International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 1
March 2011
1.1 Navigational visual condition at sea
The meaning of the navigational visual condition at
sea is the environmental condition by eye-sight at
sea. The visual perception of the target at sea in the
maritime traffic system is herein considered, based
on the following two measurement results:
1 horizontal illuminance inside the navigation
2 sky luminance of 2 degrees within the horizon
In addition, the visual perception of targets such
as aids to navigation and ships is directly related to
environmental physical characteristics.
1.2 A proper look-out
As you know, Rule 5 of the COLREG’s (Interna-
tional Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,
1972) define “Look-out” as follows: Every vessel
shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight
and hearing as well as by all available means appro-
priate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions
so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of
the risk of collision.
1.3 Marine accidents caused by the improper look-
An improper look-out is often pointed out as a cause
of marine accidents. Fig. 1 shows the annual change
of the total number of marine accidents and the ratio
of improper look-out, based on data collected by the
MAIA (Marine Accident Inquiry Agency) in Japan,
years 2000 ~ 2008.
Figure 1. Marine accident caused by improper look-out
Visual Condition at Sea for the Safety
M. Furusho
Kobe University, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe, Japan
K. Kawamoto
Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Okayama, Japan
Y. Yano & K. Sakamoto
Kobe University, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe, Japan
ABSTRACT: To the navigation officers of the watch (OOW’s) on the navigation bridge the environmental
condition of visual acuity is the most important factor for keeping a proper look-out, as regulated by the IMO
COLREG’s (Rule 5). Navigation officers are required to keep a proper look-out for prevention of (ships) col-
lisions. There are many collision incidents at sea, and especially so under conditions of good visibility. This
paper has two topics related to the illuminance and luminance from sunlight, as follows:
The first topic is the introductory explanation of the illuminance inside the navigation bridge.
The second topic is the sky luminance condition as seen by the OOW from the navigation bridge.
These two topics are fundamental factors related to visual perception at sea. The OOW on the bridge has to
understand that every care must be taken, especially in fine weather conditions.
2.1 Horizontal illuminance in the navigation bridge
The Captain, navigation officers, look-outs and
helmsmen (hereafter termed “navigators”) on watch
on the navigation bridge are strongly affected by the
effect of natural lighting such as sunlight. The illu-
minance outdoors by day and by night has a wide
variance between 100,000 lx from direct sunlight in
fine weather and by 0.2 lx from the light of a full
The illuminance meter (model IM-3 made by
TOPCON Co. Ltd.) as a measurement device con-
nected with a recording printer was used as indicated
in Photo 1. There was no additional condition which
had a restriction, such as alteration of the course,
speed or others, during this measurement of illumi-
nance on the navigation bridge.
Photo 1, Measurement device
Table 1. Specification of the cooperative ships
Month Ship Purpose G.T. L.O.A. Speed H.E.
Tons m knots m
March C T 449 49.95 13.5 7
May A CF 3,611 114.50 19.5 14
June B CF 19,796 192.90 21.8 22
July C T 449 49.95 13.5 7
Sept D CF 3,597 196.00 25.0 23
1) T: Training ship, CF:Car Ferry, H.E.:Height of Eye
2) Observing area was around Japan. Latitude: 35degrees N.
2.2 Sky luminance in 2 degrees from the horizon
One of the conditions to recognise a target, such as a
ship or aid to navigation, is the background lumi-
nance of the object. It is necessary for visible per-
ception that the difference of the luminance between
the background and the target should be more than
the value of the luminance difference threshold.
The luminance difference threshold means the
threshold limit value of the brightness, based on the
experimental studies by Blackwell, H.R., in 1946
and Narisade, K. et al, in 1977 and so on.
About a background when we look at a target, it
can be judged from the navigators’ characteristics of
eye movement at sea. This background is both the
sky luminance of 2 degrees above the horizon and
sea surface luminance of 2 degrees below the hori-
zon, but in this paper the sky luminance is taken into
The measurement was carried out on board ship
C. The luminance meters (TOPCON’s meters BM-5,
BM-5A and BM-8: Photo 2) were set and directed
right ahead through the windscreen of the navigation
bridge according to the regular procedure by naviga-
tors. The specification of luminance meter BM-5A is
shown in Table 2. The weather conditions were fine,
or fine and cloudy, with direct sunlight.
Photo 2. Luminance Meters
Table 2. Specification of the luminance meter(BM-5A)
Optical System Diameter 32 mm, F=2.5
Measurement Angle 0.1, 0.2, 1, 2 degrees
Photo acceptance Unit Electronic Light Amplifier
Wave Length 380
-780 n.m.
Range 0.00011200000cd/m2
Distance 520mm
Sampling Time 2 sec
Size & Weight 355(L) X 130(W) X 169(H) mm ,
4 Kg
3.1 Horizontal illuminance on the navigation
The result of the measurement data of the horizontal
illuminance on the navigation bridge using the illu-
minance meter connected with a printer, as indicated
in Photo 1, is shown in Fig. 2. The vertical scale in
Fig. 2 shows illuminance in lux in logarithmic scale;
the horizontal scale shows Japan Standard Time
(JST) which has 9 hours difference from Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT). These data have dispersion
which depends on the different observing times in a
Figure 2. Horizontal illuminance in the navigation bridge
3.2 Sky luminance of 2 degrees above the horizon
The sky luminance, dependent on the relative direc-
tion towards the solar direction in the open sea, was
measured. The result of these observations is shown
in Table 3. These experimental observations were
carried out in July during a research voyage of the
training ship.
Table 3 Sky luminance of the relative direction towards the so-
lar direction at open sea
Relative Angle Max.:A Min.:B Range:A-B
degrees cdm
0 27,420 7,070 20,350
45 20,900 6,610 14,290
90 6,627 4,723 1,904
135 5,500 3,960 1,540
180 6,165 4,166 1,999
-135 6,095 3,910 2,185
-90 6,170 4,249 1,921
-45 12,190 6,340 5,850
Remarks: Relative angle 0 degree means the solar direction.
“-(negative number)means the left side of solar direction
The sky luminance, dependent on the relative di-
rection towards the solar direction at the time of
relative angle around 0 (zero) degrees, changes from
7,000 to 27,000 cd/m
. The range, which means the
difference of luminance between the maximum val-
ue at A and the minimum value at B, was found to
be approximately 20,000 cd/m
The opposite side, in the case where the relative
angle is -90 ~ +90 degrees of solar direction, pro-
duced a small change at 1/10th of the range.
Figure 3. Relationship between the sky luminance and the solar
altitude in degrees.
4.1 Horizontal illuminance by the standardization
with using solar altitude
Fig. 2 shows the seasonal difference for times of
sunrise and sunset; also, the difference in hours of
morning or evening twilight at differing sea areas.
There is no affect by the different heights of eye
on the horizontal illuminance on the navigation
bridge. The illuminance change in daytime has a
wide value between 1,000 lx and 10,000 lx, but at
morning or evening twilight the illuminance changes
rapidly with time. This is a remarkable feature of
twilight at this time there are functional changes of
both the cone and the rod of the visual cell.
The horizontal illuminance nearby the windshield
on the navigation bridge has various changes be-
tween 0.01 lx and 10,000 lx, according to the voyage
situation such as seagoing area, navigation time,
ship’s course and so on.
Because the illuminance change has seasonal
characteristics according to the times of sunrise,
sunset and the hours of twilight, standardisation of
illuminance based on the observation time might be
difficult. Therefore, the solar altitude is useful for
the standardisation by using calculated solar alti-
tudes based on the observing time and geographical
Fig.4 shows the results of the standardisation by
using solar altitude. This demonstrates that the solar
altitude is a suitable factor for explaining the change
of horizontal illuminance on the navigation bridge.
Figure 4 Horizontal illuminance on the navigation bridge by
the standardisation method using solar altitudes
4.2 Sky luminance on shore
For the purpose of comparing the luminance at sea
and ashore, the example of illuminance measure-
ment at Fukui prefecture in Japan is taken into ac-
count (Ref. Lighting Handbook published by the Il-
luminating Engineering Institute of Japan)
Fig.5 shows this example which had no observa-
tion data under 5 degrees on shore. In this figure, the
line on the celestial sphere via the sun and the (ob-
server’s) zenith is characterised as bilaterally sym-
metric, the maximum point being marked as “ X ”
near the sun and the minimum point, 90 degrees dis-
tant via the zenith, as“ ● ”.
4.3 Sky luminance at sea in fine weather
The sky luminance in the relative solar direction is
shown in Fig.6 according to the solar altitude. The
numbers indicated around this radar charted figure
show the relative angle in degrees and the numbers
indicated on the radial axes show the sky luminance
in cd/m
The distribution of sky luminance to each relative
solar direction in fine weather (with sunlight) gradu-
ally becomes concentric circles. When the solar alti-
tude is more than 60 degrees the variability of the
luminance is small, so the background condition of
the visual perception is uniform.
Comparing with the case on shore (Fig. 5), it is
understandable that items have similar conditions, as
1 There is a maximum point of the sky luminance
relative to the solar direction.
2 There is a minimum point in the opposite direc-
tion to the maximum point (when the relative so-
lar direction is near 180 degrees).
3 The line on the celestial sphere via the sun and
the zenith is characterised as being bilaterally
4 The distribution of the sky luminance has uni-
formity with no relationship to the relative solar
direction, nor to the solar altitude.
These items are the evidence to support the navi-
gators’ statements which explain that it is easy to
recognise targets visually when “the sun is behind
me, not in front of me”.
Figure 5 Example of the sky luminance on shore
Figure 6 Sky luminance in the relative solar direction
4.4 Sky luminance of the solar direction
The approximate curve as shown in Fig.3 is taken
into consideration. The fractional approximate curve
of the sky luminance of the solar direction related to
solar altitude can be explained by the formula as
shown hereunder (1).
Y = a/X + B (1)
where, Y=sky luminance in cd/m
; X=solar altitude
in degrees; a=105 (coefficient); b= -5,000 (constant).
According to Fig.4, this formula can be applied
when the solar altitude is more than 10 degrees.
4.5 Relationship between the solar altitude and
ship’s collision
Figure 7 Impact by the Solar altitude and the relative direction
on the shipscollision
According to the result of analysing 1000 cas-
es((a)244, (b)455, (c)301) of shipscollisions, Fig. 7
can be obtained as an impact by the solar altitude
and the relative direction toward the solar direction.
The solar direction in the case of less than 40 de-
grees of the solar altitude has a direct effect to the
ships’ collision.
The OOW should remind not only the solar direc-
tion but also fine weather. Generally speaking, we
believe that the fine weather is good weather, but
fine weather might have the blind spot so-called
white hallwhich means the restricted visual condi-
tion for the proper look-out by the OOW at sea.
The navigational visual, environmental background
condition of recognising targets (so-called ‘visual
perception’) by sight at sea has been taken into con-
There are 4 conditions which should be consid-
ered, as shown hereunder, in order to discuss the
visual perception:
1 Luminance of a target
2 Luminance of the background
3 Adaptation condition of the (observer’s) retina
4 Equivalent Veiling Luminance from the near vis-
ual field
In this study the authors have focused on the
above item 2) luminance of the background be-
cause of the necessity for the field of study on board
5.1 Illuminance on the navigation bridge
The horizontal illuminance on the navigation bridge
can be standardised based on the solar altitude, as
shown below in table 4:
We can understand the illuminance condition of
foreside on the navigation bridge. The start and end
of navigational twilight is -9(minus nine) degrees.
Table 4 Horizontal illuminance on the navigation bridge
Solar altitude Horizontal illuminance
degrees lx
over 10 1000 ~10,000
10 1000
0 100
-3 10
-6 1
-9 0.01 ~ 0.1 *
-18 Start and end of astronomical twilight
Note * The horizon cannot be seen except in the solar direction
at the start and end of navigational twilight.
5.2 Luminance condition for the OOW
The sky luminance at 2 degrees above (and below)
the horizon is one of the most important composition
factors of visual perception at sea.
The authors obtained the remarkable features on
the sky luminance based mainly on the experimental
observations on board, and these are shown as fol-
1 The value of the sky luminance at 2 degrees
above the horizon is bigger than the sea surface
luminance, except in cases of sun-glitter on the
sea surface
2 The sky luminance of the solar direction has vari-
ous changes between approx. 7,000 and 27,000
3 The sky luminance of the solar direction related
to the solar altitude can be explained when the so-
lar altitude is more than 10 degrees by this for-
Y = a/X + B
where, Y=sky luminance in cd/m2; X=solar alti-
tude in degrees; a=105 (coefficient); b= -5,000
4 The distribution of sky luminance to each relative
solar direction gradually forms concentric circles.
When the solar altitude is more than 60 degrees
the variability of the luminance distribution is
small and the background condition of the visual
perception can be said to be uniform
5 The distribution of the sky luminance on the op-
posite side of the solar direction has uniformity,
with no relationship to the relative solar direction
nor to the solar altitude. This is the evidence to
support navigators’ statements which say that it is
“easy to recognise targets when the sun is behind
the observer”.
6 The OOW should think of the white hallwhich
means gimmick of the proper look-out especially
in fine weather.
This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (B) (KAKENHI) No21300211.
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