scribed for different purposes in different ways using
different types of descriptions.
The framework has 36 categories for completely
describing anything related to the enterprise, orga-
nized with six columns and six rows. Each row rep-
resents a total, distinct and unique view of the solu-
tion from a particular perspective. Each column
represents a category of the enterprise architecture
component, called focus. These are data description
(what), function description (how), network descrip-
tion (where), people description (who), time descrip-
tion (when), and motivation description (why).
Some aspects of the Zachman framework that are
convenient for analyzing SW systems include:
1 Analysis of several organizations that have to co-
operate in an interoperable SW system:
A SW is an environment which has to support in-
teroperability among highly heterogeneous envi-
ronments. This means that a structured way to
present the analysis of the organizations with dif-
ferent viewpoints is important. The Zachman
Framework for systematically describing changes
to an organization based on various viewpoints
and various abstraction levels is very useful in the
analysis phase of a SW development.
2 Clarification of different views of the same arti-
The Zachman Framework focuses on different
views of the same artifact (process, data), which
is important in a SW system covering processes
and data originating from various applications,
both cargo, port, and ship clearance, but also orig-
inating from both public and private organiza-
3 Presentation of analysis results throughout several
The Zachman Framework can be useful to present
the analysis of a SW system. Important here is the
fact that new third party systems that want to col-
laborate with the SW may have easier access to
the taxonomy of the SW.
Some aspects of the Zachman framework that are
missing for SW systems:
1 Lack of a structured methodology:
The Zachman Framework does not include a
methodology per se, however, a methodology is
needed for the Single Window design and imple-
mentation process, for instance for describing
how to integrate a third party system with the
Single Window, and how to handle and share data
that is specific for the third party systems.
2 Description of both the SW and the third party
systems are needed:
The Zachman framework seems to focus on the
description of a single enterprise, however, when
designing a SW system, we have to consider sev-
eral organizations and environments as a whole.
This is because each service provider and service
user may represent distinct organizations with
their own Zachman matrix related to Single Win-
dow. What is needed, is a Zachman Framwork
analysis of the Single Window itself, but in addi-
tion, we would need to have descriptions of the
third party organizations, at least the parts that are
most relevant for the Single Window system.
CIMOSA (Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Open System Architecture) is an enterprise model-
ing framework, which aims to support the enterprise
integration of machines, computers and people. The
framework is based on the system life cycle concept,
and offers a modeling language, methodology and
supporting technology to support these goals. Three
dimensions of CIMOSA are outlined (Zue-
songdham, 2009):
1 The generic dimension (Instantiation of Building
Blocks) is concerned with the degree of particu-
larisation. This dimension differentiates between
Reference Architecture and Particular Architec-
Reference Architecture resembles a catalogue of
reusable building blocks which contains generic
and partial building blocks applicable to specific
Particular Architecture serves the use of a specific
case in process modelling which is not intended
to be reusable for other models.
2 The modelling dimension (Derivation of Models)
provides the modelling support for the system or
work life cycle starting from requirements to im-
3 The view dimension (Generation of Views) offers
the users to work with partial models representing
different aspects of the enterprises: function, in-
formation, resource and organisation with the op-
tion for other views to be defined as needed.
Advantages of CIMOSA:
1 Strong inter-organizational process modeling:
The CIMOSA is strong on modeling complex or-
ganizations and has constructions to model dif-
ferent views of the same things in an organiza-
2 Use of reference architecture:
The reference architecture can be used to build up
an library of Single Window concepts which may
be useful when new third party systems are to
connect to a Single Window. Then, reuse of
common descriptions and concepts may be facili-
tated through the use of CIMOSA.
3 Focus on common understanding of terms:
CIMOSA has focus on defining a glossary for
common understanding of terms and definitions.