periment. The damping of the electrodes by water
mainly influences the measurement accuracy. Static
error of wave height measurement is less then 1mm,
but maximum dynamic error is bigger – it was esti-
mated to 5mm.
Fig. 4. Wave sensor – capacitor partially immersed in the wa-
Additional microcontroller tasks are collecting of
the data from the anemometer and then retransmit-
tion of both the wave and wind parameters to a
computer through radio modem. Transmission baud
rate of the radio modem is limited to the 4800B. Be-
cause the measurements are available every 100ms
(10Hz), and the NMEA format of data received from
anemometer causes long time of transmission
(70ms), and moreover 32 measurements of wave
height are performed in parallel, therefore the mi-
crocontroller program has been quite difficult to
write. Transmission of the data to the shore reduces
power requirements for the measurement system, so
the weight of the equipment installed on the lake is
lower, therefore even thin dolphins, far away from a
shore could be used for the measurer fixing.
Examples of the wind and waves parameters was
recorded on the lake and given in the figure 5.
The described measurement system enables regis-
tration of wind and waves parameters and finally it
will be possible to construct of appropriate mathe-
matical models of wind and waves disturbance
which appears on the Silm Lake during trials on
isomorphic ship models.
Data are transmitted by radio modem, so the sen-
sors are light enough to be mounted even on the thin
beacon fixed to the lakebed. Another advantage of
the measurer is small power consumption, therefore
battery supply can be used to register data for many
hours. The slow baudrate has been selected for
transmission, it caused some problems in software
design, but finally the cheap radio modem can be
used, moreover an influence of the disturbances is
reduced and the distance range covers nearly whole
Fig. 5. Direction and speed of wind and level of wave record-
ed on Silm lake.
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