International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 3
September 2011
Correct functioning the whole chain of intermodal
transportation depends in the considerable measure
on proper functioning land terminals, and in this first
of all from their ability infrastructural to the execut-
ing the trans-shipments, cost, range of offered ser-
vices, quality and reliability. Presented algorithms
in the article, in the considerable stage will contrib-
ute to improvement of the processes of the flow in-
dividuals in the land terminal to prevent in the future
the situation from Fig. 4 obviously they were created
stay on the basis of the observation of the real object
in which shortcomings were observed. The algo-
rithmization makes possible in so folded system
what the land terminal is to conduct the effective
mathematical analysis of drawing ahead processes.
Because the modern terminal of intermodal transpor-
tation is more the than simple trans-shipping point
and develops in the direction of creating the centres
of the service of the transport of cargos about the
wide range of offered services. (Łukasik Z.,
Kuśmińska A., Matejek T. 2006-2007)
Road vehicles arrive on land terminal (Fig. 1) to de-
liver the individuals on given string of cars, the larg-
er number arrives with the considerable store of the
time before string of cars. These attentions are con-
firmed by conducted investigations. The switching
of the branch of road and railway transportation is
the aim of applying intermodal transportation in net
and their integration within the of the general con-
ception. (Kuśmińska A., Łukasik Z. 2005)
Figure 1. The individuals on entry and exit land terminal
(Kuśmińska A., Łukasik Z 2005)
The presented option of arriving the individuals
on the land terminal road vehicles (Fig. 2), the arriv-
ing the individuals on the terminal represents, a lot
of earlier the before string of cars he is prepared to
trans-shipping operations, and now he the trans-
shipping device has to execute double operations in
this case with, what operating costs, the time of the
expectation of individuals join obviously.
The solution eliminating the indirect trans-
shipment represents the Fig. 3 individual they arrive
in such spaces of the time that they are subjected the
direct trans-shipment from the road vehicle on the
wagon of string of cars.
It was affirmed in the result of the analysis of sta-
tistical data gathered from the observation of the real
object that individuals arrived the road vehicle to
The Land Trans-Shipping Terminal In Processes
Flow Stream Individuals Intermodal
A. Kusminska-Fijalkowska & Z. Lukasik
Technical University of Radom, Radom, Poland
ABSTRACT: The influence has the system of the exchange on enlargement of the efficiency of the work
trans-shipping land terminal and processing information, which in he will improve the processes of the flow
of the individuals of the intermodal transportation which was presented in the figure of algorithms more con-
siderably to the measure. The algorithmization makes possible execution mathematical analyses, as also the
influence has on the quality of the executed processes of the flow of the stream of the individuals of inter-
modal transportation in the trans-shipping land terminal.
land terminal with considerable temporary superiori-
ty on given string of cars. This introduced on the
graph in the co-ordinate time became before the
string of cars will lower the terminal, and day of ar-
rival of individual (Fig. 4). What the situation from
the real object is the very „poor” case he answers the
option from graph (Fig. 2).
48 h0 h
Time before the train will lower the terminal [h]
% Arival
Fig. 2. Proportional arrival of road vehicles with individuals in
the function of time (poor option of the arrival)
(S.C.2.70 De-
liverable 3. 1999)
48 h0 h
% A rrival
Time before the train will lower the terminal [h]
Fig. 3. Proportional arrival of road vehicles with individuals in
the function of the time (best option of the arrival) (S.C.2.70 De-
liverable 3. 1999)
Fig. 4. Arrival of road vehicles with individuals in the function
of the time [h] (own study)
Intermodal transportation gained temporary supe-
riority over road transportation in our national condi-
tions, you should improve the processes of arriving
the individuals road vehicles to trans-shipping ter-
minal what is visible on the graph in co-ordinates %
arriving individuals the road vehicle to land termi-
nal, and the time before the string of cars will lower
terminal (Fig. 4), and also improve the flow of indi-
viduals in the terminal itself which is the bonding
bar of the road and railway piece. (Kuśmińska A.,
Łukasik Z. 2006)
The influence also has efficiency of realization of
processes such on effective functioning land termi-
nal (Fig. 1) how:
analysis offer ask;
realization of orders;
railway- road service;
road-railway service.
The presented algorithm of functioning land ter-
minal (Fig. 5) will make possible to improve pro-
cesses drawing ahead in the land terminal, how also
the chain of intermodal transportation.
Analysis Offer asks (Fig. 6) this the first socket
with the customer the party is whose aim as the
largest number of orders, the question offer from the
customer is delivered in the written mould on the
terminal. Directed to the Trade Aggregate the aim of
preparing the offer becomes after executing the reg-
istration, the party is the priority obviously as the
largest number of orders. The Trade Aggregate
should check in first order, if he is in the state match
the customer during realization to requirements the
order, if you should so execute all steps havings on
the aim of the receipt of given to the correct calcula-
tion costs and prepare the offer. Then after checking
and identify, that the offer was prepared well sent to
the customer (fax, e-mail) becomes. After dispatch
offers, responsible worker for the correct process of
offering the services, he contacts with the customer
the aim of making sure, what to the regularity of
conditions and execution of the interview, what to
possible her party. In the case of the settlement of
the incompatibility of the conditions of offer from
the customer expectation the worker after the con-
sultation with superior makes the corrections of the
offer. However, while the introduced offer becomes
accepted by the customer the next stage of the pro-
cess is realized - the realization of order (Fig. 7).
The realization of the order which the realiza-
tion of services is the main aim: railway - road,
road- railway in as the shortest time (Fig. 7) the or-
der of the realization of the service is delivering to
trans-shipping terminal in the written mould (fax, e-
mail). The realization of the order follows after exe-
cuting the analysis of the agreement of working plan
and the identification of the realization of the ser-
vice. While executing the order the opinion of the
regularity of the realization is made. Responsible
aggregate for the realization of the order represents
the conclusion to the management terminal in the
case of incompatibility from the customer expecta-
tion. When the customer undertakes reclamation
workings begun then becomes the peaceable conduct
with the internal instruction.
Ent ry
Analys ies ask
of fer
Realization order
Ex it
Choice service
If ra i l w ay - ro a d
serv ice
If road - railway
serv ice
Fig. 5. Algorithm of functioning land terminal (own study)
Fig. 6. Algorithm of the analysis offer asks (own study).
During the realization of the order you should
haul the kind of the realization of the service:
railway - road,
road - railway.
The main aim of the service is the transport of in-
termodal individuals on near the minimization of the
standstill of individuals on the terminal customer or-
der railway - road (Fig. 8). While individuals on
wagons are on the trans-shipping track he follows
identification, agreements with the transports letter
(working plan) (technology RFID). The dispatcher
prepares them to the landing after affirming agree-
ment and the party of documents (letter transporting-
identifying individuals). Individuals subjected the
direct trans-shipment become unblocked on wagons.
Order on the service
Ent ry
Realization order
Checking the effectiveness of working
I f effe ctive ly
Ex it
Choice service
If railway- road
If road-railway
Fig. 7. Algorithm of the realization of orders (own study).
The choice of the technology of the trans-
shipment follows in dependence from: the condition
of the individual: or vain, if capacious, the type: con-
tainer 20', replaceable body etc. and also her tech-
nical state. He next is considered the decision, which
to use the device during the trans-shipment, if the
gantry, if the jacks cart, and to accelerate two simul-
taneously maybe trans-shipping works. Already pos-
sessing information the operator of the device places
them if the given individual is subjected the direct
trans-shipment on the fix to the trans-shipment after
executing the choice i.e. he can be charged on the
waiting on her wagon or on the road vehicle. He fol-
lows the identification of wagon or road vehicle and
direct trans-shipment, the protection of the individu-
al and documentary evidence the realization of the
Substitution type-matter of wagons
Ent ry
P ar t y of d oc ume nt s
Ide n tyfica ti on of ind i vi du als
Choice technology of the trans-shipment
If trans-shipment
If trans-shipment
Aspect ganty to the trans-shipment Aspect delivery truck to the
Choice of the trans-shipment
dire ct
I f in direct
Identification wagon
a l r ea dy
Tra ns- sh ipme nt
Protection individual
Realization of the service
Ex it
Location of the address of storing
Trans-shipment individual on the square
give in the
I nd i vidu als waits fo r th e s qu ar e
Choice technology of the trans-shipment
Undertaking individual
Aspect gantry Aspect delivery truck
Yes Yes
Un bl o cki ng p rot ect ion s
un de rtake
from wagons
Identification vehicle the road
Fig. 8. Railway-road (own study).
Identification of vehicle on gate terminal
Ent ry
P art y o f d oc um e nt s
Checking the technical condition
of the individual
Choice technology of the trans-shipment
Aspect ganty to the trans-shiprnet
Aspect delivery truck to the
Choice of the trans-shipment
I f d ir ect
Identification vehicle the road
already waits
Tra ns-shi pm e nt
Protection individual
Realization of the service
Ex it
Location of the address of storing
Trans-shipment individuals on the square
g i ve in t he
Individuals waits for square
Choice technology of the trans-shipment
Undertaking of the
ind ividu al
If trans-shipment
If trans-shipment
Aspect ganty to the
Aspect delivery truck to the
tr an s-sh ipme nt
Yes Yes
Fig. 9. Road - railway (own study).
In the case, when road vehicles did not arrive on
the time of the individual subjected the indirect
trans-shipment find, and now the operator of the
trans-shipping device before he will undertake the
individual from the wagon he knows her exact loca-
tion on the component square. Trans-shipping works
begin then and putting individual in sectors on the
component square. When the delayed road vehicle
arrives on the land terminal after given individual
her identification (technology RFID) follows on the
square then, the choice of the technology of the
trans-shipment, trans-shipment, the protection of in-
dividual on the semitrailer of the road vehicle and
last stage documentary evidence the realization of
the service. The land terminal leaves after executing
all actions individual.
The algorithm of the road-railway service the
realization of the operation of the efficient trans-
shipment whose aim minimalizing the time is also
spent individuals on the land terminal was intro-
duced on (Fig. 9) While the individuals arrive on the
land terminal the road vehicle on the gate subjected
the identification, the type of individual, protection,
technical state become, received documents become
then and the decisions are made on the basis of con-
tained information, what to the choice of the tech-
nology of the trans-shipment (the trans-shipment lo-
lo perpendicular, if horizontal ro-ro like simultane-
ously lo-lo, ro-ro the aim of acceleration of the
works of trans-shipping). The operator prepares
them to the trans-shipment after the choice of the
device. In the case, when he undertakes the individ-
ual from the semitrailer of the road vehicle he pos-
sesses information, if the given individual is subject-
ed trans-shipping direct, if indirect. The operations
of the direct trans-shipment are the priority. After
identification the wagon on, which the individual
has to settle the operations of the trans-shipment
begin protection her and documentary evidence the
realization of the service then. In the case of the in-
direct trans-shipment the operator before he will un-
dertake the individual from the semitrailer of the
road vehicle he knows exact location and the sector
of assembly her on the square (RFID) because the
wagons are not prepared to the trans-shipment yet.
When wagons be prepared, one can begin the works
loading of the individuals which are subjected iden-
tification on the square terminal (RFID). The next
stage is the choice of the technology of the trans-
shipment and undertaking of the individual from
square and placing her on the wagon after identifica-
tion individual. When all individuals are already on
wagons moulding the string of cars safe become, in
the documents of the realization of the service are
prepared between the time. The type - matter of
wagons with individuals (conferment) leaves the
land terminal after executing all formalities.
The integration of forwarding processes, he requires
the development of international systems joint in one
net about the large possibilities of the flow of the
freight pulp. One talks about the intermodal trans-
portation which unites railway transports with road
and sea near one figure of the cargo behaviour more
and more often. Support of the development of ter-
minals in the chains of intermodal transportation, the
limitation of the transports of goods will let suppose
the road transportation which guides not only to de-
cay of the road infrastructure but enlargement of the
release of exhaust gas also causes what he guides to
the degradation of the natural environment in the
consequence. Strong exists so one need the set -
back of the tendency to growing utilization of car
transportation on the thing of intermodal transporta-
One notes down on the Polish forwarding market
of the hesitation of the pace of the growth since sev-
eral years and the lack of the uniform and dynamic
development of transports intermodal. He is the re-
sult of this the worsening quality of railway services,
the growth of the time of the service of intermodal
individuals on terminals (among others problems
with identification individuals on the component
square), the deepening price uncompetitive of rail-
way transportation in the relation to car transporta-
tion and the lack of the complex and effective in-
struments of the forwarding politics of the state,
supporting the intermodal transportation. According
to the expectations of the growth of intermodal
transportation in the Poland, the terminals have to be
prepared on the party of the larger number of inflow-
ing streams individuals. (Kuśmińska A., Łukasik Z.
2005) many of Polish land terminals the present
moment stays trans-shipping terminals from the
name exclusively. Land terminals functioning on the
terrain of our country in the future matched charged
tasks should also improve the system the processing
and the circulation the information, which together
with the system of steering the stream individuals,
he was presented in the figure of algorithms and
which he will improve the processes in the land ter-
Kuśmińska A., Łukasik Z.: Models trans-shipping processes
in the intermodal terminal” Technical University of Radom,
„LogiTrans”, Szczyrk 2005
Kuśmińska A., Łukasik Z.: „Models the processes of the flow
JTI in the land terminal”, „IntLog” Stockholm 2006.
Łukasik Z., Kuśmińska A., Matejek T- (stage II),: Intermod-
al transportation in the processes of the flow of cargos” the
stage II, III, Technical University of Radom 2006-2007
S.C.2.70 Deliverable 3: the „Design of of Platforms Simulation
environmentt” Lugano 31.01.99