To simplify calculations ship’s dynamic was re-
duced. For example speed of the ship remains con-
stant despite significant radar deflection.
1.4 Multi-criteria input signals
Evaluation of quality of a state is to be treated as
multi-criteria problem. Its aim is to estimate a risk
factor of getting stranded, getting too close to the
shore, encountering a vessel with dangerous cargo,
etc. It can be estimated by function of ship’s posi-
tion, course and angular velocity and information
gained from other vessels (if considered in the mod-
el) and coastal operators. One of the efficient meth-
ods to estimate value of risk factor is Fuzzy TOP-
SIS (Filipowicz, Łącki & Szłapczyńska 2005).
TOPSIS stands for Technique for Order Prefer-
ence by Similarity to an Ideal Solution. Was origi-
nated by Hwang and Yoon as a new multi-attribute
decision making (MADM) method in 1981. Initially
the approach was intended for crisp values then ex-
tended for fuzzy parameters (Chu & Lin 2003).
The main concept of this method is based on dis-
tance calculation. The best alternative among the
available set is the closest to the best possible solu-
tion and the farthest from the worst possible solution
simultaneously. The best possible solution, referred
to as an ideal one, is defined as a set of the best at-
tribute values, whereas the worst possible one, re-
ferred to as a negative-ideal solution, is a set of the
worst at-tribute values. In this method every criteria
is of benefit or cost type. In the discussed problem
distance to closest obstacle is benefit criteria (should
be kept as high as possible), while probability of en-
countering a vessel with dangerous cargo is a cost
one (therefore is to be as low as justified).
The final TOPSIS ranking is created by sorting
the coefficient values assigned to each of the alterna-
tives in descending order. The alternative with the
highest ranking value claims to be the best one.
When vessels hits an obstacle or depart from the
area in forbidden way then its position is reset to ini-
tial values and the helmsman receives negative
points to his fitness value. The ones that reach the
goal reset their positions to initial ones and increases
helmsmen fitness values respectively. Therefore, af-
ter several dozen of episodes there will be some of
the individuals distinguished by their high fitness
The main goal of the individuals in population is
to maximize their fitness values. This value is calcu-
lated from helmsman behavior during simulation as
described above. The best-fitted individuals become
parents for next generation.
Offspring genome is calculated from parents’ ge-
nomes using evolutionary operations.
Neuroevolutionary systems are based on Topology
and Weight Evolving Artificial Neural Networks
(TWEANNs). These neural networks have the dis-
advantage that the correct although simplified topol-
ogy need not be known at the beginning – it will
evolve through evolutionary operations.
Among TWEANNs there is Neuro Evolution of
Augmenting Topologies (NEAT). It is unique in that
it begins evolution with a population of minimal
networks and adds nodes and connections to them
over generations, allowing complex problems to be
solved gradually based on simple ones (Stanley &
Miikkulainen 2002). This way, NEAT searches
through a minimal number of weight dimensions and
finds the appropriate complexity level of network
topology adjusted to the problem. This process of
complexification has important implications on
search patterns. It may not be practical to find a so-
lution in a high-dimensional space by searching in
that space directly. But it may be possible to find so-
lution by searching in lower dimensional spaces and
further transfer of the best solutions into the high-
dimensional space.
The NEAT network delivers solutions to three
fundamental problems in evolving artificial neural
network topologies:
− Innovation numbers line up genes with the same
origin to allow disparate topologies to cross over
in a meaningful way (innovation number is a
unique value assigned to a new gene).
− Separation of each innovation into a different
species protects its disappearing from the popula-
tion prematurely.
− Start from a minimal structure, add nodes and
connections, incrementally discovers most effi-
cient network topologies throughout evolution.
2.1 Selection
There are many ways to select individuals to become
potential parents for next generation. Replacing the
entire population on each generation may cause fast
convergence to local extremes since there is strong
selection method causing that everyone’s genome
would likely be inherited from best fitted individual.
In addition, behaviors would remain static during the
large gaps of time between generations.
The alternative is to replace a single individual
every few time intervals as it is done in evolutionary
strategy algorithms (Beyer & Schwefel 2002).