3.1 Use of ProToel as a short term planning tool
for shipping traffic to Zeebrugge
3.1.1 Criteria
Presently deep-drafted ships arriving at or depart-
ing from Zeebrugge need to take account of follow-
ing tidal restrictions (see Figure 4):
− in the Scheur West and Pas van het Zand chan-
nels, a gross UKC of at least 15% and 12.5% of
draft, respectively, is required;
− in the outer harbour of Zeebrugge, i.e. within the
breakwaters, the minimum gross UKC is reduced
to 10%;
− in areas subject to sedimentation where the bot-
tom of the navigation areas is covered with fluid
mud, a penetration of 7% of draft in the mud lay-
er is considered as acceptable in case sufficient
tug assistance is available;
− passage of the breakwaters is subject to a current
window limited by a value for the cross current of
2 knots.
For LNG-carriers, however, stricter criteria are
maintained. The required UKC in the sea channels
Scheur West and Pas van het Zand is increased to
20% of draft, and to 15% in the harbour area, while
the acceptable cross current at the breakwaters is re-
duced to 1.5 knots.
According to a probabilistic approach, a tidal
window should be determined in such a way that the
probability of undesired phenomena – such as bot-
tom touch – does not exceed a selected value. More
important than the probability, however, is the risk,
defined as the probability of occurrence multiplied
by the financial and impact consequences. The latter
depend on the channel bed (rock, sand, mud, …), the
type of vessel (tanker, general cargo, container, …)
and environmental sensitivity of the area. Considera-
tions on acceptable risk and probability have been
formulated by Savenije (1996), PIANC (1997) and
others, and is usually related to an acceptable num-
ber of groundings during the lifetime of a channel.
The acceptable overall probability of bottom touch is
of the order of magnitude of 10
, while 10
may be
considered as a maximum value for any ship transit.
Examples.As a (fictitious, but realistic) example,
the results of ProToel are given for a container carri-
er (W100) with a length of 397.7 m, a beam of 56.4
m and a draft of 15.5 m departing from and arriving
at the harbour of Zeebrugge in favourable wave
conditions (significant wave height 0.9 m). The
speed over ground is assumed to be 12 knots in the
Scheur West channel, 10 knots in the Pas van het
Zand, and 4 knots in the harbour area. Following a
deterministic approach based on gross UKC, the tid-
al window for the departing ship (Figure 5) opens at
11:30 and closes at 17:30; however, between 13:30
and 15:45 no traffic is possible due to the tidal cur-
rents. From a probabilistic point of view, the proba-
bility of bottom touch is acceptable between 9:15
and 19:30, but the limiting criterion will be the pene-
tration in the mud layer, which only takes acceptable
values between 11:15 and 19:15. While the effect on
the opening time of the tidal window is only margin-
al, the departure time can be postponed by 1.75
hours if a reduced gross UKC were accepted and a
probabilistic approach were followed in this particu-
lar case. For the arriving ship (Figure 6), no ad-
vantage is obtained by introducing a probabilistic
criterion in this particular case: the opening time of
the window remains unchanged, while the closing
time is determined by the acceptable penetration into
the fluid mud layer. Also here, the tidal window is
interrupted due to exceedance of the allowable cross
3.1.2 Present status
Actually (January 2009) ProToel can be used
within the intranet of the Department of Mobility
and Public Works of the Flemish Government. Fore-
casts for waves, tidal elevations and tidal currents
are updated continuously by the Flemish Hydrogra-
phy on the server of Flanders Hydraulics Research.
In a next phase, the program will be validated and
the probabilistic approach will be evaluated.
3.2 Use of ProToel for long-term accessibility
In order to perform a long term accessibility analysis
with ProToel, the program was extended to allow
the execution of batch computations. In this way, the
length of tidal windows can be calculated for all tid-
al cycles within a longer period, e.g. a year. For such
a long term prediction, only astronomical tide data
can be used, so that only deterministic criteria based
on gross UKC can be applied for determining the
tidal windows. For the statistical post-processing of
the resulting tidal windows, additional tools have
been developed.
This type of application was performed for a con-
tainer carrier arriving at and departing from the har-
bour of Antwerp. An example of the output is given
in Figure 7, and can be interpreted as follows: for
both the arriving and departing ships with the con-
sidered draft values, a tidal window of at least 60
minutes is expected in more than 92% of the cases.
It should be mentioned that in the example the arriv-
ing ship has a larger draft than the departing ship.
The computations appeared to be in good agree-
ment with an existing analysis, but also revealed that
the results may be very sensitive to the detailed
depth profile and the assumptions used for interpola-
tion of the tidal curves along the trajectory.