International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 2
June 2011
One of the main tasks in Artificial Intelligence is to
create the advanced systems that can effectively find
satisfactory solution of given problem and improve
it over time. Intelligent autonomous agents used in
these systems can quickly adapt to current situation,
i.e. change their behavior based on interactions with
the environment (Fig. 1), become more efficient
over time, and adapt to new situations as they occur.
Figure 1. Interaction of helmsman with an environment.
Such abilities are very important for simulating
helmsman behavior in ship maneuvering on restrict-
ed waters.
For simpler layouts learning process can be per-
formed using classic approach, i.e. Temporal Differ-
ence Reinforcement Learning (Tesauro 1995,
Kaelbling, Littman & Moore 1996) or Artificial
Neural Networks with fixed structures (Braun &
Weisbrod 1993). Dealing with high-dimensional
spaces is a known challenge in Reinforcement
Learning approach (Łącki 2007) which predicts the
long-term reward for taking actions in different
states (Sutton & Barto 1998).
Evolving neural networks with genetic algorithms
has been highly effective in advanced tasks, particu-
larly those with continuous hidden states (Kenneth
& Miikkulainen 2005). Neuroevolution gives an ad-
vantage from evolving neural network topologies
along with weights which can effectively store ac-
tion values in machine learning tasks. The main idea
of using evolutionary neural networks (ENN) in ship
handling is based on evolving population of helms-
The neural network is the helmsman's brain mak-
ing him capable of choosing action regarding actual
navigational situation of the vessel which is repre-
sented by input signals. These input signals are cal-
culated and encoded from current situation of the
In every time step the network calculates its out-
put from signals received on the input layer. Output
signal is then transformed to one of available actions
influencing helmsman’s environment. In this case
the vessel on route within the restricted waters is
part of the helmsman’s environment. Main goal of
the agents is to maximize their fitness values. These
values are calculated from helmsmen behavior dur-
Multirole Population of Automated Helmsmen
in Neuroevolutionary Ship Handling
M. Lacki
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the proposal of advanced intelligent system able to simulate and demon-
strate learning behavior of helmsmen in ship maneuvering. Simulated helmsmen are treated as individuals in
population, which through environmental sensing learn themselves to safely navigate on restricted waters. In-
dividuals are being organized in groups specialized for particular task in ship maneuvering process. Neuroev-
olutionary algorithms, which develop artificial neural networks through evolutionary operations, are used in
this system.
ing simulation. The best-fitted individuals become
parents for next generation.
Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT)
method is one of the Topology and Weight Evolving
Artificial Neural Networks (TWEANN’s) method
(Kenneth & Miikkulainen 2002). In this method the
whole population begins evolution with minimal
networks structures and adds nodes and connections
to them over generations, allowing complex prob-
lems to be solved gradually starting from simple
The NEAT method consists of solutions to three
main challenges in evolving neural network topolo-
1 Begin with a minimal structure and add neurons
and connections between them incrementally to
discover most efficient solutions throughout evo-
2 Cross over disparate topologies in a meaningful
way by matching up genes with the same histori-
cal markings.
3 Separate each innovative individual into a differ-
ent species to protect it disappearing from the
population prematurely.
2.1 Genetic Encoding
Evolving structure requires a flexible genetic encod-
ing. In order to allow structures to increase their
complexity, their representations must be dynamic
and expandable (Braun & Weisbrod 1993). Each ge-
nome in NEAT includes a number of inputs, neurons
and outputs, as well as a list of connection genes,
each of which refers to two nodes being connected
(Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Genotype and phenotype of evolutionary neural net-
In this approach each connection gene specifies
the output node, the input node, the weight of the
connection, and an innovation number, which allows
finding corresponding genes during crossover. Con-
nection loopbacks are also allowed, as shown in fig-
ure 2.
2.2 Mutation
Mutation in evolutionary neural networks can
change both connection weights and network struc-
tures (Fig. 3). Connection weights mutate as in any
neuroevolutionary system, with each connection ei-
ther perturbed or not.
Structural mutations, which form the basis of
complexity, occur in two ways. Through mutation
the genome can be expanded by adding genes or
shrunk by removing them. In the add connection
mutation, a single new connection gene is added
connecting two previously unconnected nodes. In
the add node mutation, the new node is placed, thus
allowing to create new connections in future possi-
ble mutations.
Figure 3. An example of weights and connection mutation in
connections genome.
2.3 Crossover
Through innovation numbers, the system knows ex-
actly what genes match up with each other. Un-
matched genes are either disjoint or excess, depend-
ing on whether they occur within or outside the
range of the other parent's innovation numbers.
In crossing over operation (Fig. 4), the genes with
the same innovation numbers are lined up. The off-
spring is then formed in one of two ways: in uniform
crossover, matching genes are randomly chosen for
the offspring genome. In blended crossover, the
connection weights of matching genes are averaged.
These two types of crossover were found to be most
effective in ENN in extensive testing compared to
other crossover methods (Kenneth & Miikkulainen
Figure 4. An example of crossover operation of equally fitted
The disjoint and excess genes are inherited from
the more fitted parent or from both parents, if they
are equally fitted. Disabled genes (with zeroed
weight) have a chance of being re-enabled during
mutation, allowing networks to reuse older genes
once again.
Evolutionary neural network can store history
tracks of every gene in the population, allowing
matching genes to be found and linked-up together
even in different genome structures. Old behaviors
encoded in the pre-existing network structure are not
destroyed and remain qualitatively the same, while
the new structure provides an opportunity to elabo-
rate on these original behaviors.
In agent learning process, the genomes in NEAT
will gradually get larger through mutation. Genomes
of different sizes will sometimes result with different
connections at the same positions. Any crossover
operator must be able to recombine networks with
differing topologies, to pass agents skills to next
generations in meaningful way. Historical markings
represented by innovation numbers allow NEAT to
perform crossover without analyzing topologies.
Genomes of different organizations and sizes stay
compatible throughout evolution, and the variable-
length genome problem is essentially avoided. This
methodology allows NEAT to increase the complex-
ity of the structure while different networks still re-
main compatible.
2.4 Speciation
Speciation of population can be seen as a result from
the same process as adaptation (Beyer & Schwefel
2002), natural selection exerted by interaction
among organisms, and between organisms and their
environment (Spears 1995). Divergent adaptation of
different populations would lead to speciation. Spe-
ciation of the population assures that individuals
compete primarily within their own niches instead of
competition within the whole population. In this way
topological innovations of neural network are pro-
tected and have time to optimize their structure be-
fore they have to compete with other experienced
agents in the population.
Generally, during species assigning process, as
described in (Łącki 2009a), when a new agent ap-
pears in population, its genome must be assigned to
one of the existing species. If this new agent is struc-
turally too innovative comparing to any other indi-
viduals in whole population, the new species is cre-
Compatibility of agent’s genome g with particular
species s is estimated accordingly to value of dis-
tance between two individuals. This distance is cal-
culated with formula 1:
where: c1; c2; c3 - weight (importance) coeffi-
cients; E - number of excesses; D - number of dis-
- average weight differences of matching
genes; N the number of genes in the larger ge-
There must be estimated a compatibility threshold
at the beginning of the simulation and if
δ ≤ δ
then genome g is placed into this species. One can
avoid the problem of choosing the best value of
dynamic. The algorithm can raise
if there are
too many species in population, and lower
if there are
too few
2.5 Fitness sharing
Fitness sharing occurs when organisms in the same
species must compete with each other for life-
sustaining resources of their niche. Thus, a species
cannot afford to become too big even if many of its
individuals perform well.
Therefore, any one species is unlikely to take
over the entire population, which is crucial for spe-
ciated evolution to maintain topological diversity.
The adjusted fitness f
for individual i is calculated
according to its distance
from every other individ-
ual j in the population:
where: f
fitness value of individual i; sh - shar-
ing function; n - number of individuals in whole
population; - average weight differences of matching
(i,j)distance between individuals i and j.
The sharing function sh is set to 0 when distance
(i,j) is above the threshold
t; otherwise, sh(
(i,j)) is
set to 1 (Spears 1995). Thus, sum of sh calculates
the number of organisms in the same species as in-
dividual i. This reduction is natural since species are
already clustered by compatibility using the thresh-
t. A potentially different number of offspring is
assigned to every species. This number is propor-
tional to the calculated sum of adjusted fitness val-
ues f
of its members.
In the first step of species reproduction process
the system eliminates the lowest performing mem-
bers from the population. In the next step the entire
population is replaced by the offspring of the re-
maining organisms in each species (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Evolution within one species in speciated population.
The other selection methods in speciated popula-
tion are also considered in future research, i.e. island
selection or elite selection of best fitted individuals
of every species with particular task.
The final effect of speciating the population is
that structural innovations are protected.
The main goal of authors work is to make a system
able to simulate a set of navigational situations of
ship maneuvering through a restricted coastal area.
This goal may be achieved with Evolutionary Neural
Networks (ENNs).
Figure 6. Sample data signals of ship handling with ENN.
Navigational situation of a moving vessel can be
described in many ways. Most important is to define
proper state vector from abundant range of data sig-
nals (Fig. 6) and arbitrary determine fitness function
values received by the agent. Fitness calculation is
of primary meaning when determining the quality of
each agent. Subsequently it defines helmsman's abil-
ity to avoid obstacles while sailing toward designat-
ed goal.
Figure 7. Model of simulated simplified coastal environment.
In the simplified simulation model there are no
moving vessels in the area (Fig. 7) (Łącki 2009b).
Helmsman observes current situation which is
mapped into input signals for his neural network. In
general considered input signals indicating (i.e.):
The ship is on the collision course with an obsta-
Ships course over ground,
Ships angular velocity,
Distance to collision,
The ship is approaching destination,
Ships angle to destination,
The ship is heading out of the area,
Danger has increased,
Danger has decreased,
Ship is heading on goal.
All the input signals are encoded binary (Łącki
2010a). Neural network output value is the rudder
angle. It is crucial for effectiveness of simulation to
determine the number of neural network outputs.
More outputs mean more calculations but on the
other hand better accuracy and fidelity of designed
environment. Additionally too many outputs in-
crease complexity of the learning process, thus mak-
ing an agent unable to quickly adapt to new situa-
tions. This accuracy vs. performance dilemmas were
examined extensively in previous works (Łącki
The fitness value of an individual is calculated
from arbitrary set action values, i.e.:
-1 for increase of the distance to goal in every
time step,
-10 when ship is on the collision course (with an
obstacle or shallow waters),
+10 when she's heading to goal without any ob-
stacles on course,
-100 when she hits an obstacle or run aground,
+100 when ship reaches a goal,
-100 when she departs from the area in any other
way, etc.
In the simplified simulation model speed of the
ship was constant. In the advanced model, in which
one considers a set of possible task, there must be
possibility for the agent to adjust speed of the vessel.
Situation evaluation can be treated as multi-criteria
problem which calculates a danger of getting strand-
ed on shallow water, encountering a vessel with
dangerous cargo, getting to close to shore, etc. It can
be estimated with available optimization algorithms
(Filipowicz, Łącki & Szłapczyńska 2005) with func-
tion of ship's position, course and angular velocity,
information gained from other vessels (if considered
in the model) and coastal operators.
3.1 Multirole ship handling system
Situation Determining Unit (SDU) is an intelligent
module responsible for grouped helmsmen manage-
ment (Fig. 8).
Figure 8. Complementary multirole neuroevolutionary ship
handling system.
This unit constantly receives information from
state of the environment, processes it, determines ac-
tual navigational situation and regarding it chooses
the best fitted group of helmsmen for this task. SDU
is designed with neuroevolutionary system. The best
performing neural network is the one making deci-
sions. Its performance is determined regarding fit-
ness values reinforcing the neural network by Fit-
ness Value Estimator. With elite selection method
this neural network participates in creation of new
generation of SDU’s.
State vector is dynamic in that its signals depend
on current navigational situation chosen by SDU.
Set of available actions is determined in the same
way. An example of input and output signals for
general navigation task is presented on figure 9.
Figure 9. Input and output signals in general navigation task.
List of considered possible tasks:
General navigation during this task SDU ob-
serves possible collision warnings. All the vessels
are treated as points. Action: coarse rudder angle.
Collision avoidance The vessels involved in
collision situation are treated as 2D objects. Ac-
tion: precise rudder angle, propeller thrust con-
Turning Action: rudder deflection, propeller
thrust and bow/stern thrusters’ control,
Mooring Action: propeller thrust and bow/stern
thrusters’ control, rudder deflection.
Two different multirole models of restricted wa-
ters environment can be taken into consideration in
the advanced system:
Single vessel multirole population simulation,
Multi-task multi-agent simulation.
In the first model the main goal is to train popula-
tion of helmsmen to safely handle a particular model
of a ship in specified single multirole task (i.e. safe
passage trough congested water channel, approach to
dock and mooring). In this case agents compete sim-
ultaneously with each other in one population (may
be grouped into species) to handle a ship as best as
possible. Any other vessels in the area are treated as
stationary or moving objects on reasonably predicta-
ble routes (Fig 10).
Figure 10. Example of an environment with simultaneous mul-
tirole population of helmsman.
The second model consist a small number of dif-
ferent vessels in the same restricted waters with
helmsmen as the best trained agents for particular
ships (Fig. 11). In this case every helmsman has dif-
ferent goal and different environmental situation,
depending on actions taken by other helmsmen on
the other vessels.
Figure 11. Example of multi-task multi-agent environment.
There are four agents allocated on four vessels. Starting points
of the vessels are indicated with black outlines while goals for
them are marked with white ones.
Neuroevolution approach to intelligent agents train-
ing tasks can effectively improve learning process of
simulated helmsman behavior in ship handling
(Łącki 2008). Neural networks based on NEAT in-
crease complexity of considered model of ship ma-
neuvering in restricted waters.
Implementation of multirole division of helms-
men population in neuroevolutionary system allows
simulating complex agents’ behavior in the envi-
ronments with much larger state space than it was
possible in a classic state machine learning algo-
rithms (Łącki 2007). In this system it is also very
important to change parameters of genetic opera-
tions dynamically as well as the input signals vector
and set of available actions.
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