time has been assumed to be 5 seconds – a typical
value for a marine receiver. The receiver is assumed
to acquire and track a signal of a particular station
only if the SNR is higher than 0 dB (BS EN
61075:1993) and the sky wave field strength to
ground wave field strength ratio and sky wave delay
are within the limits prescribed by the receiver Min-
imum Performance Standard (BS EN 61075:1993).
CRI at SIR values higher than 10 dB has been as-
sumed to be perfectly cancelled (Model 2); interfer-
ing signals at SIR lower than 10 dB and SNR above
0 dB have been blanked (Model 4). SIR in our CRI
analysis has been defined as the ratio of the power of
the ground wave of the useful signal to the power of
the interfering signal, calculated either from the
ground wave or the sky wave field strength (which-
ever is higher). As an example of the expected ef-
fects of CRI, Figures 8, 9 show the estimated blank-
ing loss for both rates of the dual-rated transmitter at
Finally, based on the predicted ToA measurement
errors and transmitter geometry, positioning errors
have been estimated as described in our previous
paper (Safar et al. 2010). Figure 10 shows the pre-
dicted 95 percent radius (R95) accuracy calculated
under the assumption of Gaussian-distributed meas-
urement errors. As explained above, the plot also as-
sumes that differential eLoran and ASFs are availa-
ble over the entire area.
There are a number of reasons why the figures pre-
sented in this paper should be interpreted with cau-
tion. Let us briefly mention the most important ones.
First of all, we still do not have a rigorous defini-
tion of SNR in eLoran. It is therefore difficult to
compare measurements obtained using different re-
ceivers, and also to translate SNR values from cov-
erage prediction models to actual SNRs as would be
seen by a practical receiver. This issue is currently
being discussed within the Radio Technical Com-
mission for Maritime services - Special Committee
127 on eLoran Systems (RTCM SC-127).
In developing our receiver performance model we
have approximated atmospheric noise by Gaussian-
distributed noise. It is well known that real atmos-
pheric noise also contains an impulsive component.
eLoran receivers, if properly designed, can benefit
from that and may achieve substantial processing
gain by suppressing the impulsive part of the noise.
In real atmospheric noise conditions, the receiver
may therefore perform better than our model pre-
dicts. Quantifying the achievable processing gain,
however, requires knowledge of the amplitude dis-
tribution of the noise (Boyce 2007).
Further performance improvements may be
achieved through sky wave aided tracking. Simula-
tor experiments could be conducted to verify this.
We might also want to explore alternative sky wave
propagation models, such as the USCG-Decca mod-
el (Last et al. 1991) which was specifically designed
for the Loran frequency band.
On the other hand, there are a number of factors
that haven’t been considered and may negatively
impact the tracking performance. These are for ex-
ample residual errors due to CRI cancelling, back-
ground CRI from distant stations that cannot be
tracked, residual Carrier-Wave Interference, or the
impact of transmitter timing jitter. These factors may
be important at high SNRs.
Finally, we might also want to include differential
eLoran in the model. This requires a study of spatial
decorrelation of the differential corrections as the
user receiver moves away from the reference station.
Also the accuracy of ASF maps used in user receiv-
ers needs to be assessed and included into the overall
error budget.
We have studied the tracking performance of a typi-
cal commercially available eLoran receiver under
Gaussian noise and CRI conditions. Based on our
findings we have developed an updated receiver per-
formance model for the purpose of coverage predic-
tion and optimisation.
Using this new model we have analysed the pos-
sibility of mitigating CRI within the European
transmission network through blanking at the re-
ceiver end. Our analysis suggests that with the cur-
rent configuration of the network, blanking results in
a substantial loss of tracking energy, and we recom-
mend that a study is conducted to examine the po-
tential gains of redesigning the timing of the
(e)Loran transmissions in Europe.
We have also used the updated receiver model to
generate a positioning accuracy plot for the GLAs’
service area. Despite the relatively high blanking
loss values assumed in the analysis, the plot suggests
that sub-10 m accuracy with eLoran should be
achievable in areas of good transmitter geometry,
such as off the north and east coast of Britain. The
performance figures presented herein should, how-
ever, be interpreted with caution, as this is still work
in progress.