International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 3
September 2010
1.1 Sloshing phenomenon as one of factors
influencing safety of a vessel at seaway
The dynamic behavior of a vessel at the sea is
greatly affected by the dynamics of moving masses
existing onboard. The cargo securing procedures
ensure avoiding moving of a loose cargo, but the
liquids contained in partly filled tanks cannot be
avoided at all. Regardless the strength calculation
the effects of sloshing should be also taken into
consideration in the course of vessel’s seakeeping
prediction and her transverse stability assessment.
Liquid sloshing phenomenon is a result of partly
filled tank motions. As a tank moves, it supplies the
energy to induce and sustain the fluid motion
(Akyildiz & Unal 2005). Both the liquid motion and
its effects are called sloshing. The interaction
between the ship’s and tank’s structure and the water
sloshing inside the tank consists in the constant
transmission of energy. As the ship rolls, the walls
of a partly filled tank induce the movement of water.
In such an attitude ship’s seakeeping behavior
which comprises the notion of her stability is one of
the researched key issues leading to the increase in
understanding of the safety qualifying factors.
1.2 Intact ship stability assessment
The accuracy of ship’s transverse stability
assessment is the important factor in the vessel’s
exploitation process. The ship’s loading condition of
insufficient stability may induce a list, a strong heel
and even a capsizing. Contrary to such state, the
excessive stability causes high values of mass forces
acting on cargoes and machineries due to a strong
accelerations. Therefore, any scientific efforts
towards the better ship’s stability evaluation are
worthy to be undertaken. The influence of sloshing
phenomenon on the ship’s stability is one of the
issues to be considered.
The vessel’s stability calculation and evaluation,
made on-board nowadays, is based on the stability
criteria published by the ship’s classification
societies. These criteria are mainly based on the
A749(18) Resolution of International Maritime
Organization. The resolution and their later
amendments are known as the Intact Stability Code.
The criteria qualify the shape of the righting arm
curve. In addition, the weather criterion is to ensure
the sufficient stability of the ship to withstand the
severe wind guests during rolling. Although the
weather criterion is a very simple model of dynamic
ship’s behavior, the static stability curve is used.
Anyway, the weather criterion is the only, which is
partly based on the model of heeling phenomenon
not only on the statistic data, while the rest of
criteria are based on the statistics of historical
disasters only (Francescutto 2002).
According to the IMO recommendations the
righting lever curve should be corrected for the
effect of free surfaces of liquids in tanks. The
correction may be done by any of three accepted
methods (IMO 2002):
correction based on the actual moment of fluid
transfer calculated for each angle of heel;
Dynamic Component of Ship’s Heeling
Moment due to Sloshing vs. IMO IS-Code
P. Krata
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The comparative study of the dynamic component of heeling moment due to sloshing in ships
partly filled tanks is presented in the paper. The characteristics of heeling moment are obtained in the course
of experimental tests and numerical simulations. The heeling moment is decomposed and the research is
focused on the dynamic component resulting from liquid movement. The results of the research are compared
to the computations performed in accordance with the IMO IS-
Code recommendations. The need for
amending of the intact ship stability assessment procedure is suggested.
correction based on the moment of inertia of
tank’s horizontal projection (simple pendulum
correction obtained form the simplified formula
given in the Intact Stability Code.
All of the three mentioned above methods of free
surface correction calculation consider the static
attitude towards the sloshing phenomenon only.
They also do not consider the localization of the tank
within the hull of the ship and the localization of the
rolling axis. The only advantage of current
compulsory corrections is the simplicity of their
2.1 Research assumptions
The scheme of undertaken research comprises
physical model tests and numerical simulations as
well. The admitted assumptions refer to both and
they describe dimensions of the model tank, its
movement geometry and characteristics, tank’s
filling level.
The oscillating movement, which induces the
sloshing phenomenon, is described fair enough by
the harmonic function. The research into the
pressure distribution due to the sloshing was
performed for a variety of the external excitation
parameters. The period of the oscillation varied from
T=2,6 s to T=6,5 s. The lever os, as the distance
between the center of the tank and the rotary motion
axis, was changed from os=-0,718 m to os=0,718 m.
The positive value of os describes the tank’s
localization beneath the rolling axis and the negative
value of os describes the tank’s localization above it.
The amplitude of tank’s rotary motion during the
model tests and numerical simulations, assumed to
be 40º. It reflects the heavy seas conditions and
enables to make the conclusions for worst possible
condition at the sea. The tank filling level assumed
to be 30%, 60% and 90%.
2.2 Experimental investigation
The experimental research into the sloshing
phenomenon was performed in Ship Operation
Department of Gdynia Maritime University. It
enabled to measure the dynamic pressure
distribution on the sidewall of the model tank and in
its upper corner (Krata 2006). The experimental
investigation on the pressure distribution due to
sloshing required the arousing of the sloshing
phenomenon. After that, the dynamic pressure time
history in selected spots were measured and
recorded. To achieve this, the test apparatus was
designed and built (Krata 2006).
The main part of the apparatus is the tank. It is
equipped with pressure transducers and an
inclinometer. The tank is forced to oscillating
movement that excites the water movement inside it.
The dimensions of the model tank are: breath
1,040 m, length – 0,380 m, depth – 0,505 m.
The assumption of plane tank’s oscillation and
the neglected water viscosity, results the two-
dimensional character of water flow inside the tank
(Warmowska, Jankowski 2005). It allowed
equipping the tank with one set of pressure
transducers, fixed in the middle line of the tank. The
pressure transducers were installed evenly alongside
the vertical wall of the tank and in the roof of the
tank close to the upper corner. The experimental
setup is shown in Figure 1. The schematic plan of
the apparatus is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. The experimental setup (the tank placed above the
shaft one of possible cases)
Figure 2. The scheme of the testing apparatus and the
localization of dynamic pressure gauges named P1 to P6 and
the inclinometer L
The location of pressure transducers installed in
the front wall of the tank and in its upper corner is
specified in the Table 1. Any further details are
described in (Krata 2006).
Table 1. Geometry of pressure gauges installation
The analog signals received from the sensors
were sampled and transformed into discrete digital
signals by the 12-bit A/D card and then they were
recorded. The maximum working frequency of the
measuring device was 1000 Hz. Thus, the aliasing
distortions of the measured signal were avoided,
because the measuring instruments were much faster
than the required Nyquist rate for the sloshing
The further digital signal processing was carried
out. The main operation was low pass filtering for
high frequency noise reduction. The filtering
enabled to decompose the recorded digital signal and
emerged the non-impulsive dynamic pressure
2.3 Numerical simulation
The pressure distributions obtained in the course of
the experimental investigation were completed by
the results of numerical simulations. The simulations
of sloshing phenomenon were performed by the
computer program “Tank” by M. Warmowska, used
for the estimation of the dynamic pressure
distribution. The sloshing problem was described by
two-dimensional model. It was also assumed that the
liquid is non-viscid, incompressible, of constant
density. As the flow of the liquid assumed to be
irrotational, the potential theory was used to solve
the sloshing problem (Jankowski, Warmowska
The numerical simulation of sloshing
phenomenon was performed for the oscillation and
tank’s geometry corresponding with the suitable
geometric parameters of the experimental
investigation. The program allows computing time
history of dynamic pressures in ninety points around
the tank’s model. The control points are situated
along vertical walls, the bottom and the tank’s roof.
The correctness of the simulation results was
verified experimentally (Krata 2006).
3.1 Computation of heeling moment
The pressure distribution on the walls of the tank
was obtained in the course of the experimental tests
and numerical simulation. The results of the research
enable to compute a heeling moment due to the
liquid’s sloshing. The heeling moment M was
calculated according to the following formula:
dsp nrM
where: S the surface of the tank’s walls; r the
position vector of the considered point on the tank’s
wall; nthe normal vector; pthe local pressure on
the tank’s wall.
Due to the two-dimensional character of the
considered flow in the tank, the heeling moment is a
vector of a direction perpendicular to the plane of
the tank’s movement. As the transverse stability of a
ship is assumed to be considered, the heeling
moment has one spatial component only, as follows:
[ ]
[ ]
where: M
, M
, M
– spatial components of M vector,
determined about the x, y and z axis in the reference
system fixed to the vessel.
As the direction of the heeling moment is fixed
and steady in the time domain, the heeling moment
due to sloshing may be described by the value of M
spatial component. The resultant moment obtained
from the formula (1) represents one time-step only.
The computation of heeling moment should be
performed for at least one period of roll. Thus, the
pressures have to be investigated for at least one
period of ship’s roll as well, but actually they were
obtained for the longer time comprising few rolling
periods. The example of the heeling moment history
graph is presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3. The time-domain presentation of the computed
heeling moment due to sloshing
The time domain presentation of the computation
results can be useful when the ship’s rolling is to be
computed on the basis of movement equations. In
such case, the heeling moment due to sloshing is one
of the components of total heeling moment rocking a
vessel at seaway.
3.2 Linearization
The time-domain manner of presentation of the
heeling moment due to sloshing which is shown in
Figure 3 as a moment history graph is not
convenient in respect of traditional ship’s stability
assessment (Krata 2008). Such stability assessment
is not based on the movement equations, but on the
static stability curve (IMO 2002). The curve presents
the righting arm GZ in the angle of heel domain and
the righting arm is reduced by the statically
calculated free surface correction. Therefore, the
most convenient way to present the results of the
heeling moment calculation due to the sloshing of
liquid in a partly filled tank is the angle of heel
domain graph.
The interpretation of the results of heeling
moment computation is much more convenient in
angle of heel domain. The main disadvantage of
such presentation is the hysteresis, which is the
effect of wave type phenomena taking place inside
the moving tank. The disadvantage can be removed
by the linearization process (Krata 2008).
As the main task of the research is more reliable
stability assessment with regard to the sloshing
phenomenon, the linearization should refer to the
ship’s stability criteria, especially the weather
criterion. The area under the GZ curve is qualified
within the weather criterion, which represents the
work of heeling moment due to wind guests when a
ship rolls, so the linearization of the researched
heeling moment should be based on the work of the
moment as well. The linearization method applied to
the heeling moment due to the sloshing of liquids is
based on the formula:
where: M heeling moment due to sloshing; M
resultant linear heeling moment due to sloshing;
angle of ship’s heel;
angle of heel equal 40°
(given in radians).
The formula (3) ensures equality of works done
by the researched heeling moment and linear heeling
moment due to sloshing. Thus, the method may be
called the equivalent work method. The example of
linear heeling moment due to sloshing is presented
in Figure 4.
Figure 4. The example of the linear heeling moment, for the
filling level 30% and os=-0,718 m.
The linear function of heeling moment can be
determined by the fixing of two in-line points having
the coordinates (
, M). One of them is the point (0,
0) and the second one the point (40°, M
Therefore, the complete description of the linear
heeling moment obtained in the course of the
research may be done by one scalar only, which is
convenient for any further analysis.
3.3 Extraction of dynamical component of the
heeling moment due to liquid sloshing
The moment M heeling a ship in consequence of
liquid existence carried in any partly filled tank, may
be decomposed into two components. One of them is
the moment M
of liquid weight and the second is
the heeling moment M
due to the movement of
fluid inside the tank. The heeling moment due to
liquid sloshing in vessel’s tanks can be described in
every time-step by the formula:
MMM +=
where: M
heeling moment due to the weight of
“frozen” liquid in tank; M
heeling moment due
to the movement of fluid inside partly filled tanks.
The simple sum of moment components
analogous to the formula (4) was applied to the
linear heeling moment M
calculated according to the
formula (3) for all considered cases. Thus, the
component M
of the heeling moment due to
sloshing abstracts the static effect of liquid weight in
ship’s tanks. Such abstraction capacitates to bear
comparison of the performed research results with
the quasi-static heeling moment computed according
IMO IS-Code recommendations.
4.1 Comparison of the research results and IMO
IS-Code recommended computation
The research is focused on the comparative analysis
of the heeling moment components arising from the
liquid movement inside ship’s partly filled tanks.
One of them is obtained in the course of the research
and it reflects the dynamic attitude towards the
sloshing phenomenon. The other is calculated
according the IMO IS-Code recommendations and it
is of quasi-static type. The computation formulas
resulted from IS-Code prescriptions.
The heeling moment M
due to liquid’s
existence inside any partly filled tank may be
decomposed into two components according to the
MMM +=
where: M
heeling moment due to the weight of
“frozen” liquid in tank; M
heeling moment of
the transfer of the liquid’s center of gravity.
The moment M
is taken into consideration in
course of the calculation of the ship’s center of
gravity and it assumes the liquid to be “frozen” at
the angle of heel equal 0°. It is important to notice,
that the M
component is equal in formulas (4) and
(5). Therefore, the remaining components M
of the heeling moment may be compared. The
component M
of the heeling moment can be
calculated at any of the three accepted method. The
simple pendulum model is considered as safest for
the ship therefore the free surface correction based
on the moment of inertia of tank’s horizontal
projection was applied in the course of the further
The quasi-static component M
of heeling
moment is a function of sine of the angle of heel.
Anyway, it could be compared to the researched
linear component of the heeling moment due to
sloshing for the range of angles of heel where the
sine function may be approximate by linear function
fair enough. The reasonable range of such linear
approximation is about 40°, which shows Figure 5.
Figure 5. Linear approximation of sine function
As the sine function is almost linear up to the
angel of heel 40°, the components M
and M
the heeling moment may be compared. They both
have the zero values for the zero angle of heel, so
their comparison may be done as the comparison of
their values for the angle of heel equal 40°. Thus, the
values M
and M
are analyzed instead of the
moment graphs. The comparison of the M
obtained in the course of the research and the M
computed according to the IMO recommendations is
shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Non-dimensional component of heeling moment due
to liquid movement in partly filled tanks.
The graphs showing analyzed values of the
component of heeling moments are prepared as non-
dimensional referred to the value M
of static
free surface correction. The excitation period T is
referred to the first harmonic natural sloshing period
of a liquid in model tank T
. The scope of T/T
ratios reflects the wide variety of characteristics they
can take place on board of ships at different loading
conditions. The distance os between the center of the
moving tank and the rotary motion axis is referred to
the breath of the tank b
. The three graphs marked
30%, 60% and 90% are plotted for the
corresponding three levels of tank filling. The
reference surface marked IMO is plotted for M
values calculated according the IMO IS-Code
4.2 Analysis of the obtained results
The quasi-static heeling moment component
represented by the free surface correction described
in IMO IS-Code depends on the shape of a partly
filled tank only. Presented results of the research
prove the significant influence of other factors. One
of the most important is the localization of the tank
referred to the vessel’s rolling axis os/b
. The
excitation period referred to the first harmonic
natural sloshing period of a liquid in model tank
seems to be less important. The lowest investigated
values of T/T
ratios can occur for very short ship’s
rolling period typical for extremely stable ships. In
any other cases, the T/T
ratio does not play the
important role.
The graph presented in Figure 6 enables the
identification of potential danger to a vessel caused
by the movement of liquid in partly filled tanks. Any
value of analyzed heeling moment component
higher than the reference level IMO should be
considered as potentially perilous to a vessel because
her transverse stability can be worse than calculated
according to IS-Code recommendations.
The surface plotted for 30% of tank filling
demonstrates that such a low level of filling does not
need to be considered as risky one. The influence of
liquid sloshing is weaker than that taken into
account in the course of standard stability
assessment. The only trespass of the reference IMO
level is noticed for the shortest rolling period, which
can take place in the case of large GM only.
The surface plotted for 60% tank filling level
reveals the fair conformability of the research results
and IS-Code recommendations for partly filled tanks
situated above the ship’s rolling axis and the
considerable transgression for tanks placed below
the rolling axis. The potentially dangerous
underestimation of the liquid sloshing influence on
the ship’s transverse stability occurs for all
researched rolling periods.
The surface plotted for 90% of tank filling prove
the potentially perilous situation, which can take
place for high levels of tank filling. The effect of
liquid sloshing is slightly overrated for partly filled
tanks situated above the ship’s rolling axis when
computed according to IS-Code. Such an effect may
be considerably underestimated for tanks sited
below the rolling axis, for instance double bottom
The movement of liquids in partly filled ship’s tanks
affects her stability and therefore it is considered in
course of the stability assessment procedure
according to the IMO recommendations. The results
of the research presented in the paper points that the
very simplified methods recommended by IMO
could be improved and reach better accuracy to meet
the modern requirements of ship’s exploitation.
The presented comparative analysis of the
components of heeling moment reveals some
weaknesses of IS-Code. The use of current IS-Code
recommendations may lead to considerable
underestimation of free surface effect. This results
from the quasi-static attitude towards the sloshing
phenomenon. The analysis proves that the dynamic
movement of liquids in partly filled tanks should not
be neglected. The results of the research can
contribute to the further investigation of the new
formula of free surface correction comprising the
dynamics of sloshing phenomenon.
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