consciousness (they perceive themselves as creatures
separated from the environment), they mix mind and
intelligence (which is only a structure of mental abil-
ities). Animals and morons have mind as distinct
from consciousness. The point is- what kind of mind
it is.
So mind is an operation of information pro-
cessing, coming into the brain through the sensory
organs (sense of sight, sense of hearing, kinesthetic
sensation, sense of smell), and also from the inside
of the organism. As a result of the processing our bi-
ocomputer (central nervous system) gives orders in
the form of impulses, passing through the neural
network and regulating all our motions, actions and
Three mind types are distinguished.
− Visually operative- based on the intensive and
varied manipulation of your own body and sur-
rounding objects.
− Visually creative- based on the emotional and
sensual apperception of the objects and events
“inside” and “outside” the organism.
Abstractedly logical, conceptual, sign-oriented
mind based on the reflection of the cause-effect rela-
tions, associated with the recollection of the past,
knowledge of the future and self-awareness.
It is clear that visually operative and visually cre-
ative mind types comprise an animal stage of the
human psycho development. But at the same time
both mind types the most significant for close-
handed fight. Abstractedly logical type is rather an
obstacle. In connection with the said let us consider
a question of encephalic asymmetry in detail.
It is identified that psychological functions are
distributed between the right and the left cerebrums.
The function of the left one is to operate the verbal
and sign-oriented information and also reading and
counting. The function of the right one is to operate
images, space orientation, coordination of move-
ments, identification of compound objects (for ex-
ample, faces, figures, colors etc.) In view of the fact
the difference between the cerebrums is not deter-
mined by the material they get from the sensory or-
gans, but by the way they use (process) it. The left
cerebrum is responsible for the abstractedly logical
ways of processing; the right one is responsible for
the visually creative and visually operative ways.
The left cerebrum operates both discontinuously
(discretely) and sequentially (gradually). The right
cerebrum processes information synchronously
(simultaneously) and synthetically, immediately
grasping numerous features of phenomena taken as a
whole, undifferentiated.
To understand the possibilities of the goal-
oriented training (also psycho training) it is neces-
sary to know that an encephalic asymmetry is put in
a person only as a precondition, it is finally formed
and corrected by real living conditions, education,
From the said above (about mind types and ence-
phalic asymmetry) we can clearly conclude that for
surviving in an emergency situation a person should
activate (enhance) the functions of the right cere-
brum and weaken (inhibit) the activity of the left.
We will remind you one more time that the right
cerebrum is responsible for the position of the body
and space orientation, speed and coordination of
movements. The experience of any situation with its
space-temporal characteristics is also carried out by
the right cerebrum the operation of which enables a
person feel him(her)self “here” and “now”, in a cer-
tain entity at the given moment.
That is why enhanced activity of the right cere-
brum, its domination over the left, so to say, expands
the inner sense limits, “prolongs the moment”. Ex-
ternally it is expressed in speeding-up body` s re-
sponse reactions. The thing is that on the abstracted-
ly logical (verbal) level the mind manages to process
not more than 100 bits a second but on the visually
creative and sensomotor (operative) levels – up to
ten million bits! By means of it the “body’s mind”
free from the “intelligence` s chains” starts the mo-
tor response practically in seconds. Therefore a well-
trained seaman really acts earlier than he manages to
think about it.
However, our biocomputer is able to make a cer-
tain choice of those actions which are “encoded” in
the psyche. Frequent repetition and training ( i. e.
exercise in similar but different in detail situations)
are necessary to insert them there. In other words au-
tomatic behavior in emergency situations demands
preliminary practice of some definite “clichés” (ma-
trixes). A trained person can “give away” such cli-
chés just right after the general identification of the
situation nature.
It is known that it takes the right cerebrum only
60 milliseconds to recognize the situation; mean-
while, pixel-by-pixel analysis (the left cerebrum op-
eration) takes 320 milliseconds. But if, for example,
two events follow each other with an interval, which
is less than this figure then a person is physically
unable to react adequately to the second one. There-
fore a delayed response is unavoidable every time he
(she) tries to understand the situation in detail. And
vice versa a seaman is able to give away a response
action in the shortest time period recognizing the
situation in general (without thinking) on the basis
of the preliminary practiced and “coded” schemes
(clichés, matrixes) inserted in the subconscious
mind. That is a non-conceptual, automatic, intuitive
cogitation of a professional.
And it is necessary to add that the dominance of
the right cerebrum reduces sensitivity to pain, weak-