Figure 10 Calculated Sun Direction and Direction by Camera
Figure 11 The 500 data in Figure 10
The reason of resolution difference between Alti-
tude and Direction was caused by the initial camera
attitude error. Further more, the camera focus error
is considered as the error term.
A position data is demanded for the calculation of
sun altitude and direction. The MEMS INS is possi-
ble way to calculate the position. The MEMS INS is
demanded to keep its accuracy while the camera sys-
tem is updating the sun position and altitude. Using
the camera system in section 3, more than 2 minuets
updating time is demanded. Therefore the INS using
MEMS-ESG needs more accuracy, Gen F. & Shogo
H, 2008. Many books are published for the INS cal-
culation such as David Titterton and John Weston.
2004. But those calculations are considering more
accurate sensors. Now, the INS program for the
MEMS-ESG is under researching.
There is accuracy difference between the X-axis
and Y-axis. This difference might be caused by the
CMOS sensor in the camera and also initial align-
ment errors. The studies have been undertaking
about it. In addition to that, the research using higher
resolution web camera is also undertaking.
In this paper, the new type of MEMS sensor,
MEMS-ESG, and the sun altitude and direction de-
tecting system were explained as basic research for
the new compass system using latest MEMS.
An accuracy of MEMS-ESG has much improved
comparing previous vibration type of MEMS sen-
sors. The sensor’s reproducibility was explained.
Furthermore, the relative angle accuracy was shown
comparing with GPS compass. The problem of
MEMS-ESG is explained in 2.5. Especially, some
countermeasures are needed for the shock surviva-
bility on the ship. Although there are still some
problems with MEMS-ESG, it has got much poten-
tial. The vibration type sensors would be difficult to
increase their accuracy because of their structures.
However, ESG type has different structures and eas-
ier to increase its accuracy. For example, inertial
momentum is proportional to the square of rotor’s
diameter and also rotor’s rotation rate. To consider
those and the fact that the company has already
made successfully the bigger diameter rotor sensor,
MEMS-ESG accuracy would be increased in the fu-
In 3
paragraph, the sun altitude and direction de-
tecting system using camera image was explained.
Using 352×288 resolution web camera, the accuracy
achieved 0.0872 [degree/pixel] for the altitude and
0.0378 [degree/pixel] for the directions.
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Turning type MEMS inertial sensor, 4
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Calculated Sun Direction and Direction by Camera Image
Ca lcula tion
Camera Image
Calculated Sun Direction and Direction by Camera Image