io. What seems to be very interesting, the value of
standard deviation is changing at the same time and
the tendency is obvious. The faster the turn is (rate
of turn is bigger), the bigger standard deviation – the
covariance is more spread.
In the figure 7 the boundaries of 95% confidence
levels are additionally shown. It was calculated
based on average and standard deviation values.
These two graphs visualize directly how the region
of 95% confidence is enlarging with the increase of
rate of turn value.
An important conclusion derives from figures 6
and 7, namely that dynamic of the maneuver can be
noticed during statistical analysis. Especially the
value of covariance of Vx and Vy can be very useful
in determining maneuver rate.
3.3 Conclusions
To conclude jointly the research figures 5 and 7 shall
be compared. The average value of calculated covar-
iance is basically the same for non-maneuvering and
for maneuvering targets. The standard deviation on
the other hand is clearly increasing as the rate of turn
is getting bigger. So for the steady motion standard
deviation is small and for fast maneuvers is bigger.
Statistical analysis of movement vector parame-
ters (course, speed, Vx, Vy) can also be used for dif-
fering steady motion from maneuvers, the analysis
however is not so obvious.
This leads to a conclusion, that covariance be-
tween Vx and Vy is the best value to define move-
ment models and the definition should be based on
standard deviation analysis.
The idea of building multiple model neural filter
seems to be promising alternative for numerical fil-
ters in the light of earlier research.
Definition of movement models is of the key is-
sue for this project. The paper presented the analysis
of possibility of determining such models, based on
statistic dependences. The results of the research
showed that statistical analysis of covariance of
movement vector elements (Vx, Vy) can be particu-
larly useful for this purpose. It has been proven that
standard deviation of such a covariance is increasing
when the target is maneuvering faster.
The determination of particular models, based on
standard deviation threshold, shall be the subject of
empirical research. This will probably be one of the
future steps for continuation of presented research.
However prior to these more simulation research
shall be conducted. These shall include especially
the influence of own ship – target geometry for the
statistics observations.
An important conclusion derived from research is
also the fact that one movement model is sufficient
for describing uniform motion, while for the maneu-
vers a few models shall be established. The number
of them should be the result of empirical research.
Another problem will be to “translate” statistical
model to GRNN, thus to adjust network parameters
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