During field tests a position from a satellite
navigation system was recorded with the use of
a Javad Alpha receiver, which enables simultaneous
reception from both American (GPS) and Russian
(GLONASS) systems.
The effects of our tests are illustrated by the
visualization shown in Figure 10, created with use of
Google Earth software. The dotted line represents
the path of positions received from the satellite
systems GPS/GLONASS, and the dots represent the
calculated positions of the ground-based system.
Analyzing the visualization shown in Figure 10 it
can be observed how accurate the route travelled by
the vessel was reconstructed by points calculated by
the autonomous localization system - AEGIR.
The presented results are the preliminary approach
to the analysis of a designed system. The first results
suggest that this solution can be very useful for
military purposes.
The presented system has been developed to be
very flexible. It allows to use more than three
ground-stations. Placing them in areas of known
positions, allows to create a grid, which will provide
an independent reading of coordinates from satellite
The presented system is fully asynchronous. In
case of damage or shutdown of one of the stations,
the system in a short time will be again fully
functional. The only condition is to receive signals
from at least three ground stations.
The described research is funded by the Polish
Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a part
of research and development project No O R00 0049
06. The authors express their sincere thanks for
allocated funds for this purpose.
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