International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 2
June 2010
The design process is a complex stepwise series of
strategic decision involving the engagement of a rel-
evant amount of resources.
Therefore, in order to maximise its effectiveness,
a strong need of methodological support is required.
With this aim the research group of the authors
developed different methods and models capable to
support some of these decisions:
regressive method for preliminary dimensioning
of container terminals;
sea-side operation combinatorial model;
synthetic method capable of validating the esti-
mates of the capacity combinatorial model.
It is possible to integrate the models in a chain
taking into account, within a stepwise methodologi-
cal approach, dimensions and manoeuvrability of the
ships, positions of terminals, accessibility, handling
equipment, storage areas, etc.
The preliminary dimensioning method allows to se-
lect the parameters most suitable to describe termi-
nals, to determine their dimensional and equipment
characteristics and to verify their production, as well
as to provide inputs, defined in terms of production
or number of ships, for the combinatorial model ca-
pable of evaluating sea-side port capacity (Florio &
Malavasi, 1995).
2.1 Definition of key parameters
Maritime container terminals are infrastructures pro-
vided with equipment for the transfer of containers
from ship to docks and back.
They are integrated into logistic structures of
most commercial ports.
In any terminal fundamental and complementary
activities are identifiable:
1 container loading and unloading;
2 sea-side and land-side (railway and road) stock-
ing operations;
3 traffic management and control;
4 container clearance for international traffic;
5 storage and reorganisation of freight into con-
Structures and performances of terminals, de-
duced from a first analysis, may be synthetically rep-
resented in three main clusters of parameters (Noli
& al. 1984) respectively representing dimensions,
equipment and production:
A. Dimensional parameters:
1) Quay length,
2) Total stacking area,
3) Covered stacking area,
4) Uncovered stacking area;
Modelling Support for Maritime Terminals
Planning and Operation
S. Ricci & C. Marinacci
“Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy
ABSTRACT: The maritime terminal design process is a complex stepwise series of strategic decisions in-
volving the engagement of a relevant amount of resources. In fact operating conditions near the maximum ca-
pacity cause congestion effects with negative consequences on regularity and quality service. Therefore, in
order to maximise its effectiveness, a strong need of methodological support is required. With this aim the au-
thors developed different methods and models capable of supporting some of these decisions: a regressive
method for preliminary dimensioning of harbour terminals and a sea-side operation combinatorial model for
traffic analysis and capacity estimation. They are able to be integrated in a chain of models taking into ac-
count dimensions and manoeuvrability of ships, terminal morphology, handling equipment, storage areas,
etc., with the aim to support the planning process and operational management.
B. Equipment parameters:
5) Number of gantry cranes,
6) Number of other cranes,
7) Number of storage cranes,
8) Number of various loaders;
C. Production parameters:
9) Number of handled containers.
10) Number of handled TEU,
11) Number of handled container tonnage.
For these parameters an extensive investigation
on port terminals for data acquisition has been car-
ried out.
2.2 Definition of the area of analysis
The ports analysed are located in Northern Europe
(Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea and North Sea) and in
Mediterranean area (Ricci & al. 2008b).
In this area 73 ports, dealing with relevant con-
tainer traffic, have been identified.
For 93 container terminals located in 49 of these
ports useful data have been collected and elaborated.
In Table 1 the amount of observations available
for the analysed parameter is shown.
Table 1. Observations available for analysed parameters
Parameters Observation
Quay length 93
Total stocking area 91
Covered stocking area 91
Uncovered stocking area 29
Gantry cranes 85
Other cranes 37
Storage cranes 59
Various loaders 57
Containers 19
TEU 72
Tonnage 30
2.3 Application of methodology
In the proposed regressive approach an analysis has
been performed on the relationships between param-
1. belonging of the same cluster (as defined
2. belonging of different cluster.
The amounts of data useful for the correlations
are summarised in a matrix (Fig. 1).
Figure 1 Available observations by couples of parameters
The collected and homogenised data has been
correlated by means of a linear regression obtaining
the correlation coefficients R.
All the values have been filtered with different R
threshold values (0.7 and 0.8).
In Figures 2 and 3 the values of coefficient R of
the regression lines are presented in matrices.
Figure 2: Correlations between couples of parameter with 0.7
as threshold of relevance
Figure 3: Correlations between couples of parameter with 0.8
as threshold of relevance
On this basis it is possible to represent the rela-
tionships between parameters corresponding to
shortest paths on graphs of Figure 4.
Figure 4: Graphs of the relevant correlations with R > 0.7 and
R > 0.8
2.4 Direct and indirect correlations between
The main feature of the proposed methodology is the
possibility to calculate on a probabilistic basis the
main design parameters (dimensions, equipment,
etc.) by means of the correlations with flow parame-
ters and to calculate flow and equipment parameters
by means of the correlations with dimensional pa-
For this purpose it is necessary to determine also
the direct relationships and the indirect ones requir-
ing intermediate parameters to link inputs and out-
For the selection of shortest paths (highest global
correlation) the Dijkstra algorithm has been applied.
Starting from the inputs corresponding to produc-
tion parameters (containers, TEU and tonnage) or to
dimensional ones it is possible to define the tree of
shortest paths with the parameters linked directly
and indirectly.
Different scenarios have been obtained by com-
bination of threshold value (0.7 and 0.8) of correla-
tion parameters with possible input parameters (Fig-
ures 5-11).
Figure 5: Shortest paths starting from the number of containers
(threshold R>0,7 and R>0,8)
Figure 6: Shortest paths starting from TEU (threshold R>0,7
and R>0,8)
Figure 7: Shortest paths starting from containers tonnage
(threshold R>0,7 and R>0,8)
Figure 8: Shortest paths starting from quay length (threshold
R>0,7 and R>0,8)
Figure 9: Shortest paths starting from total stocking area
(threshold R>0,7 and R>0,8)
Figure 10: Shortest paths starting from covered stocking area
(threshold R>0,7 and R>0,8)
Figure 11: Shortest paths starting from uncovered stocking area
(threshold R>0,7 and R>0,8)
2.5 Case study
The regressive method (Ricci & al. 2008b) has been
applied to the pilot case represented by the Darsena
Toscana container terminal in the port of Livorno
(Table 2).
Table 2. Leghorn Darsena Toscana container terminal (2007)
Parameters Data
Quay length [m] 1.430
Total stocking area [m
] 412.000
Containers [n] 323.708
TEU [n] 500.000
Tonnage [t] 6.677.350
On the basis of arrivals and departures of con-
tainer ship to/from Calata Massa, relating to Termi-
nal Darsena Toscana quay, it has been possible to
determine the capacity margin in 2007 expressed in
number of ships per day that are can be moored
alongside the above-mentioned quay.
The comparison between values of dimension,
equipment and production parameters estimated by
the model and real values are summarised in Figures
Figure 12 Comparison between estimated and real values of
quay length and total storage area
Figure 13 Comparison between estimated and real values of
gantry cranes
Figure 14 Comparison between estimated and real values of
container Lo-Lo and tonnage Lo-Lo
Figure 15 Comparison between estimated and real values of
TEU and gantry cranes
2.6 Remarks
The values of parameters estimated by means of R
threshold (0,7 or 0,8) are comparable, therefore their
choice may be considered not relevant.
The most reliable results are obtained by means
of production parameters as input data, in particular
the number of handled container for the determina-
tion of quay length, total stocking area and gantry
cranes. Indeed the other parameters are strongly in-
fluenced by local organizational issues and for this
reason less suitable to be dealt with in a general ap-
Sea-side port operation, characterised by the overlap
of the traffic of many different ships traffic often
causes congestion effects with negative consequenc-
es on transport service regularity.
In this framework models (Potthoff, 1979) capa-
ble of simulating the operation of sea-side port ter-
minals, of evaluating their capacity and of calculat-
ing the occupation time of the terminal by ships and
its utilisation degree both in regular and perturbed
(because of external causes or the congestion itself)
conditions and of relating it with the quality of the
transport services are very effective and allow to
reach specific objectives:
- operational time saving;
- rational land-use (better planning of sea front);
- prevention of losses due to possible accidents
and incidents;
- sensitivity of performances to variations in port
terminal lay-out.
3.1 Specific research objectives
From the above arise considerations the specific ob-
jectives of the present researches that is build up
models capable of:
1) simulating the terminal operation;
2) evaluating the terminal carrying capacity;
3) relating the utilisation degree of the terminal
with its service quality.
The application of combinatorial synthetic mod-
els to sea terminals (Ricci & al. 2007) requires the
introduction of the factors characterising the ships
(dimensions and maneuvering with related kinematic
and geometric constraints regulated movements), the
terminal itself (different type of basin morphology or
layout as shown on Figure 16).
In order to determine time interdiction between
ship movements entering/exiting maneuvering
movements are divided in 5 phases:
1 Approach to mouth,
2 Access to the channel,
3 Rotational movement,
4 Approach to the quay,
5 Anchorage.
Figure 16 Typical port layouts subjected to analysis
The carrying capacity of the terminal corresponds
to the maximum number of movements allowed dur-
ing the reference time and it depends mainly upon
the following factors:
time distribution of entering and exiting move-
ments to/from the port and related assignment to
the docks;
terminal topology defined by the location of
docks and the mouths.
The model approach is based on a constant prob-
ability for the arrivals i.e. a fixed number of move-
ments for each route in the reference time.
This condition well represents both:
high frequency of arrivals in peak periods;
usual data availability in the planning phase,
without detailed information on ship scheduling.
This condition is formally defined by an array P,
with dimensions corresponding to the number of the
routes in the terminal and single elements p
the number of movements on each route in the refer-
ence time T.
The analysis of the terminal morphology allows
to define the whole set of routes and their reciprocal
compatibility/incompatibility represented in a square
matrix (compatibility matrix) C = P x P, with each
element c
representing the condition of compatibil-
ity/incompatibility between routes i and j.
The possible relationships are:
incompatibility between two routes with:
a. common final/initial sections,
b. common middle sections,
c. same path but opposite direction;
compatibility between two routes without com-
mon sections, allowed to be run contemporarily.
The proposed approach allows to calculate the
mean number of possible simultaneous movements n
by taking into account the compatibility of the routes
and their frequency of utilisation:
= p
x p
if i and j are incompatible;
= 0 if i and j are compatible.
N is the total number of movements during refer-
ence time T.
In a similar way the mean terminal utilisation
time can be defined as:
where t
is the time during which the route j may
not be run because a ship is moving on the route i
(interdiction time).
The total occupation time can be calculated as:
In order to take into account the waiting situa-
tions due to simultaneous arrivals on incompatible
routes it is possible to calculate the delay imposed
by the p
movements on the p
movements because
of the interdiction time t
these parameters allow the comparison between
the total utilisation time of the terminal, including
the delays, and the reference time.
The utilisation degree can be calculated with ref-
erence only to the situation of regular running on
routes, as:
U =
Or reference to the total time, including the de-
lays, as:
3.2 Applications and remarks
The model has been applied to five Italian ports
(Ancona, Bari, Brindisi, Gioia Tauro and Livorno)
characterised by three different morphologies (circu-
lar, channel and tree layout).
The results of the model application are summa-
rised in Table 3.
Table 3 Capacity limit for analysed port [movements/day]
Port Ancona Bari Brindisi Gioia T. Livorno
Observed 33 23 27 18 41
Maximum 61 70 49 40 53
The port with a circular morphology normally
shows a higher capacity limit than the other ones,
due to shorter routes and shorter interdiction times
between movements.
The channel ports show a lower capacity than
ports with tree layout, due to a lower number of ba-
sins that are able to let an early release of common
sections between entering/exiting route.
For these ports largest capacity are related to
number of quay basins and consequently to their ro-
tation basins as well as to the assignment of docks to
ships characterised by less manoeuvrability (e.g. liq-
uid/solid bulk and container ships) in specific part of
In order to validate on a comparative basis the pre-
vious model and its results, two alternative models
for the evaluation of port capacity have been identi-
fied; they are based on:
Channel capacity,
Minimum spacing.
These models are characterised by a fewer input
data and able to analyse the particular basin channel
morphology or a specified part of a port terminal
referable to this specific characteristic (Ricci & al.
4.1 Models based on channel capacity
The port system is schematically structured into
three parts (Fig. 17):
the waiting basin, where ships arrive and wait to
enter the channel;
the entering area, where only the ship approach-
ing the channel is admitted;
the channel itself.
Figure 17 Port schematisation for channel capacity method
As soon as the ship in the entering area approach
the channel, the following one enters this area at the
minimum separation distance.
The following hypotheses are considered for the
ship arrivals according to the Poisson distribu-
infinite capacity of the waiting basin;
fixed speed for each ship in the channel;
deterministic separation distance between ships;
fixed fleet composition;
permanent communication between ship and traf-
fic controller;
ship characteristics known in advance by traffic
irrelevant wind effects;
permanent availability of pilots and tugboats;
24 hours/day operation;
balanced entering and exiting flows.
By adopting the Permanent International Associa-
tion of Navigation Congress (PIANC) expression for
the stopping distance is:
This distance is increased to take into account ad-
verse weather conditions (+50%), approximation in
speed measurement (+40%) and additional safety
rate (+20%):
( )
The minimum separation time S
between a cou-
ple of ships I and J further depends upon the speed
strategy adopted in the channel (single speed or mul-
ti-speed) and is calculated at the generic ship I dock,
whose distance from the channel entering is LC
= ;0
The probability P
that the generic arriving ship
has a separation time S
from the following one is
the product P
x P
of the corresponding probability
of arrival of ships I and J.
Therefore the mean service time is:
and the maximum arrival rate, corresponding to
the capacity of the system, according to this method,
may be calculated as:
The whole methodology is represented in Figure
18 flowchart.
Figure 18 Channel capacity methodology
4.2 Models based on minimum spacing
The capacity corresponds to the maximum amount
of movements possible within defined time interval
under continuous demand service, corresponding to
saturation conditions.
The input required by this model is limited to ar-
rival delays, which can be easily calculated or esti-
mated for any port.
Moreover the definition of operational rules, fol-
lowed by the ships under saturation conditions, is
required taking into account that port basin and ap-
proaching zones are considered as a whole.
Arrivals always have priority on departures,
moreover an exiting ship may be authorised to move
only the minimum spacing from the previous
movements is reached.
Two possibilities exist (Fig. 19):
if the second ship is faster than the first one the
minimum spacing d will be located at the port
if the first ship is faster than the second one the
minimum spacing d will be located at the pilot
point (where the ship is manoeuvred by personal
of The Port Authority).
Figure 19 Minimum spacing location
The perfect coordination of arrivals is obviously
impossible, therefore the spacing is normally higher:
BdD +=
where B is a buffer depending upon the traffic
regularity level, which is normally possible to define
according to a standard normal distribution.
Moreover a departure may be allowed only if the
crossing with the first arriving ship is located at a
spacing D.
Therefore, if a departure (ship 1) is followed by
an arrival (ship 2) the time interval between two de-
partures (ships 1 and 3) is defined as:
tΔt +++=
- V
and V
are the speeds of the ships outside the
port mouth;
- t
and t
are the mean exiting and entering
times for the ships, calculated according to traf-
fic mix and dock location;
The whole methodology is represented in
flowchart Figure. 20.
4.3 Applications of the two models and remarks
The capacity values have been estimated:
for the port of Gioia Tauro on the basis of the
overall number of entering/exiting daily move-
ments (19);
For the port of Livorno on the basis of the enter-
ing/exiting number daily movements in the sec-
tion before Darsena n°1, Canale Industriale and
Calata Gondar basins that is possible to assimilate
to a channel.
Figure 20 Minimum spacing methodology
The key results of the comparison between the
model based on the mean number of movements and
the alternative models are reported in Table 4.
Table 4 Comparison of model results [movements/day]
Model Gioia Tauro Livorno
Channel 35 64
Minimum 29 29
Mean number 40 53
of movements
For the channel port of Gioia Tauro the results are
In the case study of the port of Livorno (tree lay-
out) relevant differences exist, particularly for the
minimum spacing model, which seem unsuitable for
the application to tree lay-out ports.
The original model based on the calculation of
mean number of movements seems well reproducing
the average capacity volumes for the analysed typi-
cal port lay-outs.
A stepwise approach is presented allowing:
to dimension a harbour terminal (container termi-
nal) in terms of optimal storage capacity, geomet-
rical and operational characteristics, starting from
freight handled in a reference time interval;
to estimate terminal capacity expressed by the
number of ships able to use the port equipments
in addition to regular and daily traffic inside the
port in defined service regularity conditions (un-
der the influence of considered additional move-
to identify a qualitative correspondence between
analysed different port lay-outs and respective
manoeuvring capacity.
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turale degli impianti portuali di trasbordo container,
Ingegneria Ferroviaria, August, 454.
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lato mare: un modello di valutazione sintetica Binari sul
mare. Scenari di integrazione del trasporto merci, Officina
edizioni, Roma.
Malavasi G., Marinacci C., Ricci S., 2008. Performances and
application fields of sea side port capacity models AATT
2008, Athens.
Malavasi G., Ricci S., 2002. Generalized model for the perfor-
mance evaluation of different railway freight terminals. 9th
International Symposium, Railways on the Edge of the 3rd
Millennium, Zilina.
Marinacci C., Quattrini A., Ricci S., 2008. Integrated design
process of maritime terminals assisted by simulation mod-
els MMS 2008 The International Workshop on Harbour,
Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simula-
tion, Briatico.
Noli A. and others, 1984. Calate portuali e terminali marittimi.
Criteri generali di pianificazione e costruzione, Roma,
Park C.S., Noh Y.D., 1987. An interactive port capacity expan-
sion simulation model Engineering Costs and Production
Economics, Volume 11, Issue 1 (109-124).
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veb, Berlin.