on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 2
One of the main characteristics determining the ef-
fectiveness of a radio communication system is the
stability against disturbances [1,2]. It is character-
ized with the dependency of the fidelity of received
communications on the line energy parameters, al-
gorithms used to transmit information and statistical
characteristics of interferences [1,2]. With discrete
systems of connections, the error probability of dis-
tinguishing signals is used for fidelity assessment
The modern radio communication systems with
safety responsibility are required to guarantee that
the error-probability given will not exceed the pre-
liminary specified permissible value independently
of the variability activity of the channel. In essence
it means that the given quantity of the system func-
tioning is achieved thanks to the independency (par-
tial or complete) of the performance of the noise-
resistance from reasons causing the non-stationary
state of the channel of connection. In the theory of
automatic control this ability of the system to oppose
resist against the disturbing actions is known as in-
variance. In the systems of connection, the part of
disturbing effects is played by different disturbances
and noise-resistance is the feature of the system that
is invariant to them.
For a radio channel, the typical situation is the one
where the performance of noise-resistance is deter-
mined by the presence of disturbances of several
classes (fluctuating, spectrum-concentrated, im-
pulse). The functional kind of the expression of the
error probability with receiving by elements depends
on the sets of signal parameters, the disturbances and
the interaction between them:
, (1)
express the mean statistical prop-
erties of the ratios between the energies of the i-th
signal variant and the j-th disturbance variant and
the white noise spectral density.
The part of parameters of interaction between the
signal and disturbances is played by set {
i=1÷n , j=1÷
, average statistical values of the co-
efficients of the reciprocal differences in the fre-
quency-and-time area of their structures.
As the degree of the interaction between the use-
ful signal and the disturbance on the frequency-and-
time plane is analogous to their mutual correlation
function, it is suitable to assume the average statisti-
cal value of the mutual difference coefficient in the
position of interaction between them. This value is
expressed in the kind of:
An Invariance of the Performance of Noise-
Resistance of Spread Spetrum Signals
G. Cherneva & E. Dimkina
University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria
ABSTRACT: The paper is a study on the invariance of the performance of noise-resistance with respect to the
quasi-determined spectrum-concentrated interferences with transmitting of spread spectrum signals with a
fixed algorithm of processing.