Figure 14 Comparison between estimated and real values of
container Lo-Lo and tonnage Lo-Lo
Figure 15 Comparison between estimated and real values of
TEU and gantry cranes
2.6 Remarks
The values of parameters estimated by means of R
threshold (0,7 or 0,8) are comparable, therefore their
choice may be considered not relevant.
The most reliable results are obtained by means
of production parameters as input data, in particular
the number of handled container for the determina-
tion of quay length, total stocking area and gantry
cranes. Indeed the other parameters are strongly in-
fluenced by local organizational issues and for this
reason less suitable to be dealt with in a general ap-
Sea-side port operation, characterised by the overlap
of the traffic of many different ships traffic often
causes congestion effects with negative consequenc-
es on transport service regularity.
In this framework models (Potthoff, 1979) capa-
ble of simulating the operation of sea-side port ter-
minals, of evaluating their capacity and of calculat-
ing the occupation time of the terminal by ships and
its utilisation degree both in regular and perturbed
(because of external causes or the congestion itself)
conditions and of relating it with the quality of the
transport services are very effective and allow to
reach specific objectives:
- operational time saving;
- rational land-use (better planning of sea front);
- prevention of losses due to possible accidents
and incidents;
- sensitivity of performances to variations in port
terminal lay-out.
3.1 Specific research objectives
From the above arise considerations the specific ob-
jectives of the present researches that is build up
models capable of:
1) simulating the terminal operation;
2) evaluating the terminal carrying capacity;
3) relating the utilisation degree of the terminal
with its service quality.
The application of combinatorial synthetic mod-
els to sea terminals (Ricci & al. 2007) requires the
introduction of the factors characterising the ships
(dimensions and maneuvering with related kinematic
and geometric constraints regulated movements), the
terminal itself (different type of basin morphology or
layout as shown on Figure 16).
In order to determine time interdiction between
ship movements entering/exiting maneuvering
movements are divided in 5 phases:
1 Approach to mouth,
2 Access to the channel,
3 Rotational movement,
4 Approach to the quay,
5 Anchorage.
Figure 16 Typical port layouts subjected to analysis
The carrying capacity of the terminal corresponds
to the maximum number of movements allowed dur-
ing the reference time and it depends mainly upon
the following factors:
− time distribution of entering and exiting move-
ments to/from the port and related assignment to
the docks;
− terminal topology defined by the location of
docks and the mouths.
The model approach is based on a constant prob-
ability for the arrivals i.e. a fixed number of move-
ments for each route in the reference time.
This condition well represents both:
− high frequency of arrivals in peak periods;
− usual data availability in the planning phase,
without detailed information on ship scheduling.
This condition is formally defined by an array P,
with dimensions corresponding to the number of the