International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
Number 2
June 2007
Worldwide and Route-specific Coverage of
Electronic Navigational Charts
E. Vanem, M.S. Eide & R. Skjong
DNV Research & Innovation, Det Norske Veritas, Hovik, Norway
G. Gravir
DNV Energy Region Nordic and Eurasia, Det Norske Veritas, Hovik, Norway
A. Lepsoe
DNV Maritime Technology and Production Centre, Det Norske Veritas, Hovik, Norway
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results from a recent study on the coverage of Electronic Navigational
Charts (ENC). Global traffic data has been evaluated in relation to the coverage of ENC and eleven specific
ship routes, representative for global merchant shipping, have been analyzed in further detail. Overall, the
ENC coverage was found to be extensive, with 82 – 94% coverage for SOLAS ships, and 28 – 100% coverage
along selected routes. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated how the coverage of ENCs could be taken into
account when assessing the effect of ECDIS for safer ship navigation and associated cost effectiveness.
1.1 Background and motivation
Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems
(ECDIS) represent a means for increasing the
navigational safety of ships. Formal Safety
Assessments (IMO, 2002) have been carried out on
various shiptypes, e.g. large passenger ships
(Norway 2005), oil tankers, bulk carriers, product
tankers (Denmark & Norway 2006) and LNG vessels
(Vanem et al. 2007a), and ECDIS emerged as a cost-
effective risk control option for all these shiptypes.
The possibility of formulating mandatory carriage
requirements for ECDIS has been on the agenda of
the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the sub-
committee on safety of navigation (NAV) at the
International Maritime Organization (IMO).
However, many delegates expressed the view that
sufficient coverage of ENC would be a prerequisite
for such mandatory carriage requirement.
In order to investigate the actual coverage of ENC
in more detail, this paper compares global ship
traffic densities with actual ENC coverage. In this
way, the extent of holes in the global ENC coverage
and its effect on the cost-effectiveness of ECDIS
may be assessed. This will allow for a more accurate
evaluation of ECIDS as a risk control option. This
has been done for various shiptypes and
representative shipping routes for the present
situation as well as for the anticipated ENC coverage
in 2010.
1.2 ENC and ECDIS
ENCs are vector charts compiled from a database of
individual geo-referenced objects. IMO offer the
following definition for ENC (IMO 1995): ENC
means the database, standardized as to content,
structure and format, issued for use with ECDIS on
the authority of government-authorized hydrographic
offices. The ENC contains all the chart information
necessary for safe navigation, and may contain
supplementary information in addition to that
contained in the paper chart (e.g. sailing directions)
which may be considered necessary for safe
navigation. Being a database, ENC content may be
continuously retrieved by special operational
functions in ECDIS to give warnings of impending
danger related to the vessel’s position and its
The IMO ECDIS Performance Standards (IMO
1995) defines ECDIS equipment as follows:
Electronic chart display and information system
(ECDIS) means a navigation information system
which, with adequate back-up arrangements, can be
accepted as complying with the up-to-date chart
required by regulation V/20 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, by displaying selected information from
a system electronic navigational chart (SENC) with
positional information from navigation sensors to
assist the mariner in route planning and route
monitoring, and by displaying additional
navigation-related information if required.
1.3 Description of data sources
Two types of data are essentially needed for this
study, i.e. estimates of the distribution of the global
ship traffic and information about the global
coverage of ENCs.
For ship traffic distributions, AMVER and
COADS data has been used (Endresen et al. 2003).
Global traffic distributions were hence based on a
joint dataset containing both COADS and AMVER
data corresponding to a complete year. The ship
traffic density from this dataset is illustrated in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Combined AMVER and COADS data for one year
An overview of the worldwide coverage of ENC
is provided by the online catalogue of the
International Hydrographic Organization’s (IHO)
website ( The catalogue
distinguishes between ENCs that are commercially
available and ENC that will be available in the near
future. The coverage may be investigated for
different usage bands, i.e. overview, general,
coastal, approach, harbour and berthing. There are
known to be some gaps in the IHO ENC catalogue,
thus the results based on this source will tend to be
somewhat conservative. The coverage of
commercially available ENCs with resolution
coastal or better according to this catalogue is
illustrated in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Global coverage of commercially available ENCs of
coastal or better resolution according to the IHO catalogue
2.1 Suitable ENC coverage
In order to estimate the global coverage of ENC, it is
necessary to regard ENCs as suitable or not. For the
purpose of this study an ENC is assumed suitable if
it contains sufficient level of detail for safe
navigation for the specific area it covers. It is further
assumed that ENCs labelled coastal or better will be
suitable for navigation in waters within 20 nautical
miles from the shore. I.e., suitable ENC coverage
will be assumed for all parts of a voyage closer to
shore than 20 nautical miles where officially
approved ENCs of scale coastal or larger are
available. In open waters further away from shore,
general or overview ENCs are deemed sufficient.
2.2 ENC coverage for SOLAS ships
Worldwide coverage of ENC has been mapped to
global ship traffic distributions in order to
investigate the percentage of the global traffic that
operates in areas with sufficient ENC coverage, i.e.
available ENC coverage of resolution coastal or
better for all stretches of the trade closer than 20
nautical miles to shore. World traffic patterns have
been collected for one complete year 2000/2001, and
these traffic distributions have been utilized. The
world traffic pattern is assumed unchanged in 2007
and 2010 compared to this dataset.
The ship traffic is reported on a global grid with a
1x1 degree grid cell resolution. The size of the
observation grid cells introduces considerable
uncertainties into this part of the study, and two
different approaches have been employed in order to
estimate which part of the traffic takes part in areas
close to shore. The first approach is to count the
traffic in all the grid cells intersecting with the 20
nm band. The second approach is to count only the
traffic in the grid cells whose centre point intersects
with the 20 nm band. These counting approaches
will be referred to as intersecting and centre-
intersecting, respectively. It is noted that the
intersecting counting approach will regard notable
more traffic to be within the coastal bands.
Two similar approaches have been employed in
order to estimate whether there is ENC coverage
within a cell or not, i.e. where there are ENC coverage
intersecting with any part of a cell and where there are
ENC coverage intersecting with the centre of the grid
cell respectively. Thus, there will be four estimates of
the ENC coverage based on the possible combinations
of the two counting approaches. The most
conservative approach is to use the intersecting traffic
grid cell counting approach for traffic estimation
coupled with the ENC centre-intersecting grid cell
counting approach for ENC coverage estimation.
Accordingly, a conservative estimate of the
percentage of world shipping traffic within 20 nm to
shore having sufficient ENC coverage is 82% for
2007. The most optimistic estimate is 94%. Thus,
the percentage of the current world shipping trade
having suitable ENC coverage along their voyages
are between 82% and 94%. For 2010, this is
anticipated to increase to 85% and 96% respectively.
Comparing the results for the anticipated ENC
coverage in 2010 to the current estimates, a slight
increase is expected. This is attributable to ongoing
or planned activities at various national hydrographic
offices. However, the increase is insignificant, and
this is explained by the fact that ENC coverage is
already quite extensive along coastal areas that carry
a great portion of the world ship traffic.
Estimates of the ENC coverage were also broken
down on four major shiptypes according to the
differences in trading patterns among these. The
most conservative estimates are presented in Table
1, for the current situation as well as the anticipation
for 2010. It can be seen that the variation between
the different shiptypes are not significant, and all the
four shiptypes that were investigated are associated
with ENC coverage around the global average and
well above 80%. Container ships were found to have
the highest coverage of more than 90%.
Table 1. Percentages of world ship traffic within 20 nm to
shore with sufficient ENC coverage major shiptypes.
Ship type 2007 2010
Bulk carrier 82.4 84.4
Tanker 84.9 86.8
Container ship 90.4 91.4
General cargo ship 86.4 87.9
In order to evaluate the effect of holes in the ENC
coverage, particular routes and shiptypes have been
selected for more detailed investigation. These are
representative of the global traffic of merchant
shipping, in terms of reflecting both the most
common shiptypes and the busiest waters. For the
purpose of this study, eleven routes were selected as
representatives for the world seaborne trade, i.e.
three typical oil tanker routes, three bulk carrier
routes, two container vessel routes, one general
cargo route, one LNG carrier route and one chemical
tanker route. The selected routes, which are
indicated on a world map in Figure 3, are:
Oil tankers:
1 Dammam, Saudi Arabia – Yokohama, Japan
2 Yanbu, Saudi Arabia – Galveston, TX, USA
3 Yanbu, Saudi Arabia – Barcelona, Spain
Container vessels:
4 Singapore, Singapore – Rotterdam, Holland
5 Hong Kong, China – Long Beach, CA, USA
Bulk carriers:
6 Newcastle, Australia – Qinhuangdao, China
7 Vitoria, Brazil – Hamburg, Germany
8 Vancouver, Canada – Salvador, Brazil
General cargo vessels:
9 Helsinki, Finland – Cadiz, Spain
Chemical tankers:
10 Rotterdam, Holland – Savannah, GA, USA
LNG carriers:
11 Point Fortin, Trinidad & Tobago Everett,
Fig. 3. Specific routes selected to represent global shipping
Previous studies have developed comprehensive risk
models based on Bayesian Networks and spreadsheet
models for accidents related to navigational failure
(Norway 2005). The risk models developed in these
previous studies were utilized also in the current
study in order to assess the effect of holes in the
ENC coverage along ship trades. In these risk
analyses, the frequency of grounding due to
navigational error (powered grounding) was
estimated based on the definition of three types of
waters, i.e. open waters, coastal waters and narrow
waters. The effect of ECDIS and hence of the extent
of ENC coverage will be different for these types of
waters. For the purpose of this study, the types of
water are defined in the following way:
Open waters: > 5 nm from shore
Coastal waters: 2 - 5 nm from shore
Narrow waters: < 2 nm from shore
In order to investigate the ENC coverage along
the selected routes, the IHO global ENC catalogue
has been used to assess the availability of suitable
ENCs together with detailed route descriptions and
estimates of the time of voyage for each of the
selected routes. An additional three day in port has
been assumed for each trade.
The effect of holes in the ENC coverage along a
route will be less risk reduction attributable to
ECDIS. In areas where suitable ENCs are not
available, no benefits from ECDIS are assumed. I.e.
no risk reduction is ascribed to ECDIS in raster
mode. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed
that the effect of such holes is proportional to the
ratio of the route in coastal and narrow waters where
ENC coverage is insufficient, i.e. the ratio of the
route closer to shore than 5 nautical miles where
suitable ENC is not available. Thus, the net risk
reducing effects of ECDIS, ΔR
will be reduced
( )
In equation (1), ΔR
denotes the net risk
reducing effect of ECDIS for the selected route,
denotes the risk reducing effect of ECDIS
for areas where suitable ENCs are available (about
38% according to previous studies (Denmark &
Norway 2006), assuming dual ECDIS). ENC
denotes the distance along the route in coastal or
narrow waters with suitable ENC coverage and
(ENC + No ENC)
is the total distance along the
route in coastal or narrow waters. These distances
have been investigated for the 11 selected routes.
It is noted that this study only accounts for the
effect of grounding risk reduction. It is
acknowledged that also other navigational risks may
be reduced, e.g. related to collision, and the
estimates of risk reduction used in this study should
therefore be regarded as conservative.
It is considered out of scope of this paper to
present the investigation of each of the eleven routes
in detail. The investigation of one of the routes will
be explained in more detail as a proxy, and it is
noted that the remainder of the routes are
investigated in a similar manner. Hence, in the
following, the investigation of the route between
Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and Barcelona, Spain will be
4.1 Examining the Yanbu – Barcelona trade
The route between Yanbu in Saudi Arabia and
Barcelona, Spain, covers about 2100 nautical miles,
from the Red Sea, through the Suez Canal and past
the south tips of Sicily and Sardinia to the west coast
of Spain. 575 nautical miles of this route is closer to
shore than 20 nautical miles (27%), 187 nautical
miles is closer to 5 nautical miles (9%) and 96
nautical miles is closer than 2 nautical miles (4%).
The route is illustrated in Figure 4, and the ENC
coverage for this route is illustrated in Figure 5. The
characteristics of the route together with the ENC
coverage are presented in Table 2. The voyage
excluding time in port is estimated to take about 6
The characteristics of this route have been used to
obtain the probability of critical course per year. The
corresponding annual grounding frequencies for
ships sailing this trade are presented in Table 3,
including estimates with and without ECDIS. It is
noted that for this particular route, the ENC coverage
is already quite extensive, and there are no
anticipated increase in ENC coverage within 2010.
Fig. 4. Route from Yanbu to Barcelona
Fig. 5. ENC coverage along the route Yanbu Barcelona
Table 2. Route characteristics and ENC coverage for the route
Yanbu Barcelona.
Total < 20 nm < 5 nm < 2 nm
nm 2154 575 187 96
% 100 27 9 4
ENC coverage
2007 95% 94% 98%
2010 95% 94% 98%
Table 3. Annual grounding frequencies (per shipyear) and
frequency reduction for the route Yanbu Barcelona.
Without 100% ENC Actual ENC
ECDIS coverage coverage
Frequency 7.2x10
Frequency reduction 38% 36%
Groundings averted 2.8x10
4.2 Estimated grounding risk reduction in light of
actual ENC coverage
Similar exercises have been performed for the 10
other routes as well, and the ENC coverage,
grounding frequency reduction and the expected
number of averted groundings per shipyear are
summarized for all of the selected routes in Table 4
(only for the current situation).
Table 4. Estimated grounding frequency reduction and
groundings averted due to ECDIS with current ENC coverage.
ENC Grounding Groundings
Coverage frequency averted
(< 5 nm) reduction (per shipyear)
Dammam - Yokohama 41% 15% 7.2x10
Yanbu - Galveston 57% 22% 1.8x10
Yanbu - Barcelona 94% 36% 2.6x10
Singapore - R
otterdam 63% 24% 1.5x10
Hong Kong - Long Beach 100% 38% 3.1x10
Newcastle - Qinhuangdao 28% 11% 1.3x10
Vitoria Hamburg 65% 25% 8.7x10
Vancouver - Salvador 49% 19% 7.9x10
Helsinki - Cadiz 100% 38% 1.2x10
Rotterdam - Savannah 100% 38% 8.9x10
Point Fortin - Everett 100% 38% 8.1x10
The following general observations can be made
based on the examination of the selected routes:
4 of the 11 selected routes already have 100%
ENC coverage in coastal areas
6 of the 11 selected routes sees no anticipated
changes in the ENC coverage from 2007 to 2010
The estimated grounding frequency reductions
due to ECDIS, in light of actual ENC coverage,
are between 11 and 38% for the selected routes
The different routes have ENC coverage between
28% and 100% for stretches closer to shore than 5
nm. The global ENC coverage for ship traffic
closer to shore than 10 nm was estimated to be
between 84 – 96%.
4.3 Cost effectiveness of ECDIS in light of actual
ENC coverage for selected routes
The cost effectiveness corresponding to
implementing ECDIS on a newbuilding expected to
sail its entire life-time on each of the selected routes
have been estimated and the corresponding GCAF
(Gross Cost of Averting a Fatality) and NCAF (Net
Cost of Averting a Fatality) (see definitions in
Norway (2000)) values are presented in Vanem et al.
(2007c). In estimating the cost effectiveness, the
effect of reduced probabilities for oil spills are taken
into account based on the recently proposed CATS
approach, as described in Vanem et al. (2007b).
Based on these results, the following general
observations can be made, all of which are equally
true for 2007 as for 2010:
GCAF > USD 3 million for all routes. This is due
to the generally low fatality rates in grounding
accidents for cargo ships, and hence a somewhat
limited effect of ECDIS in terms of saving lives.
NCAF < 0 for all routes except one, indicating
that ECDIS is a cost effective risk control option.
For cargo ships, the most important effect of
ECDIS is the environmental and property
protection in case of grounding.
NCAF > USD 3 million for the route with poorest
ENC coverage only. Hence, ECDIS will only
cease to be cost effective on particular routes with
poor ENC coverage.
The cost effectiveness of ECDIS, taking the actual
ENC coverage into account, has been estimated for
particular routes. However, in order to formulate
recommendations for the world fleet, some globally
applicable estimates are required. Thus, the
arithmetic average reduction in grounding risk for all
routes will be assumed to represent the global risk
reduction from ECDIS implementation, i.e. for the
current situation: 9.1 x 10-3 groundings averted per
shipyear (this would increase to 1.0 x 10-2
groundings averted per shipyear for the anticipated
ENC coverage in 2010).
Different shiptypes are associated with very
different accident costs, and some global average
will be needed. It was found that the accident costs
are considerably higher for oil tankers than for other
cargo ships, mainly due to the high costs associated
with major oil spills, and that the accident cost
generally increase with ship size. Hence, a simple
average accident cost per GT will be assumed for oil
tankers and other cargo ships respectively. The
following average accident costs were derived based
on the cost model established by Spouge (2002), but
adopting the CATS approach to account for
prevention of oil spills:
Oil tankers: 720 USD/GT
Other cargo ships: 120 USD/GT
The expected number of fatalities in a grounding
accident is generally a function of crew size and
shiptype. The crew size is generally a function of the
size of the ship, but an average crew size of 25 has
been assumed for all ships for the purpose of
obtaining average estimates. According to the risk
models utilized in this study, the corresponding
average fatality rate per grounding accident,
applicable to all shiptypes, is 0.01 fatalities per
grounding event.
An average expected lifetime of 25 years is
assumed for all vessels. All estimates are assumed to
be valid for all SOLAS ships larger than 500 GT.
Ships smaller than this is considered out of scope of
this study. Based on these assumptions as well as
estimates related to the cost of ECDIS acquisition,
installation and maintenance, generic cost
effectiveness estimates for new and existing cargo
ships may be obtained.
5.1 Cost effectiveness for newbuildings
GCAF values associated with implementing ECDIS
on newbuildings are USD 30 million. This would be
reduced to USD 27 million for the anticipated
coverage in 2010. The NCAF value will generally be
a function of shiptype and size due to large
variations in accident costs.
For oil tankers, ships of 500 GT are associated
with an NCAF of USD 8.2 million. It can be shown
that NCAF will be less than USD 3 million for all
ships greater than 630 GT and negative for ships
larger than 700 GT. Hence, ECDIS have been
assessed to be cost effective for all new oil tankers
larger than 630 GT.
For other cargo ships, ships of 500 GT are
associated with an NCAF of USD 26 million. It can
be shown that NCAF will be less than USD 3
million for all ships greater than 3800 GT and
negative for ships larger than 4200 GT. Hence,
ECDIS have been assessed to be cost effective for all
new cargo ships, other than oil tankers, larger than
3800 GT.
5.2 Cost effectiveness for retrofit on existing ships
For existing ships, the cost effectiveness achievable
from implementing ECDIS will be a function of the
ship age. However, it can be shown that GCAF will
never be less than USD 3 million, which has been
used as cost effectiveness criteria in FSA
applications at IMO.
The NCAF value corresponding to implementing
ECDIS on existing cargo ships will generally be a
function of the shiptype, the ship size and the ship
age. The size of ships that correspond to NCAF <
USD 3 million and NCAF < 0 have been calculated
for various ship ages and are summarized in Tables 5
(for oil tankers) and 6 (for other cargo ships)
Table 5. Oil tanker sizes corresponding to NCAF < USD 3
million and NCAF < 0.
Ship age Ship size (GT)
Newbuilding 630 700
5 years 720 780
10 years 870 920
15 years 1200 1200
20 years 2000 2100
24 years 9300 9300
Table 6. Other cargo ship sizes corresponding to NCAF <
USD 3 million and NCAF < 0.
Ship age Ship size (GT)
Newbuilding 3800 4200
5 years 4300 4700
10 years 5200 5500
15 years 7000 7300
20 years 12,000 13,000
24 years 56,000 56,000
The coverage of ENC in coastal waters have been
investigated and compared to global ship traffic data.
It was found that the actual worldwide coverage of
suitable ENC lie between 82% and 94% for SOLAS
ships. A selection of specific trades was made, and
the ENC coverage along these routes varied from
28% to full coverage. In light of this, the cost
effectiveness of ECDIS as a risk control option for
new and existing cargo ships has been evaluated.
The Gross Cost of Averting a Fatality will exceed
USD 3 million for all cargo ships. However,
considering the Net Cost of Averting a Fatality,
ECDIS emerged as cost effective for many
combinations of ship types, sizes and ages. In
general, there are major differences between oil
tankers and other types of cargo ships. This is mainly
due to the high costs ascribed to major oil spills.
Indeed, for cargo ships, averting oil spills was found
to be the most important aspect of averting
grounding accidents in terms of significant
contributions to accident cost savings.
The cost effectiveness in terms of NCAF as a
function of ship size and age has been evaluated, and
recommendations regarding carriage requirements
for ECIDS may be based on these results. Thus,
based on the analysis presented herein and IMO
criteria, it may be recommended that ECDIS be
made mandatory for:
All new oil tankers of 500 gross tonnage and
All new cargo ships, other than oil tankers, of
3000 gross tonnage and upwards.
All existing oil tankers of 3000 gross tonnage and
All existing cargo ships, other than oil tankers,
10,000 gross tonnage and upwards.
This study has been carried out with the support
from the Finnish Maritime Administration,
Norwegian Mapping Authority Hydrographic
Service, Swedish Maritime Administration and
National Survey and Cadastre (Denmark). Results
from the study have been reported to IMO (NAV
Denmark and Norway (2006). "FSA Study on ECDIS/ENCs",
Submitted by Denmark and Norway, MSC 81/24/5, IMO.
Endresen, Ø, Sørgård, E, Sundet, JK, Dalsøren, SB, Isaksen,
ISA, Berglen, TF and Gravir, G (2003). "Emission from
international sea transportation and environmental impact",
Journal of Geophysical Re-search, Vol 108, 4560.
IMO (1995). "Performance standards for electronic chart
display and information systems (ECDIS)", IMO resolution
IMO (2002). “Guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
for use in the IMO rule-making process”. MSC/Circ.1023 -
MEPC/Circ.392, IMO.
Norway (2000). “Formal Safety Assessment Decision
parameters including risk acceptance criteria”, Submitted by
Norway, MSC 72/16, IMO.
Norway (2005). "FSA Large Passenger Ships - Navigational
Safety", Submitted by Norway, NAV 51/10, IMO.
Spouge, JR (2002). "A Simple Model of the Costs of Ship
Accidents Rev 1", DNV Job No C383184/5.
Vanem, E, Antão, P, Castillo, F and Skjong, R (2007a).
"Formal Safety Assessment of LNG Tankers", Proc 10th
International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and
Other Floating Structures, PRADS 2007.
Vanem, E, Endresen, Ø and Skjong, R (2007b). "CATS Cost-
Effectiveness in Designing for Oil Spill Prevention", Proc
10th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships
and Other Floating Structures, PRADS 2007.
Vanem, E, Gravir, G and Eide, MS (2007c). "Effect of ENC
Coverage on ECDIS Risk Reduction", DNV Report no.
2007-0304, Det Norske Veritas.