− behavioural system based on principles (system
“if, then”), e.g. models: EXITT (Levin, 1998), E-
SCAPE (Reisser-Weston, 1996),
− probabilistic behavioural system (principles in-
cluded in the model are stochastic), e. g. CRISP
(Fraser-Mitchell, 2001), ASERI models (Schnei-
der & Konnecke, 2001),
− behavioural system based on artificial intelli-
gence, e.g. models: Legion (Williams, 2005) Ve-
gas (Still, 1994).
Evacuation models differ according to the way
the movement of people is presented. In most types
of models people have their specific travel speed
(actual data). However, in the instances of a greater
density leading to queuing there are various methods
of describing the movements of people. In the situa-
tion of a restricted flow, the following approaches to
modeling can be distinguished:
− determining the speed and flow of people (indi-
viduals or populations) on the basis of the geome-
try of the analyzed space (density), e.g. WAY-
OUT, STEPS (Hoffman & Henson, 1998)
− establishing individual distances between evacu-
ating people and possible obstacles, e.g. SIM-
ULEX, VEGAS models,
− calculating the undisturbed flow, then accounting
for disturbances using various coefficients, e. g.
ALLSAFE model (Heskestad & Meland, 1998).
In all models the surroundings of evacuation must
be presented, i.e. the geometry of the interior (corri-
dors, spaces layout). The space is divided into sub-
spaces and each subspace is attached to the neigh-
bouring ones. Usually two methods are employed:
− space is substituted for a network of polarized
spaces of different shapes and sizes, depending
on the model (e. g. PedGo, EGRESS models
(Ketchell & Cole & Webber, 1994)), making it
possible to locate an individual evacuated as well
as possible obstacles by the determination of the
exact position in the space (room),
− space is shown by means of fields which stand for
spaces (rooms) or corridors and are not consistent
with actual dimensions, giving the exact position
of an evacuated person in a given space (room) is
not possible; there is only a possibility to move
between the components of the analyzed structure
(e. g. EXODUS model (Gwynne & Galea & Law-
rence & Filippidis, 1998)).
On the basis of ship evacuation plan it is possible to
present the layout of evacuation routes on the ship
(corridors, stairways and spaces) in the form of a
hydraulic network. In the next stage, utilizing the
graph theory and accounting for the movement of
passengers along escape routes, the layout of the es-
cape routes is brought down to the format allowing
for further use in the designed model of evacuation.
Particular stages of encoding the escape routes
layout in the form of the directed graph is shown in
When using this kind of record, it is suggested
that one of the ways of looking for the maximum
evacuation path be employed to form the most dis-
advantageous scenario of evacuation, that is, to cal-
culate the maximum weights of the graph. To this
end the modified Warshall’s algorithm was used
(Ross, 2005).
The devised method will be presented using a
chosen vessel as an example.
Figure 1. Algorithm of encoding the emergency escape routes
arrangement into the form of the directed graph.
In room PP there are 180 people, who split up the
moment the evacuation commences and proceed
through three exits: towards the staircase b and the
doors a and c. Figure 2 shows the escape routes ar-
rangement together with the direction of the evacua-
Figure 2. Escape routes arrangement together with the direc-
tion of the evacuation
The escape routes arrangement is represented as
a digraph in which a set of vertices represents the
particular sections of escape routes, while the edges
represent the connections among them (Fig 3). In the