3.1 Got results
Changing the values
was noted down the
value of the bit error ratio. She was different for var-
. Dependences what were got it was in-
troduced on Figure 3. 2.
The next stage of the simulation is the measure-
ment of the bit error ratio in dependence from the
speed of the mobile station. This was realized chang-
ing the frequency Doppler which answers the value
of the speed near the solid value
. Enumer-
ated speeds were introduced in Table 3. 1. for the
chosen frequencies Doppler which was used during
the simulation.
Table 3.1. The counted values of the speed for chosen frequen-
cies Doppler
Frequencies Doppler Speed
[Hz] [km/h]
0 0,0
5 3,1
10 5,7
15 8,5
20 11,4
25 14,2
30 17,1
35 19,9
43 24,4
47 26,5
48 27,5
60 34,1
Could was the system of the wireless contact leaning
on this standard design, the hypothetic plan of the
distribution of objects was created on the terrain
trans-shipping terminal. It was considered in the
structure terminal that the system of the exchange of
information (DECT) should function inside objects,
in the free space (the article pt. „Propagation FEM
on areas about the folded architectural structure the
trans-shipping terminal„) and during subscribers
movement mechanical vehicles (Gate Gantry, Sisu).
Wanting approach to the distribution of base stations
on the introduced plan trans-shipping terminal ana-
lyze propagation FEM and qualify the ranges of base
stations inside objects how and on the free space. In-
troduce the concrete project of the distribution of
base stations after qualifying maximum ranges and
propose the architecture of the system of DECT in
the trans-shipping terminal. The aim of the verifica-
tion of the correctness of functioning of the pro-
posed system of DECT, the realized simulation was
introduced in the programme Matlab Symulink.
In first variant of the simulation changing the
values E
/ N
was noted down the value of the bit er-
ror ratio. She was different for various
. De-
pendences what were got they are introduced on
Figure 3.2. According to the recommendations of
the standard of DECT the bit error ratio, for
= 10 dB, he should carry out 10
, and the sill timber
of the receipt finds oneself in BER = 10
(Kuśmińska-Fijałkowska 2008). As one can read
value this from Figure 3.3. for conditions in the
building he carries out approx. 10
and together
with the growth
diminishes quickly. How-
ever for second case, i.e. on the open space, the val-
ue of the bit error ratio grew up considerably and
carries out for 10 dB 10
. This caused these is, that
the distance of between the transmitter, and he is the
receiver set considerably larger than in buildings
and the worsened quality of the receipt of the data
becomes. Third value of the bit error ratio was in the
variant approx. 10
. Value this in the comparison
from previous he is considerably worse, but he still
is comprises in the foundations of the standard. The
result which was got was caused these, that she was
considered the maximum frequency Doppler, which
as you can see, the quality of the broadcast worsened
considerably. It is also with the phenomenon Dop-
pler connected the maximum speed of movable sta-
tions in the system of DECT.
One can find in the foundations of the standard of
DECT, that the maximum speed of movable stations
should not cross 20 km/h (Jackowski 2005). This
caused these is, that for such fluxation he which of-
fers DECT, shift larger Doppler than 35 Hz cause
that the bit error ratio is not to the party by the
standard and is comprises not in the sill timber of
detection. max the speed of movable stations carries
out 10 km / h in the case terminal. On Figure 3. 3.
was introduced. the dependence of the bit error ratio
in the of the speed of the station movable function.
The simulation was conducted for two values
= const. In first case the value
even 12 dB. As one can notice the bit error ratio
even 10
on Figure 3. 3. it was got for the speed car-
rying out almost 25 km/h. He is caused this, that the
relation of energy falling on the single bit to the
spectral thickness of the power of the white hum ad-
ditive he is enough large and can thanks to this get
the larger speed
= 10 dB was accepted in
case second. As one can notice the bit error ratio is
considerably worse in comparing with the previous
profile for every speed. For BER carrying out 10
the speed of the station of movable carries out ap-
prox. 20 km/h. it would be the One from the ways of
the enlargement of the maximum speed e.g. decrease
of the fluxation of the system, like e.g. the enlarge-
ment of
. However one can not do this, be-
cause standard this was created for the assurance of
the contact inside buildings, and not for movable sta-
tions moving with large speeds.
Results what were received, they could insignifi-
cant changes undergo near the investigation of the