on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 3
In order to assess how measurement time affects the
accuracy of horizontal position determination in
GPS and GPS/EGNOS systems, more than thirty
measurement sessions were performed. Observations
during each session lasted at least 24 hours. The
tests were carried out with two identical MiniMAX
receivers made by CSI. The use of two receivers of
the same type (with the same software) was aimed at
eliminating possible errors that otherwise result from
measuring instruments of various types. The GPS
antennas were mounted on the antenna platform of
the Maritime University of Szczecin. The antennas’
positions were determined by geodetic methods.
The receivers were operated by using PocketMax_
PC_Ver.2.2. software, which makes it possible to
record data from MiniMAX receivers by PC com-
puters. The data were recorded at 1 Hz frequency in
$GPGST, $GPGSV and $GPZDA formats. Observa-
tions lasted from November 2007 to November
The assessment of measurement duration effect on
the accuracy of horizontal position obtained by GPS
and GPS/EGNOS systems based on registered data
required current calculations, i.e. after each meas-
urement, of the following quantities:
− mean latitude,
− mean longitude,
− circular error of position M (for P = 0.95),
− latitude shift of mean position relative to geodetic
position (Δφ [m]),
− longitude shift of mean position relative to geo-
detic position (Δλ [m]),
− distance between mean position and geodetic po-
sition (R [m]).
Table 1 presents calculation results for selected
ten 24-hour measurement sessions.
Table 1. Ten 24-hour measurement sessions by GPS and
GPS/EGNOS receivers.
Figures 1, 2 and 3, show the data from three ses-
− changes of the circular error in time M (95%),
− changes of latitude shift of mean position in time
relative to geodetic position (Δφ [m]),
− changes of longitude shift of mean position in
time relative to geodetic position (Δλ [m]),
− changes in time of mean position distance to geo-
detic position (R [m]).
Effect of Measurement Duration on the
Accuracy of Position Determination in GPS and
R. Bober, T. Szewczuk & A. Wolski
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: The authors have analyzed the effect of measurement duration on the accuracy of ship’s hori-
zontal (2D) position obtained by GPS and GPS/EGNOS receivers. Also, the influence of measurement dura-
tion on the mean position determination error in relation to a reference (geodetic) position has been examined.