on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 3
An oceangoing ship is affected by external forces
such as wind, ocean currents, and waves. Weather
routing techniques are usually applied in cases
where the magnitude of those external forces are
very large and may pose a danger to ships. In addi-
tion, optimal navigation is required from an econom-
ical point of view. Although there have been many
efforts to develop route optimization techniques,
most cases do not take ship maneuvering dynamics
into account. Recent improvements in computing
performance have made it possible to carry out a
large amount of computation, so it is even possible
to take ship motion dynamics into consideration. In
this study, a new weather routing method was devel-
oped that takes ship maneuvering motions, current,
wind, and waves into account by time domain com-
puter simulation.
An MMG-type mathematical model of ship ma-
neuvering motions is introduced for the dynamic
calculation. The model includes many variables such
as sway, yaw, propeller thrust and torque, rudder
force, and fuel consumption. The maneuvering mo-
tions are solved by differential equations of motion
for every moment throughout the voyage. Moreover,
the optimal navigation route is determined by mini-
mizing the fuel consumption through Powell’s
method. In this paper, the mathematical models of
the ship maneuvering navigation model are first
shown. Next, methods for calculating the current,
wind, and waves from the database are introduced
and demonstrated. Then, several kinds of computer
simulations for weather routing are shown. Finally,
the applicability and future works are discussed.
A container ship was chosen as the subject ship of
this study because it is one of the principal means of
marine transportation. Moreover, container ships
consume more fuel than other marine vehicles be-
cause they are run faster to accommodate tight cus-
tomer schedules. The specifications of the subject
ship are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Specifications of subject container ship.
Length overall Loa 299.85 m
Length between perpendiculars Lpp 299.85 m
Breadth molded Bmld 40.00 m
Depth molded Dmld 24.30 m
Draft designed d 14.02 m
Propeller diameter Dp 9.52 m
Propeller pitch Pp 7.25 m
Lateral projected area A
8284.25 m
Transverse projected area A
1052.18 m
Gross tonnage GT 75,201 t
Service speed Vs 25.0 kt
Advanced Navigation Route Optimization for
an Oceangoing Vessel
E. Kobayashi, T. Asajima & N. Sueyoshi
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
ABSTRACT: A new weather routing method is proposed that accounts for ship maneuvering motions, ocean
currents, wind, and waves through a time domain computer simulation. The maneuvering motions are solved
by differential equations of motion for every moment throughout the voyage. Moreover, the navigation route,
expressed in terms of a Bézier curve, is optimized for minimum fuel consumption by the Powell method. Alt-
hough the optimized route is longer than the great circle route, simulation results confirm a significant reduc-
tion in fuel consumption. This method is widely applicable to finding optimal navigation routes in other areas.