In order to get the factors resulting in the man
overboard, Delphi method was adopted. Inquiry
sheets were sent to 15 experts including captains, in-
structors, and trainers as well. In addition, Accident
Records including all kinds of accidents happened
during the training were analyzed. According to the
investigation results, the prime hazard factors were
summed up as follows:
− The MRBs need to be accelerated or decelerated
frequently to keep the chevron shape, which may
lead to the man overboard due to doddering.
− The movement of MRBs will make huge wave,
which may lead to the man overboard due to
− The Flag Vessel (UPDVs) may be trimmed by the
head because of rolling and pitching, which may
lead to the man overboard due to flooding.
− The Flag Vessel (UPDVs) will be damaged or
capsized by the collision with the aids to naviga-
tion or by grounding, which may lead to the man
− The Flag Vessel (UPDVs) between two teams
may collide or fouled with each other because of
the irregular of the current speed and direction,
which may lead to the man overboard.
Hazard identification helps to quantify the fre-
quency and severity of every performer overboard.
Frequency, the common statistics for computing
possibility elements, is introduced to describe the
possible occurrences of hazardous accidents or ab-
normal events. Generally, the frequency is described
using such phases as ‘‘frequent’’, “reasonably prob-
able’’, ‘‘remote’’ and ‘‘extremely remote’’. As for
man overboard, this paper suggests five grades to
describe the possibility of performers falling into
water, so that the frequency of the man overboard
can be quantified accurately. Details of the criteria
are showed in table 1:
Table 1 Frequency/probability criteria table for the man over-
Nature Index Value Description
Always F5 5 Always happened during an activity
Frequent F4 4 Frequently happened during an activity
Reasonably F3 3 Possibly happened during an activity
Remote F2 2 Occasionally happened, but not often
Extremely F1 1 Almost would not have happened
During an activity,
but should not exclude the existence
The MRBs are equipped with two engines and
60HP each, some of them 90HP. The maximum
speed can reach more than 40 knots. While they tow
10 UPDVs, the maximum speed is less than 10
knots, and the inflammable rubber bands around
MRBs are railed for protecting men from falling into
The UPDVs next to the MRBs (that is Ai-1 or Bi-
1, i
[1,11]) is relatively easy to be impacted by
green water, which was caused by two high speed
engines. Man overboard frequently happened. Be-
sides, the more close to the center of the UPDVs
fleet the crew is, more rough the wave is, and he is
easier to fall into the water. According to the analy-
sis mentioned above and consulting to the coach
team, the matrix of possibility of man overboard at
different position of the FVF was obtained as fol-
lows (figure 3):
Figure 3 matrix of possibility of man overboard at different po-
Severity is utilized to describe the consequences
of casualties. Quantifying the severity is complicated
issue in safety assessment. Generally, the severity is
described using such words as ‘‘Catastrophic’’,
“Major’’, ‘‘Minor’’, and ‘‘Insignificant’’. As for
man overboard, this paper provides their definitions
in table 2 as follows: