− limited space for all DSC format visualization,
Navigators as usual neglect DSC process and di-
rectly pick up the telephone on channel 16. Such
elimination of DSC doesn’t accelerate reliable and
correct VHF communication because a lot of time
may be needed for called/calling vessel’s verbal
specification among other vessels.
An important objective of the VHF radiocommu-
nication improvement is the development and im-
plementation of such technical improvements which
could give an ability to:
1 simplify the process of providing DSC radio-
communication to, practically, the equivalent ac-
tions in terms of time and number of operations,
as to the usual radio-telephone receiver picking
up procedure; and
2 select the called/calling vessel among others
which are displayed on the electronic navigation-
al chart. This element is specifically important for
the urgent reaction of the watch officer on the
called vessel under difficult navigation condi-
tions, i.e. to provide the automatic identification
of the called/calling vessel in the live navigation
The completion of these two tasks can be
achieved within the frames of the currently used
vessel equipment through the integration of the VHF
DSC controller and the navigation equipment com-
posed of the Automatic Identification System (AIS)
and the Electronic Chart Display and Information
System (ECDIS). In this case all of the basic func-
tions of integrated systems are preserved.
Currently AIS is an obligatory equipment to be
carried on board all vessels. ECDIS has been man-
dated recently, nevertheless even now it is widely
used as a supplement to the traditional paper charts.
AIS provides for the exchange of information which
includes an identification number (MMSI). ECDIS,
while operating with AIS, enables it to indicate ves-
sels on a navigation display within the AIS operating
area, i.e. approximately 30 nautical miles, and to re-
flect them on electronic navigational charts.
The combination of the VHF DSC equipment
with the AIS - ECDIS system allows:
1 to eliminate, practically, the procedure of DSC
forming while substituting manual operations by
a computer mouse “click” on the ECDIS display;
2 to provide the authentication of a calling vessel
on the electronic chart and thus to make the pro-
cess of attachment of the called/calling vessel to
the navigation situation automatically. A calling
vessel can be indicated on the display by a blink-
ing mark which will allow OOW (officer of the
watch) of the called vessel to quickly estimate the
navigational situation and make an effective deci-
The unique character of the vessel’s authentica-
tion is provided by the presence of vessel identifier
(MMSI) both in DSC and AIS. In other words, it
means that the calling vessel is automatically at-
tached to the current navigation situation represented
on a navigation display.
During the manual preparation of the call proce-
dure, as it is provided in the existing system, an op-
erator has to make an individual call to a ves-
sel/coast station and for this purpose has to enter a
nine-character long digital identifier (MMSI) and
working channel number. While doing this, about 20
pressings of the DSC controller keyboard buttons are
required. More difficult calls require more key
pressing. The proposed method gives the ability to
form a call through a mouse click only on the chosen
vessel (or the coast station). The series of parame-
ters, for example, the working channel number, can
be set by default (or can be chosen manually if nec-
essary). The entering of the MMSI is not required in
the proposed method because it can be sent from the
AIS - ECDIS system to the DSC controller automat-
Integration of the DSC - VHF and AIS - ECDIS
may be realized through a separate interface block
connected to the DSC equipment of any equipment
manufacturers. Replacement of the DSC equipment
is thus not required. Appropriate simplified scheme
is presented in the figure 1. The scheme includes al-
so navigational sensors and devises that in practice
are connected to ECDIS Workstation. Connection of
DSC VHF equipment and ECDIS is implemented by
means of bidirectional interface.
Figure 1. General scheme of ECDIS inputting and VHF DSC