on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 4
The intensification of shipping gave rise to compli-
cation of navigating conditions at sea roots and in
recent years over 75% of navigation accidents oc-
curred in restricted waters and bounded waterways.
The growth of merchant ship dimensions during the
last decades led to the situation in which vast regions
of oceans and seas become comparatively shallow.
The wrecks of modern large vessels getting
stranded or collided are accompanied by serious
economical losses and negative ecological conse-
The estimation of ship motion characteristics in
restricted waterways is necessary not only for elimi-
nating the possibilities or minimizing the number of
accidents, but for substantiation of sea routes dimen-
sions in the proximity of ports as well.
Modern theoretical and experimental hydrody-
namics provides us with a great amount of infor-
mation for predicting seakeeping qualities of ships in
open deep sea. On the contrary such an information
for a vessel sailing in shallow water is comparatively
poor and the proper methods are not widely devel-
oped. Such a situation may be explained by virtue of
the additional difficulties arising in the theoretical
investigation of the potential boundary value prob-
lems for a ship propagating in shallow water condi-
tions. First of all the complicacy of the singularities
method is ten times higher for shallow water poten-
tial problems in comparison with the unbounded sea
ones. Then the strip method widely used in practical
calculations is inconsistent with the physical reality
and often causes insoluble problems when using in
shallow water cases with clearly expressed three di-
mensional water flow phenomena.
Thus a new approach for investigating ship hy-
drodynamic problems free from difficulties of clas-
sical method of singularities and shortcomings of
strip method is vital. Such approach is demonstrated
in this paper.
If the water around a ship is considered as inviscid
incompressible fluid the important hydrodynamic in-
formation is derived from the solutions of boundary
value problems for the velocity potential. Founded
on basic physical principles the nonlinear problems
with apriori unknown boundaries are simplified by
linearization and the solutions of corresponding lin-
ear problems are practically used. Consider a vessel
floating with a zero forward speed in shallow water
with the depth
under the action of regular waves
being wave amplitude and cir-
cular frequency accordingly.
The longitudinal
and transverse
axes of the
Cartesian coordinate system are taken on the free
surface of water and the vertical axe
is pointed
The potential function
can be divided
into cosine
and sine
( ) ( ) ( )
[ ]
,,,,Re,,, Φ−Φ=Φ
Asymptotic Theory of Ship Motions in Regular
Waves Under Shallow Water Conditions
Y.L. Vorobyov
Marine Engineering Bureau, Ukraine
M.S. Stasenko
Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamic theory of ship motions in shallow water under the action of regular waves is
discussed. The boundary value problem for velocity potential is solved using the matched asymptotic expan-
sion method (MAEM). The solution is based on Fourier – Michell integral transformation technique and char-
acteristics of Helmholtz and Klein – Gordon equations. Using the obtained results formulae for hydrodynamic
characteristics are derived. The application of these formulae demonstrated good coincidence of the results of
calculations and model experiments carried out in towing tank of Odessa National Maritime University.