International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 3
September 2010
One of the foremost problems in the maritime
transport industry is the lack of qualified well-
trained officers particularly in management posi-
tions. Such a dangerous situation could increase the
number of accidents caused by human error and
long-term solutions are yet to be developed.
At Constanta Maritime University, we believe
that such a long-term solution is increasing the num-
ber of students while maintaining a high standard of
training and education. During 2008, a project fi-
nanced with European funds has been proposed aim-
ing to increase the quality of training and the level of
practical skill of the students who will be working in
the maritime industry. The main aim of the PRAC-
NAV project is to reorganize the on board training
stages of the cadets in order to optimize their profes-
sional achievements.
In the years prior to 2006 the students of our uni-
versity had to surpass great difficulties in order to
acquire the 12/6 months period of sea training. In
those years one of the most difficult tasks for the
deans and rectors was to convince Romanian and
foreign ship owners to accept cadets on board their
ships. Despite their best efforts only 60-65% of our
students found placement, the rest had to resolve this
problem the best they could, relying on own person-
al relations or their luck in order to find an owner
willing to embark them as cadets. This situation
changed however in 2006, when crewing and ship-
ping companies came to our university asking for
cadets. This change in their attitude was a direct
consequence of a prognosis confirming the shortage
of well-trained officers for the merchant fleet during
the next 10 years.
We consider the interest showed by shipping
companies in the maritime education process to be
most welcomed. If they would involve in all the
stages of the educational program rather then act on-
ly as passive beneficiaries of the maritime training
institutions’ outputs, the results could prove most
beneficial (Sears D.F. 2003). They have a key role
for implementing a good on board training program
and for monitoring the way this program runs on
board their ships.
According to the provisions of the STCW’95
Convention adopted by the International Maritime
Organization, and of the European Maritime Safety
Agency (EMSA) that have found an expression in
the 2001/25/EC and 2003/103/EC directives regard-
ing the required level of training for a maritime of-
ficer, an important aspect of that training is the level
of skill acquired by that officer.
Taking into account the above statement, we con-
sider the PRACNAV project as a necessary step, fa-
cilitating the transition from the theoretical accumu-
lation of knowledge to an active educational process
with a higher level of practical skills that would give
Project PRACNAV for a Better on Board
Training Curricula
E. Barsan
Constantza Maritime University, Romania
C. Muntean
Constantza Maritime University, Romania
ABSTRACT: During 2008, Constantza Maritime University has developed a project financed with European
funds that aims for an increase in the quality of training and the practical skills of the students that will be
working in the maritime industry, by organizing and undergoing on board training stages at higher standards.
It is expected that once this objective is achieved, there will be a 40% increase in the chances of employment
in the shipping companies for the Romanian students. A coherent, modern application of such a program with
fully integrated on board training sessions, would ensure a better chance of employment for our students in
the European fleet. If the „equality of chances” principle is considered, the increase of theoretical knowledge
by acquiring specific practical skills for those students that undergo PRACNAV, for graduates of female gen-
der an increase of up to 60% in their employment chances is expected as maritime officers on board European
to the young Romanian officer a much higher rating
on the European labor market.
During the last few years, Constanta Maritime Uni-
versity students returning from their on board train-
ing period were asked to fill a questionnaire contain-
ing 20 questions. In order to encourage them to
answer with the outmost sincerity, we did not ask
them to write their names. They were required to
write only the name of the vessel/vessels they have
been assigned to, the name of the crewing company
and/or the owner of that vessel.
The most important conclusions of this enquiry
There are great differences between the quality
and complexity of the on board training programs
performed on board different ships;
The number of shipping companies that have a
modern and systematic on board training system
is very low;
During their on board training period, cadets are
not usually guided and monitored by a dedicated
STO. They receive guidance from any of the
watch officers, including Chief Officer/First En-
gineer. Any available officer was allowed to un-
dertake assessment and to sign and declare the
cadet as proficient in the tasks mentioned in the
training record book.
In most of the cases, the cadets have to learn by
themselves, looking and copying the actions and
work style of the ship’s officers;
The quality of life on board is very important for
the professional progress of cadets and what they
feel in the first 2-3 voyages could determine their
options for their future;
40% of the students were not very satisfied about
their on board experience and it is possible that
many of them will not embrace a sea carrier pre-
fer from the start to find o job ashore instead
Almost 35% of the voyages undertaken our ca-
dets were not guided and monitored by a dedicat-
ed ship training officer (Fig. 2). They had to learn
by themselves, looking and copying the actions
and work style of the ship’s officers As the stu-
dents explained, in most of the cases, they re-
ceived guidance from any of the watch officers
and any available officer was allowed to under-
take assessment and to sign and declare the cadet
as proficient in the tasks mentioned in the training
record book.
It will be best only to work with shipping compa-
nies, without the brokerage of crewing compa-
nies, because the university will know from the
beginning where the cadets will go and could
avoid some unpleasant experience;
Figure 1. Answers to question: “Give a score for the overall
feeling on the on board training period
Figure 2. Answers to question: “How would you appreciate the
activity of the Designated Training Officer?”
The PRACNAV project aim is to improve the
quality of professional training and skills level ac-
quired by students, during their on board training
time. Because the University has not the possibility
to monitor the student’s activity on board ships, we
need in the first place to have a very good feedback
regarding these periods of training. Until now, our
feedback was based only on the sea service qualifi-
cative, the grades mentioned in the Training Record
Book and the student’s answers to our questionnaire.
Our intention is to provide to the shipping com-
panies a standardized form that should be used to
summarize the performances and attitudes of the ca-
det during the on board stage. This form will in-
crease the shipping companies’ responsibilities for
monitoring the cadets’ activity and will allow us to
have a better picture of the problems flagged by the
This continuous adaptation to the shipping com-
panies’ requirements would ensure that the students
are much better trained and prepared for the realities
onboard a ship at graduation.
If this objective is achieved we expect that the
chances of Romanian students of being employed on
board ships that have U.E. owners would increase
with 40%. At this moment students graduating from
Romanian Maritime institutions compete directly
with graduates from Bulgaria, Ukraine and Poland
on the European labor marketplace. The application
of this program would give them the edge they need,
their experience and skill, enabling them to make a
better use of their theoretical knowledge.
The „equality of chances” principle is also con-
sidered and due to higher theoretical knowledge and
a higher level of practical skills acquired by those
students that undergo PRACNAV, the graduates of
female gender will have significantly higher chances
(an increase of up to 60% in their employment
chances is expected) of being employed as mari-
time/river officers on board European ships (Belcher
P et al.
An important aspect of this program is that we have
not designed it only for students graduating from
Romanian universities. All the materials, the cur-
ricula, the training record book, the training hand-
book for the Company Training Officer (CTO) and
for the Ship Training Officer (STO), all the docu-
ments and manuals used for individual and group
training during sea time, will be prepared in English.
A standardized format will be used, in order to facil-
itate their use by any student of any other maritime
According to the STCW Convention the on board
training period must be documented in a training
record book (TRB)
The importance of this document cannot be dis-
puted. Apart form being an imperative requirement
of the STCW Convention it is a very important tool
of education especially in the cases of poor man-
agement of the on board training. We have found
that in the absence of a written plan prioritizing the
training steps and stages for the on board training of
cadets this document is the only one that gives the
STO a clue about what is to be done (Hanzu-Pazara
R., et al. 2008).
At this moment, the Romanian Maritime Authori-
ty (RMA) publishes a training record book that Con-
stantza Maritime University has the obligation to
provide to all of our students. In order to avoid du-
plication of projects and tasks completion confirma-
tion, CMU agreed with RMA that any TRB issued
or used by a shipping company that meets the stand-
ards of the Romanian TRB will be accepted as valid.
However, we are not very pleased with the con-
tent of this record book, because it does not present
the tasks the logical and order established by STCW
and the guidelines established by IMO. We have
asked our cadets if they had worked with other
types, copies of the standard TRB model published
by ICS/ISF or other record books issued in accord-
ance with the provisions of other national maritime
For the purposes of this project we are consider-
ing the development and publication of a new TRB,
one that satisfies all our needs. We think that marks
(scores) must be given to the cadets by the STO for
the different tasks that are registered and must be
performed by the cadet. If the STO must score the
activity of the cadets, he will be more responsible in
training and monitoring the on board students.
Also, the long list of task that must be performed
confirmed only by done/undone remarks must be re-
placed with more complex tasks, projects that will
combine several competencies that will be demon-
Because for deck cadets, the mandatory training
period of 12 month can not be achieved in only one
stage, using marks for evaluation of cadet’s
achievements in different stages will reflect also the
professional evolution of the trainee.
The instructors are the second most important
target group of this program. For the on board train-
ing period our students will find a dedicated trained
person that is responsible for their education and de-
velopment of practical skills.
I order to ensure an equal level of training for all
our cadets, no matter the shipping company and the
ship itself, a training guide designed for the STO is a
must. We assume that are very few companies that
have some sort of guidelines or at least recommen-
dations for their officers regarding the mode of un-
dertaking the on board training of young cadets
(Barsan E., et al.. 2007).
Consequently, in most of the cases the STO is on
his own judgment, interest and talent regarding the
organization of the on board training for cadets.
Some pedagogical skills are needed for all trainers if
we want to obtain a positive training result.
During the PRACNAV project we will try to
elaborate a concise guide of how the on board train-
ing stages must be organized and how the students
must be coached, monitored and evaluate.
Any how, the main point of the guideline consist
in the prioritizing the on board training objectives, in
accordance with the theoretical level of knowledge
of the student.
The training materials for PRACNAV instructors
(the CTO Company Training Officer, and the STO
- Ship Training Officer) will be distributed within
those shipping companies taking part to this pro-
gram. We will undertake short courses for the CTOs
in order to make them more aware about the real po-
tential of our cadets and about the realities of the
present MET system achievements and minuses.
All shipping companies are trying to select the
best of the students applying for a cadet position. In
reality, only 25% of these students can fulfill all the
expectation of the owner. The rest of the applicants
are students with average or under average level of
theoretical training (Barsan E. & Muntean C. 2008).
If these students will have the opportunity to partici-
pate on a good quality on board training process,
they can be “converted” in valuable maritime offic-
ers and their interest for the theoretical training will
increase also.
If only the top 25-30% of the MET graduates will
be employed on board ships, it is obvious that the
deficit of officers in the world fleet will be main-
The specific objectives of PRACNAV project are:
1. The familiarization of students to the reality
on board a ship, and to the ways a multicultural and
multinational crew member interact with one anoth-
The quality of life on board is very important for
the professional progress of cadets and what they
feel in the first 2-3 voyages could determine their
options for their future. We expect that for many of
them the shock of being part of a multicultural crew,
away from their homes for a long period of time,
possibly for the first time, might be an overwhelm-
ing experience.
Although many students are motivated only by
the money that they will earn as cadets when they
choose a company, an unpleasant experience could
mean many will not embrace a sea carrier and will
prefer from the start to find o job onshore (Junzhong
B., Mingqiang X. 2007).
This is why a coherent application of this modern
program in collaboration with the shipping compa-
nies, without the brokerage of crewing companies,
would enable our university to monitor the progress
of it’s students, preventing such disagreeable situa-
tions from happening. We consider that this would
greatly reduce the number of students that abandon
the career of maritime officer.
2. Ensuring that the students can use their theo-
retical knowledge on board a ship in a practical situ-
ation, by using complex simulator training programs
that are specific to the maritime transport industry
According to the 724/2004/EC directive of EM-
SA an important characteristics of a future maritime
officer is the knowledge and skill with witch he op-
erates modern electronically equipment. This level
of proficiency can be achieved by our students dur-
ing their training with the complex simulators. These
training sessions under the supervisor of instructors
will help them gain the necessary information, and
will allow them to quickly adapt to the ship’s
equipment particularities before arriving on board a
real ship (Barsan E. 2007a).
Usually training with the help of simulator fol-
lows the theoretical curricula of the courses directly
related to the seafarer’s profession and mentioned in
STCW. Due to the limited number of hours that can
be allotted to simulator training and taking also into
account the higher costs of such a training, the sce-
nario used for simulation are trying to concentrate as
much as possible events in a short period of time 9
Raicu G., et al. 2007).
Consequently, the student is the entire time alert
and prepared to respond to the challenges impost by
the scenario. A more realistic approach will be test-
ed, meaning that in that pre-sailing training using
simulators, we will run scenarios were the main task
is to perform the navigation watch in almost routine
conditions. Exercise will take minimum 2 2.5
hours, and during that time there will be only one or
two events that will require attention and application
of the normal watch practice.
For the skills acquired by students in the simula-
tor room, the exercises/scenarios used for training
will be designed in such a way that they can be used
by any maritime university, having similar simulat-
ing equipment.
3. Engaging in partnership relation with a min-
imum of 12 European shipping companies that will
employ at least 70% of the students that have under-
gone their on board training on the ships owned by
those companies (Barsan E. 2007b).
We consider the partnership with at least 12 Eu-
ropean shipping companies to be a minimal condi-
tion for the smooth running of the PRACNAV pro-
ject. The finality of this project is that our students
should become maritime officers with a recognized
higher level of skill. Because of this we expect that
the companies would want to employ at least part of
them. This in turn would lead to competition be-
tween students that would only improve their level
of proficiency, as they try to prove worthy for em-
4. To ensure that all students benefit from a on
board training on maritime ships, that have Europe-
an owners, for a period at least 5 months
The STCW 95 Convention imposes a period for
on board training for all maritime students. With this
in mind we must realize the fact that because of the
large number of our students not all of them will
have the benefit of being cadets on board training on
ships with European owners for this whole period.
5. Monitoring the professional career of the
graduates for a period of at least 2 years since the
moment of their graduation, with the purpose of de-
termining the international companies with the high-
er percentage of employment for Romanian mari-
time officers.
This objective is crucial for determining the ef-
fectiveness of this program. What we hope is that
major shipping companies will show a great interest
in PRACNAV and in the students graduating from
our university.
We hope that the international crisis that will af-
fect also the maritime transport will have a limited
impact on the seafarers’ employment.
In conclusion the shipping companies are the benefi-
ciaries of the maritime educational process. Those
companies that show a real interest in this process
demand that within the curricula particular attention
should be given to the on board training of students.
The PRACNAV project is envisioned to be an mod-
ern, integrated system of training, for senior mari-
time students, that respects all the legal requirements
and conventions recognized at European or interna-
tional level. At the center of this project lies the on
board training period, with the participation of ship-
ping companies.
This approach is unique, because it strives to cov-
er all the aspects of a practical training process in it
key phases: at the university, and on board a ship. At
the same time emphasis is put on feedback, with the
aim of ensuring the quality of the training process.
All the documents and manuals used for individ-
ual and group training during sea time and manuals,
the training handbook for the Company Training Of-
ficer (CTO) and for the Ship Training Officer
(STO), all will be available for use by other mari-
time universities in the UE that have a educational
program that respects he provisions of the Bologna
There is a single major concern at this moment
regarding the positive implementation of PRAC-
NAV and the tangible results of this project after fi-
nalization. The world economic crises seams to af-
fect from the early beginning the shipping industry.
We are afraid that in order to reduce costs, owners
will lower the number of cadets taken on board and
also will decrease the founds for training of their
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