Each kind of incident needs the suitable rescue re-
sources to effectively carry out emergency response.
2.3 The point of determining how to response the
Port water incident rescue gains great attention from
decision-makers and researchers. On reporting an
incident, it always covers the precise location, the
latest condition, and the physical parameters (type,
construction, and size) of the disaster vessel, the
berth, the fairway, the nature and quantity of the
cargo, as well as the nature of the damage, in partic-
ular any harmful and poisonous substances. There-
fore, port water area incident rescue is a necessary
and complicated subject.
At the point of determining how to response the
port water incident, some factors must be taken into
account which is decisive in the process of distrib-
uting port water rescue resources. These factors con-
sist of:
1 Characteristics of the incident, the wharf, the
fairway, the vessel and the damage produced.
2 Types of the incidents and establishment of a
scale of severity.
3 Risk source and sensitive area analysis.
4 Distribution of resources such as tug-boats, fire-
fighting boat, oil-absorbing ship, rescue boats,
cleaner vessel, helicopters, with a definition of
their radius of action.
5 Placement of rescue resources assigning indica-
tors of suitability to every possible incident loca-
6 With shorter response time.
7 Cost-effectiveness.
In the port environment, rescue resources distribu-
tion is one of the most important parts of the port
emergency response plan. In China, work on the
emergency support system is managed by port au-
thorities and the Ministry of Maritime Safety Ad-
ministration. When the authorities draw up the
emergency response plan, they firstly carry out haz-
ards identification and evaluation, and study on sen-
sitive areas according to port function zone.
The efficient assignment of port rescue resource
requires, on the one hand, various port operation ar-
eas to be interrelated with areas in which accidents
are concentrated and on the other hand, a planning
process to be developed in which information on the
past and present, as well as predictions on the future,
are handled. The information is about vessels’ in-
formation (type, size, performance, loading condi-
tion and, manning), port water’s navigation envi-
ronment (traffic flow, hydrological condition, mete-
orological conditions and, channel condition), and
service at port (pilotage service, vessel traffic ser-
vice, berth condition, and port operations).
Thus, the method to be applied in assigning res-
cue resources combines aspects of models for the lo-
cation of port activities with elements of planning,
such as port areas planning and port functions plan-
ning. A general methodology based on gravitational
models to optimize distribute sea rescue resources
has been applied to assign ‘sea rescue boats’
(Azofra, 2007). To overcome limited time pressure,
while retaining minimum rescue project duration, a
rescue plan for the maritime disaster rescue is ob-
tained with the application of heuristic resource-
constrained project scheduling approach (Liang Yan,
3.1 Problem statement
In the port emergency response plan, according to
the characteristic of unexpected incident, the degree
and the development, the scale of severity is classi-
fied into four grades: particularly serious (Grade I),
grave (Grade II), severely (Grade III) and general
(Grade IV). The particularly serious incident needs
the nation to start the emergency response plan and
dispatch domestic each kind of rescue resources, or
even receive overseas support resources. The general
incident can be deal with the port enterprise by self-
prepared resources. The Grade III incident only
needs the port authority to use resources of one res-
cue center. The grave incident needs more resources
than one rescue center, so that several rescue centers
need to take part in the rescue activity.
Here only the rescue resources distribution of the
grave incident is discussed, that is to solve how to
use more than two rescue centers to deal with unex-
pected incident. To the port city, the emergency re-
sources candidate storages are those areas where
many berths are concentrated. Port operation areas,
port fairway and anchorages are those areas where
need resources. To improve port city’s safety and
competitiveness, the port areas are planed scientifi-
cally according to the types of unload cargoes and
berthing vessels. Berths with the same function are
centralized in one area, so that vessels entering and
outgoing the port area are the same. So that the pos-
sible incidents in the area are the same and the need-
ed resources are regular. The locations of all of the
rescue resources do not necessarily have to coincide
and an incident at port water area may or may not
require the presence of one or several means of sea