divid-
ed into two categories:
1 Radio signals with the rapid continuous fluctua-
tions of amplitudes and phases and with a possi-
ble frequency shift due to the motion of small
portions of the specular cross-section relative to
the source of signals (noise or diffused compo-
2 Radiowaves with relatively slowly changing
phase close to the phase of the basic signal and
with an amplitude correlating with that of the
basic signal (specular component).
Consequently, within the overall specular cross-
section, an angle of arrival reflected radio signals
relative to the horizontal plane may be regarded as
constant and can be described by the following ex-
α = 90
– γ
where α = angle of radio signals arrival in accord-
ance with Figure 1. and γ = reflection angle. The
modulus of sea reflection factor for L-band signals is