age registration to group geometric similar tracks
must account for this displacement within each
group, but a global compensation will introduce er-
rors, as it will detect similar position traces of simi-
lar form, but of very different location.
To reduce processing time the sorting of position
traces was divided into a coarse and detailed analy-
sis. The coarse analysis simply looked at the corre-
spondence of track images without accounting for
possible translations. If two images were deemed
similar, future comparison was done with the mean
track of the two. The coarse analysis left a large
number of small groups, which were used as inputs
to the detailed analysis. The detailed analysis made
use of numerical optimization to find the optimum
level of similarity between the groups. The cross-
correlation between two images, where one has a
translation (u,v) in (x,y) direction was used as an ob-
jective function and is seen in Equation (1).
∑ ∑
∑ ∑
x y
x y
where T=reference image matrix and I=the test
image matrix with translation (u,v). The cross-
correlation defined in Equation (1) is only valid for
integer values (u,v) so a 3D interpolation method
from (Vetterling 2007) was implemented to provide
a continuous formulation of the cross-correlation.
The interpolation routine allows standard numerical
optimization strategies, such as steepest descend, to
be applied to find the maximum correlation between
two images. The cross-correlation was used to refine
the grouping obtained by the coarse method by an it-
erative process where groups which showed a max-
imum correlation where combined.
The final operation on the sorted time series was
to split each geometrically similar group into direc-
tion specific groups by considering the angle be-
tween the start and end points of each time-series.
2.4 Group maneuver identification
The time-series reconstructed from AIS have heter-
ogeneous sample rates, within the geometric similar
group, and even within the individual time-series.
This necessitates a transfer of individual time series
data to a common representation, which compen-
sates for the variations in sample-rates. The proper-
ties of the time series group was estimated from 100
evenly spaced control points. The control points
were computed as the mean points of 100 evenly
spaced points for each time-series belonging to the
group. Mean perpendicular vectors to the mean path
were calculated in conjunction with the control
points and used to establish mapping of the time-
series indices to the control points by finding the in-
tersection between the time-series trace and the per-
pendicular vectors.
The sequence of maneuvers in a group was
tracked by the curvature of the vessels trajectory.
The curvature of the vessel trajectories in each time
series was computed by considering the x and y co-
ordinate as signals in the time (Aarsæther 2007) as
seen in Equation 2.
( )
A polynomial was fitted locally to the x and y
signals in time to provide well-defined derivatives
for curvature calculation. The curvature of each time
series was transferred to the group by the index to
control point mapping. The group curvature is then
calculated from the median of the group curvature at
each control point. The individual turn and straight
sections of the group are identified by an ad-hoc
two-stage filtering based on statistics. The mean
, and standard deviation,
, are calculated
and the points of the group curvature curve that falls
outside the region defined by
are defined as
belonging to a turn section,
are recalculated
for the remaining points and the process repeated
once more. Contiguous regions are identified as turn
and straight segments.
The indentified turns in the group curvature only
provide information about the median straight and
turn behavior, to extend the analysis to the parame-
ters of the maneuver model and to provide statistics
demands data for the identified sections from each
time-series. The translation between the turn sec-
tions of the median path to the individual time series
is not well defined as the map of positions to control
points. Variations in curvature can occur at different
positions along the path and it is the sequence of
maneuvers that is of interest. The turn sections of the
median curvature were isolated and transferred to an
image representation using the same procedure as
for the position trace. The image representations of
the individual turn sections were then matched to a
section of the time-series by optimization of the sim-
ilarity between the turn image from the group curva-
ture and the time-series curvature. This identifies the
locations of the turn sections in the individual time-
series and enables the extraction of statistics based
on the maneuver progression of the individual ves-
sels instead of relying on geometric areas or indices
from the group curvature to extract data.
2.5 Statistics of time-series groups
Statistics for each time-series group was calculated
at the intersection between straight ant turn sections.
The sections of the individual time-series sections
were transferred to the group sections by mapping
the turns in a time-series to the corresponding turn
numbers in the group. Variables were according to
section type