International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 1
March 2011
The year 2012 will be the first year of mandatory in-
stallation of the Electronic Chart Display and Infor-
mation Systems (ECDIS) onboard ships. The first
installation requirements refer to newly built vessels,
depending on their type and size. Then in the years
2016-2018 the regulation will come in force for
ships in service. The navigator of the vessel under
the mandatory requirements of the SOLAS Conven-
tion will receive an essential tool changing the rules
of navigation, watchkeeping and assessment of
ship’s safety. This tool has alarm and indicator func-
tions that provide important aid to the navigator. Its
proper use requires a valid user-defined parameters
of safe navigation and activation of selected alarms.
A large number of applicable safety features causes
difficulties in its use in navigation along a desired
route. Therefore, it is advisable to specify a group of
basic safety parameters as a minimum for the plan-
ning and safe monitoring of sea passage.
The analysis of alarms and related safety parame-
ters was carried out on with ECDIS NaviSailor
3000i device by Transas Ltd. (Transas, 2004a,
Transas, 2004b, Grzeszak et al. 2009)
It should be noted that not all alarms and safety
parameters dealt with are mandatory according to
the performance standards for ECDIS systems (IMO
Resolution A.817/19 1995, IMO Resolution
A.232/82 2006, Weintrit 2009). Some of them are
introduced by manufacturers of such systems as part
of enhancing their functionality.
2.1 Types of alarms
There is a large number and variety of alarms, so
they can be classified according to various criteria.
The authors propose the division of alarms accord-
ing to these criteria: 1) priority of the alarm, 2) pos-
sibility of activation and deactivation, 3) source, 4)
the scope of the alarm, and 5) basic / others.
The first criterion divides the alarms into: a)
alarms, b) indications . This division results from the
provisions of IMO Resolution A.817(19), A.232(82)
and IMO "Code on Alarms and Indicators" (IMO-
867E). The state of the system requiring attention
and action is signaled by an alarm in the form of
acoustic or acoustic and optical signal. The state of
the system requiring attention mainly of the user,
without having to take immediate action, is indicated
in the form of an optical indication only.
Among alarms implemented in ECDIS system the
following are distinguished (criterion 2): a) the
alarms that cannot be deactivated (e.g. Safety Con-
tour, Depth Safety), b) alarms that can be deactivat-
ed (e.g, Sounder Depth, Anchor Watch), c) alarms
that can be deactivated, but the user responsible for
the safety protects them with a password. These
alerts are activated in different ways, and some re-
quire implementation of the safety parameter in ad-
The division of alarms due to the source (criterion
3) includes alarms by: a) hardware, sensors) b) sys-
tem. The former signal states of disability or reduced
functionality of devices, including sensors of the
Navigation Safety Assessment in the Restricted
Area with the Use of ECDIS
Z. Pietrzykowski & M. Wielgosz
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an analysis of vessel safety parameters used in the ECDIS system while
navigating in restricted areas. Apart from defining their priorities, a group of parameters indispensable for the
safe navigation in restricted waters is identified.
The function of ship domain is proposed on the basis of safety parameters defined in the ECDIS system. This
function may be utilized in the navigation decision support system that uses ECDIS data and included as a
new function in the ECDIS system.
system and the system as a whole, such as network-
ing. The other group contains alarms associated with
the implementation of functions relating to naviga-
tional situation. They signal a significant event for
the safety of navigation.
The fourth division includes the proposed classi-
fication of alarms according to the criterion of scope
of activities. This term is understood as the functions
of alarms associated with the types of threats. These
can be distinguished: a) antigrounding alarms b)
alarms associated with the route of the ship “Route
alarms” c) Target / Radar alarms d) Area type alarms
or "Area alarms" , e) other alarms; f) AIS alarms g)
alarms and indications related to the scale and type
of the chart.
Experiments conducted at the Maritime Universi-
ty of Szczecin during model ECDIS courses, result-
ing in issuing the ECDIS operator's certificate, show
that course participants do not use many system ca-
pabilities, and also have problems with the interpre-
tation of alarms and indications. This is mainly due
to the different specifics of the work on the ENC as
compared to working with paper or raster charts.
Lack of understanding by the operator of the princi-
ples of interpretation of ENC content by the ECDIS
system results in significantly reduced utilization of
the system, and even the use inconsistent with the
idea of the system. This involves the use of ECDIS
system on the principles applied to classical paper
charts, where interpretation of the contents of the
chart lies belongs to the user only. It is connected
with the fact in that during the process of navigator
training primarily paper charts are still used. A better
use of ECDIS systems requires, therefore, wider use
of ENC in the training of navigators.
Table 1. Alarms classification criteria
Alarm type Activation/ Source Scope of Priority
deactivation activities
1 2 3 4 5
a) alarm deactiv. equipment, anti- basic
impossible sources groun-
b) indication deactiv. system route other
c) deactiv. target
d) area alarms
e) others
f) AIS alarms
g) chart alarms
Significant help in the correct use of the system
may be an additional division and allocation of
alarms and indications (criterion 5): a) basic alarms
and indications, necessary for safe voyage monitor-
ing b) other, complementary to the previous one.
These criteria and the classifications of alarms are
summarized in Table 1.
2.2 Basic and other alarms
Taking into account the above, an analysis of alarms
and indications was performed according to the cri-
terion of ECDIS scope of activities (criterion 4),
with the proposal and explanation for the division
into basic and other alarms (criterion 5).
The alarms in question are presented in Table 2.,
categorized by the groups of alarms identified in the
ECDIS NaviSailor 3000i system.
Table 2. Groups of alarms according to the presented criteria
(see Table 1).
Group of Location Criterion
alarms/ (ECDIS 1 2 3 4 5
indications NaviSailor
antigroun- monitoring/ a, b
a, b, c
b a a
ding alarms nav. alarms
system a, b
a, b, c
b a a
route monitoring/ a a, b
a, b
a, b
a, b
alarms route mon.
system a a, b
a, b
a, b
a, b
target/ targets/ a a, b
a, b
a, c
a, b
alarms ARPA
system a a, b
a, b
a, c
a, b
areas/ monitoring a a b d a
basic areas nav. alarms
areas/ monitoring a a b d b
add. areas nav. alarms
other monitoring/ a a b e a, b
alarms nav. alarms
system a a b e a, b
config. a a b e a, b
AIS alarms alarms/ a a b d a
AIS alarms
chart system a, b
b b g a, b
alarms charts a, b
b b g a, b
monitoring. a, b
b b g a, b
due to the diversity of alarms in the group, it was necessary
to assign some of them to more than one group according to the
The group of "Antigrounding Alarms" contains:
a) Nav. danger, b) Safety contour changed, c) An-
chor watch, c) Safety contour, e) Safety depth, f) Ag
monitoring off, g) Safety scale changed.
The group of "Route Alarms" contains: a) Off
chart, b) End of route, c) Out of XTE, d) Behind
schedule, e) Ahead of schedule, f) WP approach, g)
Course difference, h) Prim / Sec diverged, i) Chart
datum unknown, j) Prim. not WGS 84, k) Sec. not
WGS 84, l) Track control stopped, m) Backup navi-
gation, n) Low speed, o) Dangerous drift, p) Course
The group of "Target / Radar Alarms" contains:
a) CPA / TCPA, c) Lost target, c) Guard zone tar-
get, d) Disk full save reset, e) Disk full adjust save,
f) Head marker failure, g) Bearing failure, h) Trigger
failure, i) AIS message.
The group of alarms "Area Alarms” contains 28
"Basic Areas” alarms and 14 “Additional Areas "
The group of "Other Alarms" contains: a) Timer
went off, b) End of watch, c) Time zone changed, d)
No official chart, e) Add info warning, f) Add info
chart full.
The group of "AIS Alarms" contains: a) Tx mal-
functioning, b) Antenna VSWR exceeds limit, c) Rx
channel1malfunctioning, d) Rx channel 2 malfunc-
tioning, e) Rx channel 70 malfunctioning, f) general
failure, g) MKD connection lost, h) External EPFS
lost, i) No sensor position in use, j) No valid SOG
information, k) No valid COG information, l) Head-
ing lost / invalid, m) No valid ROT information.
The group of "Chart Alarms" contains: a) Dan-
gerous scale, b) Not recommended scale, c) Layers
lost, d) Look up for better chart, e) Larger scale
chart available, f) ENC data available, g) Chart pri-
ority / HCRF mode, h) Safety scale / check on larger
scale than, i) No official chart (also included in
“Other Alarms”.
Basic alarms are considered as alarms which are
important for the safety of sea passage. Among oth-
ers, they include: commonly used collision warning,
sounder depth alarm, lost target, cross track error -
XTE. The newly introduced alarms for ECDIS sys-
tems which work on the basis of vector charts were
considered as important. These include safety con-
tour, safety depth, area alarm, navigational danger.
Selecting the basic alarms may facilitate their ac-
tivation, and editing the safety parameters associated
with them.
The effectiveness of alarms depends on the proper
definition of safety parameters associated with them.
These efforts should include the nature and circum-
stances of the area of navigation. A necessary condi-
tion is also their selective activation (except for sys-
tem alarms), taking into account the type of area and
navigational situation. Another problem, not ana-
lyzed in this article, is the selection of alarms to be
activated reflecting the experience and knowledge of
a specific sea area by the navigator.
The analysis highlights the safety parameters as-
sociated with the movement of the vessel on the sur-
face and in the third dimension - depth and underwa-
ter hazards.
3.1 Navigation safety parameters associated with
the movement of the vessel on the water surface
These parameters apply to both fixed and mobile ob-
jects that threaten the safety of navigation, also in-
cluding parameters related to the navigation accura-
cy and maintaining the vessel's position and route.
CPA, TCPA. The basic parameters of this group
are the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) and Time
to Closest Point of Approach (TCPA), edited by the
navigator and activating collision warning alarm.
They cover both AIS targets (if the presentation is
switched on) and the radar / ARPA objects. When
the ARPA is connected to the ECDIS as its sensor,
the limit values of these parameters can be edited in-
dependently in the ECDIS and the ARPA. In this
case, the ARPA is treated as a system sensor for the
ECDIS, which means that the alarm from system
ARPA must be repeated in the ECDIS system.
Guard Ring (Rings), Guard Zone (Zones). Im-
portant safety parameters are the radius of the area
of automatic acquisition or parameters that define
the zone or zones of automatic acquisition. In the
latter case they may be the values of angle sectors
with inserted distance from the unit. These parame-
ters, similarly to the parameters of CPA and TCPA
can be edited independently in the ARPA and the
Area Vector. This is a vector representing time
from the intersection of area type objects. Time set-
ting, selected by the navigator, is represented as a
vector calculated on the basis of a calculated COG
and SOG. It may be displayed together with the
Safety Vector. The navigator has a choice of area
objects. The selection of area objects should be done
depending on the crew experience and knowledge of
the sea area.
RMS Circle (Root Mean Square Error Circle - at
95% confidence level). The parameter is calculated
automatically by the system, but the novelty of in-
creasing its relevance and practical use in ECDIS is
introduced in a graphical presentation of the circle
and the expected trajectory. This allows to verify the
setting of parameter XTE.
Limit of Cross Track Error - XTE. This parameter
is independently defined by the navigator to the left
and right side of the route and may be different at
each leg of the route. Its importance lies in the fact
that it determines the width of the ship trajectory
checked by the system (by using the "Check" func-
tion, checking whether the planned route exceeds or
not the safety parameters set by user. Importantly,
the automatic system " Track Control " (mandatory
in ECDIS) will try to keep the ship within this limit.
Divergence in the primary and secondary posi-
tioning system. This parameter allows the navigator
to monitor the difference in position of the vessel
obtained from two positioning systems (generates
optional alarm “Primary / Secondary Diverged”). In
addition to activation, the user sets a limit of the dis-
tance at which positions from the main and second-
ary positioning systems can diverge.
Parameters related to the monitoring of the ship's
planned route. These are course difference, WP ap-
proach, out of schedule, off chart, last WP passed.
Incorrect setting of these parameters may cause a
navigational accident.
Parameters describing the activation of functions
related to charts to be used: priority of loaded charts
(Chart Priority), and automatic chart loading "Chart
Autoload". Improper use of these features can result
in a lack of alarms specific to the ECDIS system
(working with the charts other than ENC S-57
standard charts).
3.2 Navigation safety parameters associated with
underwater hazards
Safety Contour. This parameter, defined by the nav-
igator, is one of the most important safety parame-
ters of modern navigation. The parameter possible
for use in ECDIS only when the system uses vector
charts. It generates an alarm of intersecting the safe-
ty contour. If the chart does not have a selected safe-
ty contour in its database, the system automatically
sets the next higher (safer) contour.
Safety Depth. Parameter defined by the navigator.
It extends the ability to detect underwater hazards
found at depths greater than specified by safety con-
Time from the intersection of safety contour -
Safety Vector. The parameter is defined by the navi-
gator. It allows designation and presentation of the
"Safety Vector" on the basis of calculated COG and
Sounder Depth. Parameter defined in the echo
sounder as a sensor of ECDIS system. This means
that the alarm will be repeated in the ECDIS system.
This allows the verification of depth, read from the
Navigational danger ring radius. It defines a cir-
cle of safety "Navigational Danger Ring". This ena-
bles the detection of underwater hazards on the basis
of ENC. It also allows detection of: a) Navtex ob-
jects that have the attribute "Danger" added, b) ob-
jects inserted by the user as "User chart object" or
"Manual correction object" which was given the at-
tribute "Danger" and / or inserted depth less than the
"Safety Depth ".
3.3 Other safety parameters
Safety scale. Parameter defined by the user. It de-
termines the chart scale for checking safety contour
and safety depth. It means that the system will moni-
tor underwater hazards on charts with a scale larger
than that determined (Fig. 1).
Differential mode lost. The time for which signal
is lost from the DGPS reference station. The excess
value of this parameter generates an alarm. This is
important because of the decline in accuracy of fix-
ing the position from DGPS to GPS.
Display category imaging. This parameter defines
the scope of the presented on-screen navigation in-
formation: Base, Standard, Custom, All.
Shallow Contour and Deep Contour (Fig. 1). The
parameters are defined after the function “Four
Shades” is activated to present additional areas of
shallow water (Shallow Contour) and deep water
(Deep Contour). The function modifies the displayed
chart by creating four depth areas with different col-
Fig. 1 Safety parameters window (safety contour, safety depth
and safety scale)
3.4 The basic safety parameters
The analysis of alarms and safety parameters, their
location in the ECDIS system and the consequent
difficulty of access to them makes it advisable to in-
troduce the function “Basic Safety Parameters Set-
tings”. This function would allow the operator, in
one tab or window, to define and monitor the basic
safety parameters, and activate alarms necessary to
ensure safe voyage realization by the ship equipped
with ECDIS. It should include viewing and editing,
and the activation state of alarm associated with
them. These are:
1 safety contour,
2 safety depth,
3 safety scale,
4 chart display category,
5 „chart priority”,
7 cross track error XTE,
8 course difference,
9 WP approach,
10 safety vector (advance in the intersection safety
11 area vector (advance in the intersection of area
12 Navigational Danger Ring, its radius,
13 chart display and ship’s motion (North Up,
Head Up, Course Up, Relative Motion, True
14 difference in the position of the vessel from
primary and secondary positioning system
(Primary / Secondary diverged),
15 presentation of AIS targets (on / off),
16 presentation of ARPA objects (on / off),
17 special areas detecting defined (yes / no),
18 presentation of the COG (course over ground)
and COW (course over water) vectors (on /
19 off chart (on / off).
Before the start of a voyage or when the system is
restarted, ECDIS should automatically require the
operator to define or confirm the values of these
safety parameters with the possibility of automatic
switch to the window where the operator activates
and edits that alarm.
4.1 Ship domain as a safety criterion
Safe operation of the ship requires constant analysis
and evaluation of the situation. On this basis naviga-
tor undertakes decisions concerning navigation. The
analysis and assessment of the situation are carried
out in accordance with the criteria adopted by the
navigator. A commonly used criterion in collision
avoidance systems is the closest point of approach.
However, in the case of navigation in restricted wa-
ters, particularly in narrow fairways and channels, it
is difficult to apply in most cases. This is due to the
lack of free choice of route and the need for compli-
ance with safety rules, taking into account local con-
ditions (restriction of one of the three dimensions
defining the distance of the ship from other objects).
An alternative to the mentioned criterion of the
navigational safety is the criterion of the ship do-
main. Application of the criterion of ship domain
enables quick identification and assessment of the
navigational situation and thus developing the deci-
sion support in ship’s maneuver. It should be noted
that this criterion is also possible to use in the open
sea areas. For example, this criterion was imple-
mented in the prototype of navigational decision
support system for seagoing vessels developed at the
Maritime University of Szczecin (Pietrzykowski et
The concept of ship domain was introduced in the
1970s (Fuji & Tanaka 1971, Goodwin 1975). It is
assumed that the domain is an area (domain two-
dimensional) or space (three-dimensional domain)
around the vessel which should be kept clear of oth-
er objects.
Assuming a certain level of discretization of rela-
tive bearings (eg
K = 1° ), the domain boundary
of the vessel B
is described by a curve passing
through the n points p
(i = 1,2,..., n), located on the
relative bearings
at the distances d
centre of the vessel (eg, centre of waterline):
{ }
Ship domain boundary D
at different bearings is
then described as follows:
( )
The basic problem is to define the domain bound-
ary, dividing the area around the ship into sub-areas:
dangerous and safe. It is a difficult task because the
shape and size of the domain are affected by many
factors. These include: size and maneuverability of
the vessel, parameters of the area where the ship
maneuvers, hydro-meteorological conditions, vessel
speed and the speed of other vessels, the intensity of
vessel traffic in the area, the accuracy of position
fixing, training level, knowledge and experience of
navigators. Also significant is the adopted method of
determining the ship domain boundary.
The issue of determining the domain was present-
ed in many publications, including (Fuji & Tanaka
1971, Goodwin 1975, Coldwell 1983, Zhao et al.
1993, Smierzchalski & Weintrit 1999, Pietrzykowski
2008, Pietrzykowski & Uriasz 2009, Wang et al.
2009). There are two-and three-dimensional do-
mains proposed in the literature. The former de-
scribe the area around the ship. Domains of two-
dimensional shapes include circle, rectangle, ellipse,
polygon, complex plane figures. In the case of three-
dimensional domains - they describe also vertical
space included between ship and sea bottom and the
air draft of the ship. Their shape often corresponds
to sphere, ellipsoid, cylinder, truncated cone.
Among the methods of determining the ship do-
main one can distinguish three groups: statistical
methods, analytical methods and artificial intelli-
gence methods. It is characteristic for all these
methods that they make use of navigators’
knowledge, both procedural and declarative.
Application of statistical methods requires the
registration of relevant data. In addition to difficul-
ties in collecting them, the problem that arises is to
separate various factors that influence the shape and
size of the domain.
Analytical methods are based on the analytical
description of the domain space. These methods en-
sure precise description of the ship domain. The
main difficulty is to take into account and balance all
relevant factors affecting the shape and size of the
Methods of artificial intelligence (AI) were de-
veloped to acquire and use the knowledge of expert
navigators using the tools of artificial intelligence.
They include and use, inter alia, fuzzy logic, artifi-
cial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms.
4.2 Possibility to define a domain based on the
safety parameters in the ECDIS
Safety parameters available in the ECDIS system do
not define directly a ship’s domain. These authors
analyzed the possibility of identifying the two-and
three-dimensional domain using the parameters ana-
lyzed in the article. The problem was brought down
to the determination of the length, width and shape
for two-dimensional domain, and in the case of
three-dimensional domain additionally the depth and
shape of the geometric solid.
If we use the CPA parameter value to determine
the length of the domain D
then the length of the
domain takes the value
=2CPA (3)
This results from the fact that this parameter de-
fines a safe distance at which other vessels pass, is
widely used, and its interpretation is unambiguous.
Due to the difficulty in determining the safety pa-
rameter indicating the width of the domain designa-
tion was proposed based on the analytical relation-
ship between the length and width of the domain.
This relationship can be derived on the basis of ship
domain analytical descriptions proposed, inter alia,
in (Coldwell 1983, Zhao et al. 1993, Smierzchalski
& Weintrit 1999, Pietrzykowski 2008, Pietrzykow-
ski & Uriasz 2009, Wang et al. 2009):
= f (D
) (4)
The simplest figure describing the domain of the
ship on the basis of the parameters (D
, D
) is a rec-
tangle. Taking into account the results of statistical
research on the shape of the domain, the domain was
proposed in the shape of an ellipse inscribed in a
rectangle with sides (D
, D
The parameter BCR- bow crossing range can be
an alternative to the CPA safety parameter, used for
describing the length and, consequently, the width of
the domain.
ECDIS system gives definitely a lot more oppor-
tunities for determining the domain of the third di-
mension - depth D
(three-dimensional domain).
The parameter defining the third dimension of the
domain can be safety contour or properly set safety
depth. It seems to be necessary to use safety depth,
which results from a broader range of hazards ana-
lyzed by the system for that parameter.
Then a three-dimensional domain is described as
a solid with two bases in parallel planes. The upper
base is an ellipse (two-dimensional domain). The
bottom base is a circle defined by the radius D
navigational danger ring. The circle origin is an or-
thographic projection of the ellipse origin. The side
surface of a geometrical solid is a section of the
plane connecting the two bases with the smallest
surface area (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 Three-dimensional domain
When the domain function is implemented in the
ECDIS, the domain parameters (D
, D
, D
, D
will be generated automatically as a default with the
possibility of correction by the navigator (like other
safety parameters).
Based on analysis of alarms and indications of EC-
DIS system and safety parameters defined by the
navigator, the group of basic parameters necessary
for the safe sea passage was proposed particularly
for use in restricted areas. These parameters will be
available after activating the "Basic Safety Parame-
ters Settings" in an additional window. This allows
the navigator to set alarms, activate them and define
the safety parameters necessary to ensure safe sea
passage of the ship equipped with ECDIS. When the
solutions herein proposed are implemented by man-
ufacturers and positively verified by navigators in
practice, it will be recommendable to consider op-
tions for revising the performance standards for
ECDIS systems.
Due to the limited capacity of the CPA parameter
to be used in the safety assessment when navigating
in restricted areas, these authors considered the pos-
sibility of defining the ship domain as a safety crite-
rion in the ECDIS system. The definition of two-
and three-dimensional ship domain based on the
safety parameters defined in the ECDIS system is
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