International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 3
September 2011
One of the main challenges identified by the Euro-
pean Commission White Paper on transport was to
address the imbalance in the development of the dif-
ferent modes of transport. Specific actions looking
to boost rail and maritime connections were foreseen
and included the establishment of the Marco Polo
programs. The demand for increased mobility and
increased flexibility and timeliness of delivery has
led to road transport becoming the dominant mode
of transport in the European Union. The growth in
road transport has had a significant impact on road
congestion, road safety, pollution and land use. In
view of this, a change from traditional unimodal to
multimodal transport is desirable. Maritime transport
is one of the least pollutant modes. Additionally, it
contributes to the reduction of traffic congestion, ac-
cidents and noise costs on European roadways. An-
other advantage of ships over trucks and trains is
that vessels consume less fuel as a result of the rela-
tively low speeds at which they travel. All these ad-
vantages justify support actions to intermodal chains
with marine sections including Short Sea Shipping
(SSS) as a way to reach more sustainable mobility
within Europe. The main benefit of Short Sea Ship-
ping lies in the possibility of combining the inherent
advantages provided by the involved modes, thus
reducing costs and increasing freight transport ca-
pacity over long distances.
Nevertheless, maritime society still regards mari-
time transport as a slow, inefficient mode since
shippers do not yet offer the best value for money.
This paper shows the development carried out to
create a simulator that compares freight transport by
only road chains and by multimodal (with SSS)
chains and comprises five sections. The introductory
section summarises the context of the paper. Section
two describes the actual scenario related on the state
of art of freight costs simulators. A brief description
of the methodology used in the development of the
costs simulator is explained in section three. The re-
sults obtained using costs simulator tool are shown
in the next section. Finally conclusions and further
research are drawn in section five.
The determination of cost functions and variables is
important in assessing the feasibility of a process.
Historically, the empirical estimation of port cost
functions started in the 60’s with Wanhill’s work.
The works by De Monie, Dowd and Lechines, Tal-
ley and Conforti proposed a cost analysis to appraise
port performance and output by calculations of sev-
eral indicators. Ametller Malfaz thesis describes the
development of cost and time evaluation under the
hypothesis of freight distribution based on popula-
tion density. Actual cost and time simulators an be
divided into two groups: the first one a few parame-
ters must be introduced to determine cost or time
without specifying the method used; the second one
calculates external costs based on theoretical studies
like Realise and Recordit projects.
Development of a Costs Simulator to Assess
New Maritime Trade Routes
F.X. Martínez de Osés, M. Castells i Sanabra & M. Rodríguez Nuevo
Nautical Science and Engineering Department, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, Spain
ABSTRACT: This paper is going to describe the design process of a simulator that assesses the costs of dif-
ferent means of transport. The evaluation not only will be done regarding the internal costs but also the exter-
nal costs that will be translated to environmental costs, based on existing databases. The paper shows the de-
velopment carried out to create this simulator and analyse all components of the logistical chain, i.e. port
operation costs, road haulage costs and maritime leg costs. The simulation results have been validated with
real data of actual maritime routes to check its reliability. As a conclusion, the costs simulator permits assess
costs of new maritime trade routes comparing them with road transport.
This paper presents a simulator of internal and ex-
ternal costs which also allows updating data. In or-
der to design the simulation model, the behavior of
freight distribution systems must be known. Road
haulage, port operation and maritime leg must be
modeled to assign costs derived from each of the
parts or components of the logistic chain.
The calculation method of overall costs (in €)
have been calculated considering a single variable
(Gross Tonnage) for all transport modes.
Figure 1.Example of logarithmical ratio between fuel costs and
gross tonnage (GT). Source: Own
Time (in hours) spent by the modes of transport
to move freight between an origin and a destination
will strongly depend upon the physical and operation
speed of the modes employed. Calculations consider
European road transport regulations on driving times
and costs of road freight transport.
Data of truck internal costs will be obtained by
analyzing a set of model trucks specified by the
Ministry of Public Works and for vessels, Short Sea
Shipping Ro-Ro ships are ships employed in Medi-
terranean maritime routes.
All required data is computed by an engine gen-
erated by an Excel spreadsheet and a computer pro-
gram complied in Visual Basic, and then presented
in tables and graphs.
After we have introduced all required data, the
methodology used by de simulator can be summa-
rized by the following steps:
1 Choose data from the destination matrix and find
out whether there is a destination for the selected
2 Choose data from the origin matrix and find out
whether there is an origin for the selected route.
3 Choose data from the maritime distance matrix.
4 Introduce ship occupancy rate (σ).
5 Introduce type of freight (σ).
6 Introduce the number of stops made by the ship in
each trip (ρ).
7 Introduce specific company profits as a payment
for ship services (β).
8 Print and display all solutions for the selected
ship (calculation of Short Sea Shipping and only
road transport costs and pollutant emission costs).
9 Choose the three best ships for the selected route
from the simulator’s database and provide their
particulars (ship’s name, year of building, length,
breath, tonnage, lane meters, power, speed and
number of platforms).
10 Perform routines under the established formula-
All data are interpreted by means of tables, charts
and mask designed for the presentation of simulator
Figure 2. Example of the mask showing parameters to be se-
lected before the calculation process and results of external and
internal costs. Source: Own
Once we have designed the costs simulator, we have
analyzed routes between Spain and the Black Sea
region, considering the imminent entrance of candi-
date East and Middle European countries into the
European Union. Trade operations with all these
countries open the door to two big markets: Central
Asia and the Middle East. The number of volumes
exchanged between Spain and the Black Sea Region
shows and upward trend. The total volume of ex-
ports and imports between Spain and the Black Sea
region is approximately 3,941,806.1 and
24,898,406.1 tons, respectively, value that justifies
the management of a trade route between both re-
gions. The data were obtained from figures regard-
ing Spanish import and export operations with Bul-
garia, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and
Ukraine, although the countries with the highest
number of exchanges with Spain are Greece, Tur-
key, Russia and Ukraine.
Costs ant times differences for all possible routes
between Spain and the Black Sea region have been
calculated considering multimodal and road
transport. Next tables show the results between dif-
ferent Spanish origins and Black Sea Area.
Figure 3: Costs and times differences between multimodal and
road transport from Spain to Black Sea region. Source: Own
After the most important exchanges have been se-
lected, Cost Competitiveness Index (CCI) and Time
Competitiveness Index (TCI) are calculated. If the
resulting value is more than one, then the Short Sea
Shipping alternative is more competitive in costs and
in time than the only road alternative.
Table 1: Example of Cost Competitiveness Index (CCI) and
Time Competitiveness Index (TCI) between Spain and Turkey
(Istanbul port). Source: own
Barcelona 1,828896 2,2809114 3,946985
Cádiz 1,643525 1,9559147 2,704304
Madrid 1,746747 2,1564750 3,306404
Murcia 1,848956 2,3061440 3,675953
Valencia 1,937316 2,4842342 4,365663
Vizcaya 1,491680 1,7688517 2,509041
Zaragoza 1,70757 2,0653322 3,175024
Next figure shows the results of Cost Competi-
tiveness Index of SSS versus only road transport be-
tween Spain and the Black Sea region routes:
Figure 4: Cost Competitiveness Index of SSS versus only road
transport between Barcelona and the Black Sea. Source: Own
From results obtained, we can state:
The Time Competitiveness Index (TCI) deter-
mined that SSS routes between Spain and Geor-
gia and Spain and Ukraine are the most efficient
in terms of time.
The Cost Competitiveness Index (CCIa) deter-
mined that SSS routes with the driver, truck and
trailer onboard the ship are more competitive in
terms of cost than the above case.
The Cost Competitiveness Index (CCb) deter-
mined that SSS routes with only the trailer
onboard the ship are the most competitive in
terms of cost.
A design process of a simulator for the assessment
of internal and external costs of an only road chain
and an intermodal one has been designed. Costs
simulator is a fast tool to help customers decide on
the most convenient transportation mode for a spe-
cific trade link.
This model has been validated according to data
from actual commercial exchanges. This validation
analysis is quite successful and the simulator data
are very close to real prices. The difference between
the model data and real data do not exceed 10%.
In this paper we have studied the special case be-
tween Spain and the Black Sea Region but the tool
presented can assess new maritime trade route com-
paring with road transport.
A more in deep analysis should be carried out.
Data obtained can be used for further research, af-
fording prediction of emissions in the near future by
keeping in mind the traffic and fleet evolution and
the existing legislation and can also be used to check
price variations due to commercial reasons.
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