higher ones. Checkboxes in front of each measure
allow the marking of implemented measures.
Specific tools, equipment or additional personnel
are partially necessary for a successful implementa-
tion of measures. To visualize the demand for such
resources, a resource shape (4) is added to the corre-
sponding measure (see resource shape for security
level II in figure 4). By this means a resource man-
agement is maintained so that available resources
can be found and allocated situation-dependently.
Process modeling: In most cases access controls
for different passenger categories must be conducted
in a predefined manner. In case of an occurrence of
such structured procedures, concerned activity
shapes can be connected by control flows and thus
represent processes (5). By modeling processes the
security officer deploying the model is able to quick-
ly identify measures in chronological order and may
coordinate involved measures according to the par-
ticular situation. Beginning and ending of a process
are represented through distinct circles.
Communication modeling: Communication be-
tween different points is a condition for a successful
implementation of measures and coordination of re-
sources. Hence, given communication and infor-
mation paths between appropriate contact points
must be presented in SMT models. This is realized
through contact point shapes and corresponding in-
formation flows (6).
Furthermore, there are additional components like
a shape for the insertion of explanations (7) and a
shape for a clustering of content-related components
for clarity improvement (8).
The Applied Cognitive Work Analysis (ACWA;
Elm et al., 2003) is a Cognitive Systems Engineering
(CSE) method which closes the gap between cogni-
tive analysis and design existing in other methods.
ACWA has been applied in the project VESPER to
get a functional model of the maritime work domain
of security officers. Hence, cognitive and infor-
mation demands have been identified. Out of these
demands visualization and design requirements have
been derived. These previous steps provided the ba-
sis for the development of a presentation design
concept of the security modeling technique. This
technique, called ‘SMT’, enables security officers to
create models of ships and port facilities. These
models, used as a computer-based tool or as a large-
format poster, support them in making decisions
during the implementation of measures and the man-
agement of resources in the context of a security
level change. Emphasis of SMT is a suitable repre-
sentation of security plan information. It illustrates
spatial conditions, communication, processes and ar-
ea-specific measures in an integrated manner and al-
so distinguishes the three defined security levels.
To ensure a user-friendly development of SMT
models by ship, company and port facility security
officers but also officers of designated authorities,
an SMT editor is currently under development with-
in the iterative development process of ACWA. The
editor will also contain control functions, e.g. to
guarantee the completeness of modeling measures.
The concept of SMT has been developed in close
collaboration with experts in the field of maritime
security (e.g. masters, security officers, ship compa-
nies, officers of designated authorities). Also the
SMT editor will be evaluated and improved in inten-
sive cooperation with these experts.
Moreover, the application of SMT and the editor
shall not be limited to ferry shipping. Therefore, the
concept has to be tailored to the entire international
shipping. Feedback of involved experts of the mari-
time security domain, including representatives of
German designated authorities and delegates of the
European Commission, shows a concordant en-
dorsement of the use of SMT models.
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