shown in Figure 7. During the approach ship-
handling, the test ship first reduced her CPP blade
angle from dead slow ahead to the MHP while pro-
ceeding at 4 knots for speed reduction and proceed-
ed on the planned track by applying lee helm proper-
ly to control the head turning moment to windward.
Next, when the headway was reduced to 3 knots, the
test ship used hard-starboard steering to apply the
maximum yaw moment to windward. After the yaw
moment increased sufficiently, the test ship changed
the blade angle to slow astern directly, skipping the
propeller pitch zero operation. Finally, the test ship
stopped with her heading into the wind and the chain
was laid out adequately to leeward. The above re-
sults of the full-scale experiment indicate that the
proposed methods can be effectively applied to an-
choring under external forces.
4.2 Crash stop astern manoeuvre in a harbour area
The proposed steering control method during the
stopping manoeuvre is applicable to the crash astern
manoeuvre to avoid collision with other ships. In
this case, it is necessary to stop the ship with the
shortest distance by the propeller reverse operation
and turn her head to the starboard as great as possi-
ble by the steering. To achieve this collision avoid-
ance manoeuvre, the authors recommend the ship-
handling method that puts the propeller to full astern
after applying the starboard head turning moment by
the maximum rudder angle steering and confirm the
effectiveness of this method by simulation.
Figure 8. Example of the crash astern manoeuvre that applies
maximum starboard rudder angle prior to the propeller revers-
ing (Calm condition)
The results of the crash astern manoeuvre, while
proceeding at 6 knots, that utilizes the maximum
rudder angle steering to starboard prior to the full
astern operation are shown in Figure 8. In the case of
the crash astern manoeuvre with the rudder amid-
ships, the test ship stopped turning her head slightly
to the right of the original track, and both the head
turning angle and the side reach are not enough to
avoid collision. On the other hand, when the maxi-
mum starboard rudder angle was applied prior to the
reverse operation, both sufficient starboard head
turning angle and side reach to avoid collision were
obtained. On this crash astern manoeuvre, although
the 15 second delay in the reverse operation is ob-
served compared to the manoeuvre with the rudder
amidships, the head reach shows the same figure
(2.5 L). This seems to be due to the additional re-
sistance which is exerted by the steering and the
oblique drift of the hull in the case of the manoeuvre
with the maximum rudder angle steering. Therefore,
it can be inferred that there is little effect of the re-
verse operation delay on the stopping distance in the
proposed crash astern manoeuvre.
Next the authors performed a simulation study to
confirm the effectiveness of the proposed crash
astern manoeuvre under windy condition. The simu-
lation was conducted with 10 m/s winds for various
wind directions and the obtained results are shown
in Figures 9-12.
In the case of the crash astern manoeuvre with the
rudder amidships, the test ship stops almost on the
original track with slight head turning, however the
head turning angle is not sufficient for collision
avoidance in the head-on situation. On the other
hand, the crash astern manoeuvre with the maximum
rudder angle steering, both sufficient side reach and
head turning angle for collision avoidance are ob-
served for each wind direction.
Figure 9. Crash astern manoeuvre with maximum starboard
rudder angle (Head wind, 10 m/s)