International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 2
June 2010
Assuming, that the movement of celestial bodies on
celestial sphere results only from rotary motion of
the earth, then these bodies are moving along circles,
which center is in the vicinity of closer pole and
their radius is equal to the complement of the decli-
nation to the right angle. This assumption is correct
during navigational or geodetic measurements due to
short time of their duration. When the low accuracy
of measurement is allowed (for example for the pur-
poses of celestial navigation accuracy of altitude of
0.1' and accuracy of time of 1 second is required),
then measuring series compound of several meas-
urements of the altitude or the azimuth and the time
can be equalized with straight line. The correction
for the curve of celestial latitude is taken into ac-
count in such series in methods of the astronomical
geodesy, and thanks to this it is possible to treat the-
se series as linear in relation to the center thread.
Both mentioned methods of the processing of meas-
uring data results from the tendency of reduction of
the amount of calculations connected with their pro-
cessing. In the case, when measuring data is pro-
cessed automatically, for the equalization one can
accept the path of celestial body along circle and de-
rive equation of the movement of the body in hori-
zontal coordinates system (approximating equation).
And then choose any location of the body on the cir-
cle, which data will be put to the reduction father.
Celestial bodies in their daily movement should the-
oretically form the arcs of the small circles on the
celestial sphere with radiuses equal to the comple-
ment of the declination δ to the right angle and with
centers in the closer celestial pole. In the particular
case, when the body lies on the celestial equator it is
great circle and the path of the body form straight
line. The real path is influenced additionally by: the
change of refraction with the altitude of the body
and oscillations of its image, and at the measure-
ments random errors of the measurements. One uses
series n of the measurements of the position of celes-
tial body: zenith distance z
, the azimuth a
and the
time of registration t
appropriate for point P
, for
derivation of equation of the movement. Zenith dis-
tances z
have to be corrected for the refraction r(z
appropriate for z
. (1)
The variable z
is measured and burdened with
refraction, and z
already corrected for the value of
The approximating equation is described by hori-
zontal coordinates z
(zenith distance) and a
muth) of the center P of circle along which body
moves, with its radius r equal in first approximation
of its polar distance
Equalization of the Measurements of the
Altitude, the Azimuth and the Time from
Observation of Passages of Celestial Bodies
P. Bobkiewicz
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The article is describing the computational model serving equalization of the astronomical
measurements accomplished to navigational and geodetic purposes. Series of measuring data: the altitude, the
azimuth and the time from observation of passing of celestial bodies in the field of view of the observing de-
vice are input parameters to calculations. This data is burdened with random error of the measurement. The
equation of the movement of celestial body in the horizontal system is the result of the equalization. It is pos-
sible to calculate the azimuth and the altitude for the chosen moment or to fix the time of the given azimuth or
the altitude from this equation.