on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Number 3
Although modern watercrafts have been equipped
with advanced facilities, such as satellite navigators,
anti-collision radars, electronic charts, and automatic
cabins, etc., the occurrence of shipping accidents is
still frequent. Therefore, the IMO organization and
many other organizations pay more attention to the
shipping safety. According to IMO organization’s
analysis results, there are three main reasons result-
ing in shipping accidents in recent years:
1 the failure of equipments on watercrafts;
2 the influence of navigation environments and
3 and, human factors.
The proportion of these three factors to the whole is
shown in Fig.1, from which it can be seen that up to
eighty percent of shipping accidents are directly or
indirectly caused by human error. Under the compli-
cated circumstance, navigators lacking of watch
have poor capability of dealing with emergency,
poor qualities and little sense of duty, as well as
cannot master traffic rules on the sea well. Hence,
misoperation will occur. In order to guarantee the
safety of shipping, we should pay more attention to
human factors where not only the quality of naviga-
tors and their ability of dealing with emergency
would be developed, but also the latest modern tech-
nology for prediction of shipping accidents and
blocking the wrong order or misoperation would be
adopted. Consequently, a shipping accident forecast
model is developed in this paper. Furthermore, a
method of the shipping accident prediction and con-
trol is studied based on the proposed model.
The shipping system is comprised of watercrafts,
human and the navigation circumstance. Due to the
particularity of carriers and conditions, the charac-
teristic of shipping systems which are complicated
systems is multi-category, multi-layer, multi-
attribute and multi-rule. Shipping accidents can be
classified into the following types, collision, ground-
ing, striking, heavy weather, fire & explosion,
foundering, missing, and engine failure, etc. Risk
during navigation mainly results from three factors:
a) collisions with other objects (static or moving), b)
the change of external environments (such as ty-
phoons, tidal waves, fogs, and other disasters), and
c) wrong orders sent by navigators (including
misoperations). These three factors of the system al-
so have many components which are shown in Fig.1.
In recent years, new challenges encountered in ship-
ping systems are mainly as follows:
Study on Shipping Safety Strategy Based on
Accident Forecast Model
X.Y. Meng, Y.M. Bai & X.J. Han
Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China
ABSTRACT: The factors which would cause shipping accidents are analyzed in detail and a model which can
forecast shipping accidents is studied in this paper. During navigation, all the factors are integrated and calcu-
lated in this model which then estimate and speculate on the risk degree of collision for the own ship. Finally,
the risk level and the possibility of shipping accidents can be forecasted in real-time. The proposed accident
forecast model can estimate the possibility of collision with other ships or objects in a specific domain.
Meanwhile, the external environment such as weather, stream, etc. is taken into account in the model. Be-
sides, the validity of navigators’ orders can also be evaluated in the model which consequently can forecast
different kinds of shipping accidents effectively in that most of the factors which cause shipping accidents
have been involved in the proposed model. With the accident forecast model, the shipping safety would be
improved greatly. A practical example demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed strate-