and security of navigation (compelling need for
coastal administration) and improved efficiency of
voyage (compelling need for ship owners and opera-
The dominant argument unifying all stakeholders
to move towards common structures and towards the
IHO originated model is the fact that the implemen-
tation of S-100 and its related standards is well un-
derway and will materialize shortly. As a conse-
quence ENCs will follow this data structure, so are
associated data streams, like “Inland ENCs” or “Ma-
rine Information Overlays”. As all stakeholders
agree that the ENC layer will build the foundation of
any kind of advanced navigational systems, it was a
natural development to try to align other data stream
with this foundation. But looking from the other side
this development again verifies that ENCs, or better
Hydrographic Vector Chart Data Layers, are the
necessary ingredients for any navigational display
now and in the foreseeable future.
The traditional hydrographic work to create the nec-
essary tools for mariners to navigate safely is utiliz-
ing classic cartographic concepts.
An early chart from the year 1603 illustrates that
cartographic art work is used to allow the knowl-
edgeable navigator gaining sufficient information for
a safe passage.
In the “paper” or “analog” world, this has devel-
oped over hundreds of years as the best practice to
transport the necessary information. The current pa-
per charts of HOs around the world are in most cases
beautiful artwork, well developed to help navigate
Even in the electronic world, this concept started
to materialize with the usage of “Raster Charts” in
displays, with ARCS (Admiralty Raster Chart Ser-
vice) as a prominent example. The stakeholders then
realized that the full potential of electronic naviga-
tion cannot be explored with this raster charts. Vec-
tor cartography showed new opportunities of in-
creased situational awareness by utilizing
capabilities of data links, full zooming capabilities
without “fading” and a growing number of other ad-
vantages. While the first vector charts had been de-
veloped unregulated by key stakeholders in the in-
dustry, the now already often mentioned ENCs have
made their way on bridges of SOLAS class ships as
the only official electronic navigational chart.
While this development was the necessary next
step in electronic navigation, the current ENCs,
based on the S-57 standard, are not reaching far
enough. These ENCs are “cell based”, which means
they are still looking at a certain “chart”, a defined
rectangle on the globe. As a consequence, what is
today offered is not a real “Hydrographic Database”,
but rather a collection of associated charts in a cen-
tral data repository. The HOs try to harmonize the
cells to create a kind of “seamless” appearance in the
ECDIS display. But as the view of each cell in the
creation is still often a “chart by chart” view, this
harmonization is not always successful. An addition
complication in harmonizing such a chart centric
view on ENCs is the fact that the current system is in
general focusing on a “scale band” concept. Here the
hydrographic data is composed by cartographers in a
certain cell to be for optimal use on a certain zoom
level. As this is on a cell by cell and scale band by
scale band level, harmonization is not only neces-
sary between cells of the same scale, but also across
scale bands. Because of the high level of complexity
this harmonization is mostly omitted. Data conflicts
and as such display conflicts are the results when
moving from cell to cell on a “moving map” display
as a ship travels, but it also creates conflicting in-
formation as a navigator is zooming in or zooming
out and with that moves the focus of the ECDIS
from one independently developed scale band to an-
other scale band.
As we can see the chart centric ENC production
process, while it generates a great improvement, it is
almost impossible for the process to generate an in-
creased situational awareness with as little confusion
as possible to the mariner. Even within the responsi-
bility of one single HO. As SOLAS ships have the
tendency to cross borders, the ECDIS systems are
dealing with data sets from different countries. This
increases the complexity and in consequence issues
like overlapping data, data gaps or mismatching of
adjacent cells.
Where “Regional ENC Coordination Centers”
(RENCs) are used, those RENCs are also trying to
help harmonizing the ENCs, but of limited success,
given the complexity of the task.
The current focus on ENC production has a lim-
ited view on coverage within scale bands and on da-
tum code. While this allows concentrated efforts to
produce the necessary country coverage to meet the
timeframe of the IMO ECDIS mandate, future mari-
ners will require a more solid basis of chart data for
their electronic navigation needs. The above dis-
cussed data issues needs to be addressed and re-
solved in order to gain confidence of mariners in
electronic navigation.
The issues I have highlighted are well known and
endless discussions around the globe took place and
are conducted right now trying to find solutions. S-
100, fully developed, will help mitigate some of
those risks. S-100 will move the hydrographic data
collection towards a GIS (Geographical Information