IFSMA, ITF, Malaysia, Poland, Ukraine and the
United Kingdom during ad hoc intersessional meet-
ing of the STW working group relating to the com-
prehensive review of the STCW Convention and
Code in order to present during nearest 40
of the IMO Sub-Committee on Standards of Train-
ing and Watchkeeping – STW.
Co-authors suggest to insert in the STCW Conven-
tion [1]:
1. In Regulation I/1 paragraph 31, the following
new definition (STW 40/7/4): Electro-technical
officer means an officer qualified in accordance
with the provisions of chapter III of the conven-
2. In Regulation I/1 paragraph 32, the following
new definition (STW 40/7/4): Senior electro-
technical officer means an officer qualified for
the operation, maintenance and repairs of electri-
cal, electronic, computer systems and equipment,
including electrical propulsion;
3. The following new Regulation III/6 – “Mandato-
ry minimum requirements for certification of
electro-technical officer” (STW 40/7/6):
1 Every electro-technical officer serving on a
sea-going ship powered by main propulsion ma-
chinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more,
shall hold an appropriate certificate.
2 Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 be not less than 18 years of age;
.2 have completed not less than 12 months
combined workshop skills training and sea-
going service of which not less than 6
months will be sea going service as part of an
approved training which meets the require-
ments of section A-III/6 of the STCW Code
and is documented in an approved training
record book, or otherwise not less than 36
months combined workshop skills training
and seagoing service of which not less than
30 months will be sea going service in engine
department; and
.3 have completed approved education and
training and meet the standards of compe-
tence specified in section A-III/6 of the
STCW Code.
3 Every Party shall compare the standards of
competence which it required of electro-
technical officers for certificates issued before
[date] with those specified for the certificate in
section A-III/6 of the STCW Code, and shall de-
termine the need for requiring those personnel to
update their qualifications.
4 Seafarers may be considered by the Admin-
istration to have met the requirements of this
regulation if they have served in relevant capaci-
ty on board seagoing ship powered by main pro-
pulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power
or more for a period of not less than 12 months
within the last 60 months and meet the compe-
tence specified in section A-III/6 of the STCW
4. The following new Regulation III/6 – “Mandato-
ry minimum requirements for certification of
senior electro-technical officer” (STW 40/7/6):
1 Every senior electro-technical officer serving
on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion
machinery of more than 750 kW propulsion
power shall hold an appropriate certificate.
2 Every candidate for certification shall:
.1 meet the requirements for certification as
electro-technical officer and shall have not
less than 12 months approved seagoing ser-
vice as electro-technical officer whilst hold-
ing electro-technical officer certificate;
.2 have completed approved education and
training and meet the standard of competence
specified in section A-III/7 of the STCW
3 Every Party shall compare the standards of
competence which it required of senior electro-
technical officers for certificates issued before
[date] with those specified for the certificate in
section A-III/7 of the STCW Code, and shall de-
termine the need for requiring those personnel to
update their qualifications.
Seafarers may be considered by the Administra-
tion to have met the requirements of this regula-
tion if they have served in relevant capacity on
board seagoing ship powered by main propulsion
machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more
for a period of not less than 12 months within the
last 60 months and meet the competence speci-
fied in section A-III/7 of the STCW Code.
A new sections A-III/6 “Mandatory minimum re-
quirements for certification of electro-technical of-
ficer“ and B-III/6 “Guidance regarding – the train-
ing and certification for electro-technical officers”
shall be inserted after sections A-III/5 and B-III/5.