International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 3
September 2011
In the last two decades, the boom in international
trade and the function expanding of port, have led to
more vessels to get in and out port water. There has
been a strong focus on the relationship between port
water unexpected incidents and port authorities, ves-
sels, berth operators, onboard and port workers, ter-
minal operators, owner and operators of different
transport modes interacting with the port water area
(rail, road, inland navigation). Port water incident is
a kind of serious disaster with high consequence. A
disaster at port water is an accident which affects the
vessel, the berth, the persons on board or berth, the
cargo or the environment.
Marine traffic risk has been a core subject in mar-
itime studies, because it is coupled with transport
safety, shipping efficiency, distribution reliability
and loss prevention (Tsz Leung Yip, 2006). Some
coastal countries have undertaken the task of equip-
ping their coastline with the appropriate sea rescue
means, following the guidelines of the International
Maritime Organization and in accordance with the
International Convention of Search and Rescue
(IMO, 1974, 1999). Meanwhile, some decision-
making methods have also been used in the sea
shipping areas. Port water area is much different
from sea water in navigation density, width of fair-
way, type and number of vessels, and other naviga-
tion environment. Meanwhile, vesselsberth and an-
chorage operations, port operations, port and
waterway engineering operations, can lead port wa-
ter accidents.
The port water incidents to which this work refers
are those which occur in port water region. The port
water region is the water area within the port bound
lines. It includes berthsconnecting water areas, port
fairways, vessel turn around areas and port anchor-
Although the port authorities do their best to im-
prove the port water’s navigational environment,
port city safety is still faced with port operation ac-
cidents, maritime accidents, and result in personnel
injury or death, property loss, as well as severe envi-
ronmental damages. If effective rescue operation
cannot be taken immediately, a great ecological or
economic tragedy is unavoidable. Therefore, the port
water incident rescue is an emergency operation that
requires quick response.
From the technical viewpoint, port water rescue
can be defined as an external action aimed at rescu-
ing persons, vessels, public property, and protecting
Improving Emergency Supply System to Ensure
Port City Safety
Zesheng. Wang, Zhonghua. Zhu & Wencai. Cheng
Zhenjiang Watercraft College, Jiangsu, Zhengjiang,China
ABSTRACT: To efficiently implement emergency response program to port unexpected incidents, a perfect
emergency supply system which including communications supplying, transportation supplying and rescue
equipments supplying must be ready-to-used. Considering physical geography, harbor area, possible incident
type and incident scale and other factors, using multi-objective fuzzy decision theory to set up emergency
supply centers, improving sharing resource mechanism, administrative legislation and other measures are be
used to improve port emergency supply system. Shanghai port’s practice prove the improve port emergency
supply system is effective.
water area environment from an incident which is
immediate and irreversible unless action is taken.
The main activity of the port water emergency
rescue services is to attend to incidents that occur in
the port water environment. These are services relat-
ed with the activation of extinguishing a fire, the
withdrawal of floating and sinking objects which are
dangerous for navigation, separating the un-
safe vessel, controlling and clearing up the leakage
matters, medical rescue.
When an incident occurs, the authorities in charge
the port water area send all of the corresponding re-
ports to the government centre of the port city and to
the superior port management department. With this
data, official statistics are drawn up, using various
parameters related to the characteristics of the vessel
and the berth, type of accident and damage incurred.
The distribution of the port water rescue resources is
planned by using this incident data and the charac-
teristics of the possible locations.
The response time is critical in rescue operations
and the rescue charge is very high. The port water
rescue activity must be carry out immediately at the
time that the emergent rescue centre accepts the of-
ficial reports. The emergent rescue plan made under
time limiting pressure may be not a good one and
delay the rescue. The process of planning sea rescue
resources and their distribution in the various loca-
tions should be carried out according to scientific
criteria, both of a technical nature and in terms of
The paper first provides an analysis of the inci-
dents type in the port water area and the rele-
vant rescue resources. Then outline the multi-
objective fuzzy decision method based on timeliness
and economical efficiency target. At last, describes a
practical example of the distribution of a rescue re-
source and draw some conclusions on the method
2.1 Critical characteristics of the port water area
Vessels passing in and out the water area, vessels
berthing operations, vesselsanchoring operations,
port and waterway engineering operations, make the
port water area is the busiest navigation area, and
bring the port water areas safety faced with more
menaces. Port water areas navigation environment
is associated with a number of critical characteris-
High traffic volumes;
Wide variation in vessel size and types;
High portions of speed craft and ferries;
Close proximity of marine facilities within a
small geographic area;
A high proportion of coastal and inland water
Active mid-steam operations for cargo move-
Lots of port and waterway engineering opera-
Multiple water approaches to the port and
Lots of anchoring areas.
Above characteristics are disadvantageous in port
water area. The following are several advantageous
key characteristics:
Good navigation traffic control of vessel activity;
Perfect navigation system and
A high level of reporting of port water area inci-
2.2 Incident types in the port water area
The causes of port water area incident can be vari-
ous, such as design defects of vessel, navigation traf-
fic events, port operation accident, port and water-
way engineering operation failure, badly weather
and other disadvantageous factors. The direct im-
pacts of the disaster may include oil/chemical spills,
raw sewage discharges, cargo losing, fairway blocks,
port paralysis, crews and workers casualties, with
indirect impacts such as ecology disaster.
Table 1 illustrates the accident types and the pos-
sible consequences of each kind of accident.
Table 1 Incident types and the possible consequences
Type of incidents Possible consequences
Vessel accidents Fire/explosion
Danger cargo falling
Gas/liquid leakage
Man overboard
Structural failure
Others(e.g., machinery failure)
Port operating Fire/explosion
accidents Danger cargo operation failure
Gas/liquid leakage
Damage to equipment
Damage to wharf
Heavy nature Fire/explosion
damage Danger cargo falling
Gas/liquid leakage
Damage to equipment
Damage to vessel
Damage to wharf
Each kind of incident needs the suitable rescue re-
sources to effectively carry out emergency response.
2.3 The point of determining how to response the
Port water incident rescue gains great attention from
decision-makers and researchers. On reporting an
incident, it always covers the precise location, the
latest condition, and the physical parameters (type,
construction, and size) of the disaster vessel, the
berth, the fairway, the nature and quantity of the
cargo, as well as the nature of the damage, in partic-
ular any harmful and poisonous substances. There-
fore, port water area incident rescue is a necessary
and complicated subject.
At the point of determining how to response the
port water incident, some factors must be taken into
account which is decisive in the process of distrib-
uting port water rescue resources. These factors con-
sist of:
1 Characteristics of the incident, the wharf, the
fairway, the vessel and the damage produced.
2 Types of the incidents and establishment of a
scale of severity.
3 Risk source and sensitive area analysis.
4 Distribution of resources such as tug-boats, fire-
fighting boat, oil-absorbing ship, rescue boats,
cleaner vessel, helicopters, with a definition of
their radius of action.
5 Placement of rescue resources assigning indica-
tors of suitability to every possible incident loca-
6 With shorter response time.
7 Cost-effectiveness.
In the port environment, rescue resources distribu-
tion is one of the most important parts of the port
emergency response plan. In China, work on the
emergency support system is managed by port au-
thorities and the Ministry of Maritime Safety Ad-
ministration. When the authorities draw up the
emergency response plan, they firstly carry out haz-
ards identification and evaluation, and study on sen-
sitive areas according to port function zone.
The efficient assignment of port rescue resource
requires, on the one hand, various port operation ar-
eas to be interrelated with areas in which accidents
are concentrated and on the other hand, a planning
process to be developed in which information on the
past and present, as well as predictions on the future,
are handled. The information is about vessels in-
formation (type, size, performance, loading condi-
tion and, manning), port waters navigation envi-
ronment (traffic flow, hydrological condition, mete-
orological conditions and, channel condition), and
service at port (pilotage service, vessel traffic ser-
vice, berth condition, and port operations).
Thus, the method to be applied in assigning res-
cue resources combines aspects of models for the lo-
cation of port activities with elements of planning,
such as port areas planning and port functions plan-
ning. A general methodology based on gravitational
models to optimize distribute sea rescue resources
has been applied to assign sea rescue boats
(Azofra, 2007). To overcome limited time pressure,
while retaining minimum rescue project duration, a
rescue plan for the maritime disaster rescue is ob-
tained with the application of heuristic resource-
constrained project scheduling approach (Liang Yan,
3.1 Problem statement
In the port emergency response plan, according to
the characteristic of unexpected incident, the degree
and the development, the scale of severity is classi-
fied into four grades: particularly serious (Grade I),
grave (Grade II), severely (Grade III) and general
(Grade IV). The particularly serious incident needs
the nation to start the emergency response plan and
dispatch domestic each kind of rescue resources, or
even receive overseas support resources. The general
incident can be deal with the port enterprise by self-
prepared resources. The Grade III incident only
needs the port authority to use resources of one res-
cue center. The grave incident needs more resources
than one rescue center, so that several rescue centers
need to take part in the rescue activity.
Here only the rescue resources distribution of the
grave incident is discussed, that is to solve how to
use more than two rescue centers to deal with unex-
pected incident. To the port city, the emergency re-
sources candidate storages are those areas where
many berths are concentrated. Port operation areas,
port fairway and anchorages are those areas where
need resources. To improve port citys safety and
competitiveness, the port areas are planed scientifi-
cally according to the types of unload cargoes and
berthing vessels. Berths with the same function are
centralized in one area, so that vessels entering and
outgoing the port area are the same. So that the pos-
sible incidents in the area are the same and the need-
ed resources are regular. The locations of all of the
rescue resources do not necessarily have to coincide
and an incident at port water area may or may not
require the presence of one or several means of sea
3.2 Multi-object decision models
The evaluation of location should be performed tak-
ing into account several factors of the accidents:
their number, type, scale of severity and, considering
that any accident should be responded to immediate-
ly, the distance between the place where the acci-
dents takes place and the location of the resource to
be used. Moreover, for any possible location (port
zone, harbor enterprise) its suitability or capacity
should be assessed (fire fighting, sewage cleaning
and other rescue installations available).
The response time is critical in rescue operations.
This will depend on the technical characteristics of
the means of rescue used (speed and operability), on
the distance to be covered and on the weather condi-
tions at the time of the rescue. However, once the re-
source to be used is identified, the only controllable
parameter is distance. Thus, for the purposes of the
present work, it is assumed that time is proportional
to distance.
Storage and usage rescue resources have to pay
quite a large amount of money. On the one hand, to
keep the resource storage into use need a vast cost,
this is a flat-rate fee. On the other hand, sending re-
source from the storage point to demand points need
fee which is related to means of delivery and trans-
mission distances. Considering the economic target,
the number of storage point to be used should be as
small as possible.
The decision of distribution rescue resources is
one kind of multi-objective problems. The targets of
the decision are that the response time is short and
the number of storage point to be used is small.
Provided that one port city has port areas as
.The possible needed resources in the
port areas are
XXX ,,,
. Supposed that the port
has n candidate resource storages
AAA ,,,
. The
flat-rate fee of each storage and the weights of the
two criterions (timeliness and economic) are known.
The weights of the two criterions can be gotten by
using Analysis Hierarchy Progress (AHP) according
to incident type and characteristic of the port area.
The most proper decision is that the rescue resource
support scheme based on an overall consideration of
timeliness and economic factors. For one kind of in-
cident, the rescue resourcessupport scheme has two
targets as follow:
The target function of economic
11 11
ij ij i
ij ij
= = = =
= +
∑∑ ∑∑
is the costs of resources transmitted from
storage i
to the demand point j
( 1, )jp=
is the flat-rate fee of each storage i
is the criteria be used to judge
whether the resource is transmit from storage i
to the demand point j
( 1, )jp=
. If the
resource is transmit for storage i to the demand point
X =
, else ,
X =
. And there is a relation:
sgn( )
ij ij
The target function of timeliness
max( )
ij ij
= =
= ×
where T is the timeliness target.
is the time that
the resource send form storage i
( 1, )in=
to the
demand point j
( 1, )jp=
. If there are more than
one storage to attend the rescue activity, the timeli-
ness target is the time of the scheme with the longest
The general objective
Use the Linear Weighted Technique (LWT) to get
the general objective:
min( )S TC
= +
can be get by
using Uncertainty AHP (WANG Zesheng 2007)
based on incident type and incident degree.
Form the function (1) and (2), it is easy to see that
the decision variable is
The Port of Shanghai faces the East China Sea to the
east, and Hangzhou Bay to the south. It includes the
heads of the Yangtze River, Huangpu River (which
enters the Yangtze River), and Qiantang River. The
Port of Shanghai is a critically important transport
hub for the Yangtze River region and the most im-
portant gateway for foreign trade. The port of
Shanghai includes 5 major working zones as shown
in Fig 1.
The possible main types of accidents occurring in
each zone are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Port zone area and possible accidents
Port zone area Possible accidents
Zone A Collision/ Man overboard
Zone B Collision/ Grounding
Zone C Collision/ Damage to wharf
Zone D Collision/ Damage to equipment
Zone E Fire/explosion/Gas/liquid leakage
Fig 1 Port zone area
The distances between every zone are shown in
Table 3.
Table 3 Distances between every zone (kilometer)
Zone A B C D E
A 0 10 30 150 100
B 10 0 15 140 90
C 30 15 0 120 70
D 150 140 120 0 50
E 100 90 70 50 0
The supporting provided that every zone area is
the candidate storage, the flat-rate fees of each stor-
age are as shown in Table 4.
Table 4The flat-rate fee of each storage (ten thousand Yuan
Zone A B C D E
Fee 20 20 20 25 23
The costs of one kind of resource (for example
for liquid leakage) transmitted form zone
( 1, 5)ii=
to zone
( 1, 5)jj=
are shown in Ta-
ble 4.
Table 5 Transmitting costs between zones (ten thousand Yuan
Zone A B C D E
A 0 0.3 0.5 2 1.5
B 0.3 0 0.4 1.8 1.2
C 0.5 0.4 0 1.7 1.1
D 2 1.8 1.7 0 1
E 1.5 1.2 1.1 1 0
To response liquid leakage accident in port areas,
the timeliness is very strong. Set up
, by using the above multi-
objective model, get that Zone A and Zone E are the
best point to set up storage.
The principle on which a port city should take deci-
sions about the supply center of port rescue re-
sources should be based on highly objective criteria.
At present, when assigning rescue resources, a wide
variety of technical factors are taken into account
(e.g. water area of the port to be covered, traffic
flows and types of traffic, danger involved in these
traffics and port operations, accident rates, port facil-
ities). By using these factors it is possible to weigh
the suitability of a candidate location. In fact, how-
ever, political factors often affect and the process of
determining the supply center of rescue resources.
Although it is the most subjective factor, it usually
has the greatest weight in taking the final decision.
When assigning port rescue resources, it is neces-
sary to use a holistic viewpoint of the problem. This
vision is essential if the problem involves manage-
ment of port water rescue resources. In practice, the
management of all port rescue resources of a port
city is interdependent, regardless of how they are
The proposed model is for individual allocation
of port rescue resources supply center. The method
presupposes that these resources supply center will
be assigned one by one, but this does not imply that
a previous assignment will not condition a later one.
Therefore, once a given resource has been assigned,
it must be considered in an interdependent way with
the other resources located along the same zone of
the port. In this context, it should be pointed out that
the assignment of a resource to a location would lead
to a reduction of the suitability factor of the rest of
the possible locations near the selected location.
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Tsz Leung Yip, 2006. Port traffic risks-A study of accidents in
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quick response to maritime disaster rescue. International
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