on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 4
1.1 Narrow fairways
The vessel traffic on narrow fairways is subject to
different restrictions: speed limit, overtaking ban,
passing ban and others. When ships must go one by
one they must maintain minimum distance between
each other. This distance is specific for each basin,
for example on the Świnoujście – Szczecin fairway,
the minimum distance between successive vessels is
equal to 2 cable.
1.2 Vessel traffic intensity
The intensity of vessel traffic is measured by a num-
ber of vessels passing in a time unit (Jagniszczak &
Uchacz 2002, Gucma 2003). When ships report in-
dividually and independently of one another, the in-
tensity can be describing by Poisson distribution
(Ciletti 1978, Fujii 1977, Montgomery & Runger
1994). In the case when vessel traffic is disturbed,
the density can be determined by using the convolu-
tion method. In earlier works (Kasyk 2006) author
presented solutions of different problems using par-
ticular parts of the convolution method. And this
paper is the first application of full convolution
method worked out by author (Kasyk 2008).
2.1 Component random variables
According with the convolutions method (Kasyk
2008, Nowak 2002) it’s necessary to isolate particu-
lar random variables. The time difference between
leavings the fairway section with the disturbance, by
successive ships is equal to:
( ) ( )
DT X Y Y W W=+−+ −
where X denotes the waiting time for the reporting
of the successive fairway unit in none disturbance
traffic; Y denotes the time necessary to change of
vessel traffic parameters; W is the time necessary to
cover the fairway section on which the order to
maintain minimum distance between successive ves-
sels exist. The indexes A and B by names of random
variables denotes realisations of particular variables
for different successive units.
The variable X has an exponential distribution
(Ciletti 1978, Fujii 1977, Gucma 2003, Kasyk 2004,
Nelson 1995). In this paper the variable Y has a
normal distribution (Kasyk 2006). When the ship is
forced to sail after the more slowly unit, she must
reduce her own speed. The longest time necessary to
cover the fairway section on which the order to
maintain minimum distance exist is equal to d/v
where d is the length of this section and v
is the
average velocity in this section. While the shortest
time of covering this fairway section amounts d/v
where v
is the highest velocity in this section. On
narrow fairways, usually the average velocity
An Influence of the Order to Maintain
Minimum Distance Between Successive Vessels
on the Vessel Traffic Intensity in the Narrow
L. Kasyk
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: All vessel traffic regulations disturb the randomness of the vessel traffic stream. In this paper
the disturbing factor is the order to maintain minimum distance between successive vessels. The intensity of
the disturbed vessel traffic has been determined. To achieve this goal the convolution method has been used.
Next the connection between traffic stream parameters and this disturbed intensity has been analysed.