− Embedding the data model within the encapsula-
tion (i.e., file format) restricts the flexibility and
capability of using a wider range of transfer
mechanisms while retaining data structure and
− It is regarded by some as a limited standard fo-
cused exclusively for the production and ex-
change of ENC data.
As a result of these limitations, in 2000 the IHO
approved a major revision to S-57, resulting in the
new framework geospatial standard S-100 (Ed 1.0.0
- January 2010).
1.2 S-100
S-100 provides a contemporary hydrographic geo-
spatial data standard that can support a wide variety
of hydrographic-related digital data sources, and is
fully aligned with mainstream international geospa-
tial standards, in particular the ISO 19000 series of
geographic standards, thereby enabling the easier in-
tegration of hydrographic data and applications into
geospatial solutions such as coastal zone manage-
ment. S-100 extends the scope of the existing S-57
Hydrographic Transfer Standard. S-100 is inherently
more flexible than S-57 and makes provision for
such things as the use of imagery and gridded data
types, enhanced metadata and multiple encoding
formats. It also provides a more flexible and dynam-
ic maintenance regime for objects, attributes and
portrayal via a dedicated on-line registry.
The S-100 standard provides a framework of
components that are based on, and designed to be in-
teroperable with, the ISO 19000 series of standards
and specifications. These standards and specifica-
tions are also used as the basis for most contempo-
rary geospatial standards development activities and
are closely aligned with other standards develop-
ment initiatives such as the Open Geospatial Consor-
tium (OGC).
The IHO has also developed an associated Regis-
try to be used in conjunction with the S-100 stand-
ard. The IHO Registry contains the following addi-
tional components;
− Feature Concept Dictionary (FCD) Register.
− Portrayal Register.
− Metadata Register
− Register of data producer codes.
A particularly significant aspect of S-100 is that it
provides the framework for the development of the
next generation of ENC products, as well as other
related digital products required by the hydrograph-
ic, maritime and GIS communities.(Ward, Alexan-
der, and Greenslade, 2009) S-100 contains all the
components necessary to create conformant product
specifications to exchange a variety of digital hydro-
graphic and marine geo-spatial information. S-100
contains multiple parts that were profiled from the
ISO 19000 set of standards.
2 S-101
S-101 is the new Electronic Navigational Chart
Product specification, currently under development
by the IHO TSMAD Working Group. S-101 draws
upon the concepts of S-100 such as exchangeable
and dynamic feature and portrayal catalogues, and
richer geometric models, information types and
complex attributes. The use of these new feature
types will allow ENC producers to overcome a
number of known encoding shortcomings in S-57
based ENCs such as the overuse of caution areas,.
In addition, the improved functionality will lead to
more efficient data handling and better portrayal def-
inition within ECDIS equipment, by eliminating or
reducing the number of conditional symbology pro-
One of the major benefits in S-101 is the ability
to introduce additional functionality that is not avail-
able in S-57 ENCs. S-101 ENCs will eventually be
the base navigation layer within an S-100 enabled
ECDIS, but the true potential will not be realized un-
til additional product specifications are developed to
interact with S-101. Currently, the IHO has ap-
proved work for S-100 based product specifications
for high resolution bathymetry and for nautical pub-
lications. Other potential S-100 based product spec-
ifications may include real-time tidal information
and port operations information. A system capable
of handling multiple S-100 products will allow for
better navigational decision making by containing
information regarding real time tides and sailing di-
The key to the successful development of S-101
is the involvement of the maritime stakeholder
community. This list includes: Hydrographic Offic-
es, production software manufacturers, ECDIS
equipment manufacturers, end-users, such as mari-
ners, port authorities, and any other interested par-
ties. During this process both TSMAD and the IHO
are engaging in a continuous dialogue with stake-
holders. In each of the past two years the IHO has
held S-101 stakeholder workshops in order to pre-
sent the status of S-101, the phased development
process, and to receive feedback and suggestions on
how best to overcome the current limitations in S-57
ENCs and the associated ECDIS portrayal require-